Research Strategic Planning 2015
Working Together to Work Wonders Comparison of Research Awards to Externally Sponsored Research Expenditures FY2009, FY2010, and FY2011 Awards include ARRA awards of $5.5M, $14.7M and $2.4M respectively. FY2015 is projected based on May 31, 2015 actual data. We expect to end the year with awards in excess of $120M.
Working Together to Work Wonders Engage 250+ research faculty and staff in development of a research strategic plan in June/July with adoption expected by September 15th. Create the research enterprise desired in 2020 Create specific ownership of various objectives and initiatives needed to achieve the integrated vision Define and secure specific resources required for implementation of priority objectives and initiatives Research Planning Process 2
STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT TIMELINE June 15 July 15 Aug 15 Aug 1 Sept 15 Future Picture Target Setting Adoption Process Assessment Design and Recommend Engage Participants Drivers of Research UTMB Research 2020 Development Draft Goals/Objectives Future Picture Adoption Goal Adoption Objective Refinement Tactical Plan Development Resource Summary and Prioritization Implementation Plan Performance Monitoring & Reporting OnFocus Strategic Plan Adoption KPI Inventory Infrastructure Research Portfolio Budgeting Process Center/Institute Assessment Performance Monitoring and Reporting for FY16 and Preliminary FY17/Beyond
Future Picture Perspectives
Go to # Commenting - ~150 (56 on line) # Ideas – 124 #Votes – 469 Align Research & Clinical Strengths -Programs of Excellence Align Centers and Institutes with new research directions
Working Together to Work Wonders Mariano Garcia-Blanco, MD, PhDChair, BMB Kenneth Ottenbacher, PhDProfessor, Rehab. Sciences Douglas Tyler, MDChair, Surgery Michael Laposata, MD, PhDChair, Pathology Kathryn Cunningham, PhDDirector, CAR Allan Brasier, MDDirector, ITS Nisha Garg, PhDProfessor, M&I Andy McNees, PhDDirector, Res. Oper. & Log. Toni D’AgostinoAssoc. VP, Res. Operations David W. Niesel, PhDCRO Research Planning Task Force 6