“Vincenzo Lilla” scientific high School is located in ORIA
The school has approximately 400 students, 15 classes, 25 students on average for each class. This is the entrance to our school. The scientific High school of Oria was born in 1971 thanks to the will of both prof. Giuseppe Forleo, the former principal of the main science school in Francavilla Fontana, and the Municipal administration of the town, with the help of some local teachers.
It started with just one class and now it has n.15 classes with 373 students
The subjects studied at our school are mostly related to sciences: Science, Physics, Maths, Chemistry, Natural Science, Geography. But there are also classical and humanities: Latin, Literature, Philosophy and History, Italian. And general subjects such as Religion, Physical Education, Art History and English.
Beginning from the shool year 2000/2001, thanks to considrable funds from the EU, we managed to supply each class and the laboratories with satellite link-up, internet, intranet, a pc or laptop.
laboratories a language laboratory, biology and phisics laboratories. a gym A smalll library with magazines regarding scientific and technological topics as well as humanities. a tachnology classroom
staff 1 laboratory technician 3 caretakers Administartion assistant 28 teachers
Students are divided in THREE courses: A 5-year course of conventional scientific high school; Another course made of a two-year course of scientific high school with a line of studies in applied sciences plus a three- year conventional scientific high school; A third course composed by a two-year course with a line of studies in applied sciences plus a three- year course with a line of studies in computer science.
CONVENTIONAL SCIENTIFIC HIGH SCHOOL subjectsIIIIIIIVV Italian language and literature44444 Latin language and literature33333 Foreign language33333 history222 History and geography33 philosophy333 Natural sciences22333 mathematics55444 phisics22333 art22222 Catholic religion or other activities11111 Phisical education22222 Weekly hours -total27 30
SCIENTIFIC HIGH SCHOOL SPECIALIZING IN TECHNOLOGY (GOING TO WORK OUT) SUBJECTS Italian Foreign language history philosophy 233 Law and economy 22 geography 3 mathematics Computer science 333 Science of the hearth 322 biology 3 Laborstory of biology 322 Laboratory of phisics and chemistry 55 laborory of phisiscs 43 Laboratory of chemistry 333 Tecnology and drawing 36 drawings 22 Phisical education religion 11111
SCIENTIFIC HIGH SCHOOL –IN APPLIED SCIENCES (NEW COURSE) SUBJECTS IIIIIIIVV Italian language and literature44444 Foreign language and literature33333 History and geography33 history222 philosophy222 mathematics54444 Computer science22222 phisiscs22333 natural sciences (biology – chemistry – sciences of the earth) History of the art22222 Phisical education22222 Religion or other activities
Further activities Further activities are implemented each year according to current needs for a thorough educational formation. Some of them require a partnership with the local organizations and institutions in order to get students more involved in the social life of their territory. Others involve students in different competions or courses abroad
this year our attention has focused
Scientific high school profile This kind of school is called”liceo” and aims at giving students the opportunity to learn both knowledge that is common to any kind of “LICEO” and peculiar skills ando knoweldge realated to its own specility. In the methodological area In commanding logics and reasoning In the linguistic and communicative area Historical area In the field of science – mathematics and technology A liceo trains students to get skills and competencies.
scientific school aims the “V. Lilla” scientific schoo,l in line with any scientific school, is directed towards the study of the link between scientific culture and humanities.
scientific school aims It fosters the development of knowledge and methods peculiar to maths, phisics and natural sciences It leads students to acquire knowledge and skills needed to follow the development of scientific and technological research. it helps students identifying the interaction of the different subjects and their methodologies also through the laboratory practice.
At the end of his course of studies, the student is has to Have a good command of different communication skills Solve problems with a critical mind Consider the impact of techologies on different subjects Apply theoretic paradigms to interpret and analyse, mot only historical and social phenomena, but also scientific cases. Realize the potential application of science to everyday life. Realize the link between scientific thought and philosophical speculation
profile of applied sciences scientific school It provides students advanced skills in those subjects related to the technological culture It focuses on the laboratory practice It provids “know-how” as regard to the use of a computer based analisys of data to set models of specific scienific problems Understanding of the role of the computer science for the scientific development.
a small town few KM off Francavilla Fontana. Oria… Francavilla Fontana was founded by Filippo D’Angiò in 1310 and is well known for its numerous baroque monuments and buildings. This is the main gate cathedral
There are lots of traditions bound to the town, but the most important one certainly are the “palio” (medieval joust) and the medieval parade of Frederick II, events that every year attracts lots of tourists and visitors from everywhere. Clock Tower
Thanks to these events, Oria is the town of the best flag flyers in Italy
A view from the main tower The wonderful Castle overlooks the town: it is a triangular shape structure built to the orders of Frederick II. Inside the castle
The town is renowned as “Hazy Oria” because of a thin haze that sometimes covers the town and that recalls an old legend.
" If we did the things we are capable of, we would astound ourselves." Thomas Edison
The school General outline of the subjects and their weekly distribution School premises and equipment Education supply Peculiarities of the scientific high school oria