Welcome to AP Environmental Science Course description: This course is designed to be the equivalent of a one- semester, introductory college course in environmental science. It is an interdisciplinary course covering geology, biology, chemistry, geography, ecology etc.
Mrs. Aura Lester B.S. Biology 1999 Teaching Certification 2004 Working on Master’s - Ongoing
Experiences I bring to the classroom
My teaching goals: To create and environment of mutual trust and support, where everyone can feel safe and be successful. To emphasize the skills needed for success in life. To encourage each student to strive for the highest standards. To help each student increase his self-awareness become an analytical thinker.
AP Environmental Science- This is an interdisciplinary course embracing a wide variety of topics from many different fields and current issues Ecology- study of the interactions between organisms and their environment
AP Environmental Science- Course Outline Unit 1: Intro, Environmental problem solving Unit 2: Ecosystems: Energy, Living Organisms, Physical Factors Unit 3: Major Ecosystems, Conservation of Land Resources, Biological Diversity Unit 4: Water Resources and Pollution Unit 5: Population Dynamics and Issues Midterms- Jan. 2014
AP Environmental Science- Course Outline Unit 6: Resources and Waste Unit 7: Energy, Nuclear, and Renewable Energy Unit 8: Air Pollution, Global Atmospheric Changes Unit 8: Soils and Agricultural Resources AP Exam- early May 2015
Important AP Testing Dates Booklets for signing up for AP exams goes out about mid-late March from the guidance office 2014 results- over 90% of the students received a 3 or higher(passing) and 83% of the students received a 4 or 5. Exams begin early May 2015, lasts for two weeks APES Test Date: May 4, 2015 First week of testing window
AP Environmental and Ecology Grading- 65% Unit Assessments 20% Labs, Class Activities, Projects 15% HW, HW Quizzes Homework Extra Help Family Access: Skyward For specific information, please refer to course syllabus.