Cynthia Kleinheksel
If you can see it on your screen, you can capture the image, draw on the screen, or narrate live action with Jing It is a camera and a video recorder in one It is free from TechSmith (maker of Camtasia Studio and SnagIt)
PC and MAC compatible Can be played using QuickTime, Windows Media Player, Flash Can use in Facebook, Twitter
Up to 5 minutes of video for each project – SWF format Allows you to upload to – up to 2 GB free Can upgrade to the Pro version for $14.95/yr allowing for MPEG4 format, YouTube uploads, and recording webcams
Capture an image on your screen Capture a presentation or motion on your screen Record and capture a demonstration for absent students Grade and return assignments electronically – go paperless
Create mini-tutorials Students demonstrate their learning Capture a math problem as it is solved Keep Jing captures for future semesters/years Captures can be repeated as needed Demo a software application
Read a poem Grade and provide feedback on student created websites and blogs Give instructions in your absence screencast to student in answer to their questions – no lengthy response and student can see and hear your response
Capture how to edit writing Model note taking Upload capture or screencast in Moodle, Blackboard Demonstrate use of online catalog in library Demonstrate use of online databases
Capture a shot from recorded video Model how to fill out a form Provide feedback to parents Pair with Google Earth, PowerPoint, library software, databases, etc. Students can narrate personal stories w/ photos
Differentiate instruction Assist ESL students through visuals and audio Explain difficult concepts that need visuals Create video of steps for safe science lab use Create a walkthrough or tour using laptop webcam as you narrate
Capture class brainstorming Student create video to explain the why and how they did something Record a reoccurring computer problem and send to tech support (my favorite!!) …and so many more! What’s your idea?
Where do you or your students store your captures/videos? How do student access captures/videos? And the toughest question: Do you display or hide the sun? (you can change in Preferences)