What does VTAC do? Central office that administers the application and offer process for places in tertiary courses at university, TAFE and Independent Tertiary Colleges. VTAC also: Calculates and issues the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) for VCE students Administers scholarship applications Administers SEAS (Special Entry Access Scheme) Derived from the average of English and next 3 highest scores
VTAC Publications VTAC Guide 2016: $12 from newsagents VTAC eGuide 2016: $4.99 RRP Available from Google Play Books Full entries for all courses, including selection criteria Can be read on or off-line VTAC eGuide Sample - free download ABC of Applying VTAC Publications page on website Demonstrate publications page Show VTAC guide and ABC of applying
Keeping updated Connect with VTAC to receive updates, tips, and timely reminders: Subscribe to the VTAC Blog: Like VTAC on Facebook Follow VTAC on Twitter: @vtacguide
The VTAC application process – key dates Key dates for 2015-2016 applications Course, SEAS & scholarship applications open 9am Monday 3 August 2015 Timely applications close 5pm, Wednesday 30 September 2015 SEAS applications close 5pm, Tuesday 6 October 2015 Scholarship applications close 5pm, Friday 16 October 2015 VCE results and ATAR released online 7am Monday 14 December 2015 Round 1 offers released Monday 18 January 2016 Full list of dates: VTAC closing times generally 5pm but check website. Annual selection cycle Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS) and Scholarships applications are optional, but strongly recommended Late and Very Late application deadlines exist, but a higher application fee applies
Early closing dates Animation Dance Film & TV Screenwriting University of Melbourne - the following VCA Fine Arts courses close on 28th August Animation Dance Film & TV Screenwriting
Where to find course information Find Courses Register and Apply SEAS and Scholarships Change of Preference Offers Where to find course information VTAC eGuide VTAC CourseSearch; NB: CourseSearch is updated regularly to reflect changes or amendments to course entries Individual institution websites
Find Courses Register and Apply SEAS and Scholarships Change of Preference Offers Fee types FEE TYPES Course codes ending in: 1: Commonwealth supported places (CSP) – uni degrees 2: Domestic fee places (DFP) - degrees at TAFE & ITC courses 3: International fee places (IFP) – International students only 4: Fee-type determined by provider at enrolment (VET courses at TAFE)
Course types offered through VTAC Find Courses Register and Apply SEAS and Scholarships Change of Preference Offers Course types offered through VTAC Higher Education courses Undergraduate Advanced Diploma Associate Degree Bachelor’s Degree Postgraduate Graduate entry teaching Graduate entry (other) VET courses Certificate II Certificate III Certificate IV Diploma Advanced Diploma Year 12 students under 20 years of age are usually eligible for government subsidised places. Course Type colour coded and has VET, HE, etc. label VTAC accepts applications for Certificate II-IV courses through VTAC. Certificate IV and above usually require successful completion of year 12 or VCAL. Most year 12s – that is those under 20 – will be eligible for government subsidised courses. Not relevant to Year 12 applicants
Course Groups Course Groupings Find Courses Register and Apply SEAS and Scholarships Change of Preference Offers Course Groups Course Groupings Monash, Swinburne and Victoria University list their courses in groups Groups are displayed in both the VTAC eGuide 2016 and on CourseSearch Courses may appear in more than one group For example, an “Arts/Commerce” double degree may appear in both a “Humanities” and a “Business” group.
Applicant types Year 12 (Y12) Non-Year 12 (NY12) Find Courses Register and Apply SEAS and Scholarships Change of Preference Offers Applicant types Year 12 (Y12) Non-Year 12 (NY12) Current year 12 students Previously completed year 12 with no post-secondary studies or have post-secondary studies up to Certificate III level Previously attempted or completed post secondary study at Certificate IV or above, or Currently enrolled in Year 12 but also have Cert. IV or above, or Has no secondary studies and no post-secondary studies at Certificate IV or above. Applicants will be automatically informed of their Y12/NY12 classification after registering with VTAC
Selection Data Clearly-in ATAR: the point above which everyone who applied for a course received an offer % below: percentage of course offers made to applicants below the clearly-in ATAR Y12 offers: the number of offers made to current Year 12 applicants Total offers: the total number of offers made for the course Selection data are from last year’s application period for advisory purposes, not a cut-off or guarantee for this year Clearly in ATAR is the point at or above which everyone was made an offer. % below includes everyone who had a ‘real’ ATAR lower than the clearly in ATAR and was made an offer. i.e. SEAS, subject bonus, work experience, etc.
Selection data: clearly-in and % below Find Courses Register and Apply SEAS and Scholarships Change of Preference Offers Selection data: clearly-in and % below Applicants for an example course selecting on ATAR with 4 places and 6 applicants: ATAR Offered a place? Harry 95.00 Yes Zayn 90.00 + subject bonus = 95.00 rank Niall 85.00 Liam 80.00 No Louis 75.00 + SEAS = 86.00 rank Justin 70.00 Clearly-in is 85.00: everyone at this ATAR or above received an offer % below: One out of four offers was made to an applicant with an ATAR below 85.00, so the % below is 25%
Selection criteria Prerequisites Find Courses Register and Apply SEAS and Scholarships Change of Preference Offers Selection criteria Prerequisites Studies that must be successfully completed to be considered for a course For example: minimum study score of 25 in Maths (Any). Selection requirements Additional requirements that must be completed by applicants For example: sitting a test, presenting a folio, submission of an additional form, attending an interview or audition. Additional considerations Factors that are not compulsory, but if applicable may boost an application For example: subject bonus, work experience, SEAS Enrolment considerations Tasks that should be completed prior to enrolling or starting a course For example: Working With Children Check, police check, physical requirements
VTAC Registration is the first step in the application process Find Courses Register and Apply SEAS and Scholarships Change of Preference Offers VTAC Registration is the first step in the application process VTAC Registration Course Application SEAS Application Scholarships Application Other services: • Access offers • Supply documents • Update personal details • Change course preferences
Find Courses Register and Apply SEAS and Scholarships Change of Preference Offers VTAC Registration Registration is a simple question-based process – takes 10 – 15 minutes You will need your VCE number to register Choose your own 4 digit VTAC PIN and you will be assigned a new VTAC ID. All VTAC applications are completed online using your VTAC ID and password Register in WB next week (or before) Are you currently studying the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE, any unit level or VCAL), a standard interstate Australian year 12, or the International Baccalaureate (IB) in Australia or New Zealand? Yes, studying VCE (including VCAL) or standard interstate Australian year 12 Yes, studying IB in Australia or New Zealand No It is important that students use their VCAA number as part of the registration. But they will be allocated a VTAC ID. Put it somewhere safe. As usual they can choose their own PIN. It is vital that all questions are answered accurately and honestly. Course offers may be withdrawn if it transpires that an applicant has provided incorrect information in the registration or application.
Registration – entering current enrolment information Are you currently studying the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE, any unit level or VCAL), a standard interstate Australian year 12, or the International Baccalaureate (IB) in Australia or New Zealand? Yes, studying VCE (including VCAL) or standard interstate Australian year 12 Yes, studying IB in Australia or New Zealand No Current Year 12 students must answer this question correctly; You will be asked to enter your VCE student number during the registration process.
What if results can’t be matched? Find Courses Register and Apply SEAS and Scholarships Change of Preference Offers What if results can’t be matched? If you are unable to proceed with your registration, it is most likely because the date of birth on our school VASS system is wrong: First, register using the date of birth on VTAC Then contact Jacinta to update your date of birth Call VTAC customer service (1300 364 133) to update your DOB. Schools Career staff cannot make this change. If the date of birth is correct but you still cannot proceed: Contact VTAC
Residency status I am a New Zealand citizen Citizenship type: Find Courses Register and Apply SEAS and Scholarships Change of Preference Offers Residency status Citizenship type: I am an Australian citizen I am a New Zealand citizen I have an Australian residency visa (If residency visa ticked then the following 3 lines to appear) What type of visa do you currently have? temporary/student permanent When was this visa granted? What is the visa sub class (number or letter printed on visa)? Is your visa considered a “humanitarian visa”? yes no
Registration tips Registration Tips One registration only Find Courses Register and Apply SEAS and Scholarships Change of Preference Offers Registration tips Registration Tips One registration only To correct errors, change the details online or call VTAC. Do not create another registration. Use a personal, not school email address Some school email addresses are deactivated by the time offer emails are sent Four digit PIN Lost PINs can be retrieved from the log in form. Nominate a proxy if needed VTAC cannot discuss individual applications with anyone except the applicant and authorised nominee.
Find Courses Register and Apply SEAS and Scholarships Change of Preference Offers All applications are completed through the same User Account Students will register in WB on 10th august Demo user account released in August VTAC will continue to provide careers practitioners a sample application so they have access to the user account VTAC messages sent to email as well as User Account inbox
Find Courses Register and Apply SEAS and Scholarships Change of Preference Offers Personal statement For year 12 students this is only required if you have relevant work experience Check course entries under Selection requirements Complete online through the VTAC user account If not specified as a requirement by the course, selection officers are not obliged to consider the information provided The VTAC Personal statement may be used as either a selection requirement or additional consideration. For most Y12 selection requirements, the form is only required if the applicant has relevant work experience or if they have been out of school for a few years. Ensure your students read the detail carefully. Advise students not to waste selection officers’ time by completing this form unless it’s required or relevant. Many courses include this in Additional considerations and ask applicants to complete it if they have ‘relevant’ work experience.
Applying for courses List up to 12 courses/institutions Find Courses Register and Apply SEAS and Scholarships Change of Preference Offers Applying for courses List up to 12 courses/institutions Preference order – always list them in the order you want to get into the course To add course preferences: Select institution and/or course or type in the course code. To move a course on the preference list use the up/down buttons. To delete a course use the x button. Be careful with X button – it will delete the course from the preference list. Best to use the up down buttons.
Changing your Preferences Find Courses Register and Apply SEAS and Scholarships Change of Preference Offers Changing your Preferences You can reorder, add, or delete course preferences free-of-charge with no limitations while Change of Preference is open Change of Preference Open now until 10 November (4pm) Closes between 10 & 23 November Closes again on 21 December Open 4 January for one day reopens at 10am the day after each offer round (until the last round).
Change of Preference periods and offer release dates Find Courses Register and Apply SEAS and Scholarships Change of Preference Offers Change of Preference periods and offer release dates Also available at Round Change of Preference closes (4pm) Offer release Change of Preference reopens (10am) Early Round (No offers made to Current Year 12) Tuesday, 10 November 2015 Friday, 20 November 2015 Monday, 23 November 2015 International Early Round (Victorian Current Year 12) Wednesday, 16 December 2015 Monday, 21 December 2015 Monday, 4 January 2016 International Round 1 (Australian Current Year 12) Friday, 8 January 2016 Monday, 11 January 2016 Round 1* Monday, 21 December 2015 (12pm) Monday, 18 January 2016 Tuesday, 19 January 2016 Round 2 Friday, 29 January 2016 Thursday, 4 February 2016 Friday, 5 February 2016 Round 3 Wednesday, 10 February 2016 Monday, 15 February 2016 Tuesday, 16 February 2016 Round 4 Wednesday 17 February 2016 Monday, 22 February 2016 Tuesday, 23 February 2016 Round 5 Wednesday, 24 February 2016 Monday, 29 February 2016 (end of application period) *Round 1 CoP reopens 10am to 4pm on Monday, 4 January to accommodate late release of IB and WA results
After submitting your course application Find Courses Register and Apply SEAS and Scholarships Change of Preference Offers After submitting your course application Application receipt sent by email and in user account Submit payment ($29 if apply by 30th September) Deadline for payment 21st December Unpaid applications are not submitted to institutions Complete any applicable selection requirements E.g. personal statement, information kit, etc. Apply for SEAS and Scholarships Change preferences and update personal information
Course application dates and fees Find Courses Register and Apply SEAS and Scholarships Change of Preference Offers Course application dates and fees Ensure you pay the course application fee by the payment deadline Fee determined by when you APPLY, not when you pay Key course application dates for 2015-2016 Applications open 9am, Monday 3 August 2015 Timely applications close - $29 for current Year 12 students 5pm, Wednesday 30 September 2015 Late applications ($95) close 5pm, Friday 6 November 2015 Very late applications ($121) close 5pm, Friday 4 December 2015 Final payment deadline 4pm, Tuesday 15 December (International VCE applicants) 4pm, Monday 21 December (all applicants) No extensions to closing dates are possible Receipt emailed to you Course application fee is determined by application date, not payment date
Find Courses Register and Apply SEAS and Scholarships Change of Preference Offers Applying for SEAS You must submit your course application before you can access the SEAS application Primarily for applicants who have suffered long-term disadvantage SEAS allows selection officers at institutions to grant special consideration for course entry to applicants. SEAS does not exempt applicants from meeting course requirements. Applicants must meet course prerequisites, attend all interviews, sit any required tests, and submit all required folios and forms. SEAS does not guarantee an offer Apply for as many categories as are applicable
SEAS categories Category 1: Personal information and location Find Courses Register and Apply SEAS and Scholarships Change of Preference Offers SEAS categories Category 1: Personal information and location As simple as ticking a box All applicants should apply for this category Category 2: Difficult circumstances E.g. disruption to living situation, affected by death of relative/friend, natural disaster, refugee status Category 3: Disadvantaged financial background Category 4: Disability or medical condition Provide a brief overview of each category and some examples. New for category 1: Living and school location can be postcode OR Statistical Area: Statistical Area is defined by the ABS, and is smaller and more precise than a postcode. Institutions have the choice of which to use. First in family. Institutions can choose to give bonus points to applicants whose parents have not attended university.
Category 1 – Personal Information and Location SEAS Category 1 – Personal Information and Location No documentation required Consideration for circumstances based on information applicants provide when registering and/or applying for courses. Applying for Category 1 is as simple as ticking a box giving VTAC permission for those circumstances to be considered. All applicants should apply for this category. Category 1 includes: Age Gender Living or school location Recognition as an Indigenous Australian Under-represented schools Non-English speaking background First in family (new)
SEAS documentation SEAS documentation is required for: Find Courses Register and Apply SEAS and Scholarships Change of Preference Offers SEAS documentation SEAS documentation is required for: Difficult circumstances Disability or Medical condition You must provide: Impact statement – written by YOU Statement of Support – written by relevant responsible person Impact statements without an accompanying statement of support will not be considered. For more information about SEAS documentation, visit Category 1: No documentation needed Applying for this category grants permission for use of personal information from course application Categories 2 and 4 require an impact statement and statement of support Category 3: on next slides
Category 4 – Disability or medical Condition Find Courses Register and Apply SEAS and Scholarships Change of Preference Offers Category 4 – Disability or medical Condition Educational disadvantage as a result of a disability or medical condition (physical or mental health condition) experienced by the applicant. Must provide an impact statement and a statement of support from the treating healthcare professional that details the condition, its duration and impact. Important to start make appointments now to ensure your statement of support is ready before the closing date.
SEAS impact statements Find Courses Register and Apply SEAS and Scholarships Change of Preference Offers SEAS impact statements SEAS Impact Statements Impact statements should include how circumstances have adversely affected: Ability to study and perform assessment tasks Access to educational resources Attendance at school Good impact statements are: Personal and sincere Succinct Explain the context, date and impact of the disadvantage on your studies Impact statements must be completed online by the applicant.
SEAS statements of support Find Courses Register and Apply SEAS and Scholarships Change of Preference Offers SEAS statements of support SEAS Statements of Support Applicants should ask those providing a statement of support to: Clearly outline the situation, or if Category 4 (disability or medical) condition Include a timeline, such as how long they have known (or been treating) the applicant Outline how the applicant has been impacted Contact the person you want to write your Statement of Support now Evidence and impact is the key.
How to provide statements of support Find Courses Register and Apply SEAS and Scholarships Change of Preference Offers How to provide statements of support Can be uploaded electronically by provider – need providers email address; this is easiest option Scanned and uploaded into user account by student Hard copy by post to VTAC – download cover sheet from user account Online statements of support can be used for both SEAS and scholarships (if you select that option).
Find Courses Register and Apply SEAS and Scholarships Change of Preference Offers Scholarships VTAC collects scholarship applications for many institutions Merit (Academic performance) Automatically considered for scholarships by institutions included on your VTAC application – don’t need to apply separately Equity and Access (for students who have experienced disadvantage) All SEAS applicants should apply for an equity and access scholarship through VTAC Separate VTAC scholarship application required Supporting documentation required – can use SEAS documents Scholarships are not only about academic performance. They are about a range of things. One application, hundreds of scholarships.
Scholarships Other scholarships available: Find Courses Register and Apply SEAS and Scholarships Change of Preference Offers Scholarships Other scholarships available: Direct applications to individual institutions Many offered by industry and philanthropic organisations To find out more about other scholarship opportunities: VTAC website: List of scholarships not administered by VTAC Scholarship resource available in VCE Lounge and Careers office Individual institution websites MyFuture website ( : search by field of study, State, scholarship type Scholarships are not only about academic performance. They are about a range of things. One application, hundreds of scholarships.
More about the ATAR……….. The ATAR is a number from 0.05 to 99.95 which reflects a Year 12 student’s rank in overall VCE performance among their age group. The ATAR allows institutions to compare students even though they have taken different combinations of VCE subjects. It’s a tool – not the be all and end all or a number designed to inspire fear and awe in students - your ATAR does not define you! Your ATAR may determine your starting point, but it does NOT determine the rest of your educational or career journey There are a myriad of alternative pathways to get to get into your dream course/career
The ATAR - How the ATAR is calculated Highest eligible English group subject Next highest eligible subject 10% of next highest (or other increment) The “Primary 4” subjects (required to receive an ATAR) Increments (only if available) The VTAC Scaled Study Scores of the Primary 4 subjects and any available increments are added together to produce an aggregate score The aggregate score is then converted to an ATAR – the rank which shows how well a student has performed compared to other students For example, an ATAR of 60.00 means that a student has outperformed 60% of Year 12 age students English group includes English, English as an Additional Language, Literature, and English Language The aggregate to ATAR table is available on the VTAC website in the reports and statistics section
VTAC application preparation Pathways planning activity WB 10 August Set up your VTAC user account Complete Pathways Planning worksheet Tip: Use the shortlist function on VTAC CourseSearch and email your shortlist to yourself. Bring your shortlist to your careers meeting. I:1 interviews with Careers Counsellor commencing Wednesday 11th August to finalise course preferences/VTAC application/plans for 2016 – ALL students to sign up. Interview sign up sheet in VCE Lounge You must register on VTAC and have done your course research before your interview! Bring your preparation worksheets/course short list with you to your interview.