Gain control of your money.
Be familiar with the types and purposes of farm budgets. Construct and analyze enterprise budgets, whole farm budgets, and cash flow budgets for management purposes. Be able to explain and justify estimates for production and expenses. Be able to identify potential cash flow problems. Maintain and utilize a household budget. Objectives
Estimate the revenue, expenses, and profit for a single enterprise for a year or less. Enterprise: individual crop or livestock i.e. winter wheat, grain corn, cow/calf, backgrounding Allows you to “try it out” before committing resources to the enterprise. Part of strategic management Tests feasibility Allows you to pick most profitable enterprises Gives you a base on which to compare alternative enterprises. Enterprise Budget
Revenue – includes cash and noncash revenue (include price/yield). Operating (Variable) Expenses – includes costs that are only incurred if crop is produced. Fuel and Lubricants, Machinery Repairs, Labor: Total Fuel Expense ÷ Crop Acres Fuel Expense/Acre x Number of Acres x Number of Operations Fuel Expense/Hour x Hours for Machine Operations Interest – interest on borrowed capital or opportunity cost Budgeting Fundamentals
Budget units and time period Make adjustments for: Double cropping Storage costs Establishment costs Breeding herd replacements Budgeting Considerations
Analyzing Enterprise Budgets Price per bushel ($)Break-even Yield (bu) $ $ $ Yield (bu.)Break-even Price ($) 90$ $ $7.98
Total Cost (Total expenses per acre) Yield (per acre) Cost of Production (per bushel) To Solve for Cost of Production: Total Cost (Total expenses per acre) $ Yield (per acre) 100 Cost of Production (per bushel) $5.48/bu.
To Solve for Break-even Yield: Total Cost (Total expenses per acre) Output Price Break-even Yield (bu./acre) Total Cost (Total expenses per acre) $ Output Price $7.49 Break-even Yield (bu./acre) 73.1
To Solve for Break-even Price: Total Cost (Total expenses per acre) Yield (per acre) Break-even Price ($/acre) Total Cost (Total expenses per acre) $ Yield (per acre) 100 bu. Break-even Price ($/acre) $5.48
Price Sensitivity Analysis Cost of Production ÷Yield =Break-even Price $ bu.$5.47/bu. $547.99
Yield Sensitivity Analysis Cost of Production ÷Yield =Break-even Price $ $ bu./acre $547.99
Whole Farm Budget
Goal is to find the optimal combination of enterprises based on: Maximizing profit Resources Moving towards long term goals Crop rotations Take your management to the next level: use linear programming in Microsoft Excel to determine profit maximizing enterprise combination for your resources. Whole Farm Budget
Cash Flow Budgeting
Cash flow budgets estimate cash inflows and outflows for the crop year. Inflows – sales, new loans, crop payments, sale of capital assets Outflows – expenses, loan repayment, taxes Critical for strategic and tactical management. Anticipates cash shortages Analyzes ability to repay loans Determine manageable amounts for borrowed capital Cash flow is concerned with timing. Cash Flow Budgeting
Personal Budgeting
You need to keep your personal finances separate from the business. Elevates false sense of security Manage personal lifestyle Preparation for retirement, college, life events Monthly budgets should consider all income, expenses, and savings. 0-based budget Variable income? Budget off your lowest average income Personal Budgeting Fundamentals
Personal Budget Categories Income: Family farm expenses (salary) Spouse’s income Non-farm income Expenses: Tithe & Charitable Giving (10%) Food (5-10%) Housing (25-30%) Utilities (5-10%) Transportation (10-15%) Clothing (2-7%) Savings (5-10%) Medical (5-10%) Personal (5-10%) Recreation (5-10%)
Developing personal budgets takes time and patience. It will take at least 3 months to have an accurate budget Personal budgets should be developed for each month. Revenue and expenses should reflect time of year, holidays, traveling, birthdays, and other important events Update your budget with actual numbers several times a month. This will help you stay on track and meet goals Personal Budget Reminders
Homework Gather information for your enterprise budgets, cash flow budget, and whole farm budget. Complete your enterprise budgets, cash flow budget, and whole farm budget. Calculate your break-even price, break-even yield, and cost of production. Complete your personal budget for this month.
Take a minute to write down one or two ideas or takeaways from this lesson. One Minute Takeaway
Sieverkropp Consulting LLC. Contact: Elizabeth Sieverkropp (509) Website: Training Program Homepage: program-homepage