CLASS OF 2016 Do You Have a Clue? Current Planning and Your Future
Types of Diplomas at TRI Core 40 Diploma Core 40 Diploma with Academic Honors Core 40 Diploma with Technical Honors Which Diploma is Right for You???
Course and Credit Requirements English/ Language Arts 8 credits Including a balance of literature, composition and speech. Mathematics6 credits (in grades 9-12) 2 credits: Algebra I 2 credits: Geometry 2 credits: Algebra II Or complete Integrated Math I, II, and III for 6 credits. Students must take a math or quantitative reasoning course each year in high school Science6 credits 2 credits: Biology I 2 credits: Chemistry I or Physics I or Integrated Chemistry- Physics 2 credits: any Core 40 science course Social Studies6 credits 2 credits: U.S. History 1 credit: U.S. Government 1 credit: Economics 2 credits: World History/Civilization or Geography/History of the World Directed Electives5 credits World Languages Fine Arts Career and Technical Education Physical Education2 credits Health and Wellness1 credit Electives*6 credits (College and Career Pathway courses recommended) 40 Total State Credits Required with Academic Honors (minimum 47 credits) For the Core 40 with Academic Honors diploma, students must: Complete all requirements for Core 40. Earn 2 additional Core 40 math credits. Earn 6-8 Core 40 world language credits (6 credits in one language or 4 credits each in two languages). Earn 2 Core 40 fine arts credits. Earn a grade of a “C” or better in courses that will count toward the diploma. Have a grade point average of a “B” or better. Complete one of the following: Earn 4 credits in 2 or more AP courses and take corresponding AP exams Earn 6 verifiable transcripted college credits in dual credit courses from priority course list Earn two of the following: A.A minimum of 3 verifiable transcripted college credits from the priority course list, B.2 credits in AP courses and corresponding AP exams, C.2 credits in IB standard level courses and corresponding IB exams. Earn a combined score of 1750 or higher on the SAT critical reading, mathematics and writing sections and a minimum score of 530 on each Earn an ACT composite score of 26 or higher and complete written section Earn 4 credits in IB courses and take corresponding IB exams. with Technical Honors (minimum 47 credits) For the Core 40 with Technical Honors diploma, students must: Complete all requirements for Core 40. Earn 6 credits in the college and career preparation courses in a state-approved College & Career Pathway and one of the following: Pathway designated industry-based certification or credential, or Pathway dual credits from the lists of priority courses resulting in 6 transcripted college credits Earn a grade of “C” or better in courses that will count toward the diploma. Have a grade point average of a “B” or better. Complete one of the following, Any one of the options (A - F) of the Core 40 with Academic Honors Earn the following scores or higher on WorkKeys; Reading for Information – Level 6, Applied Mathematics – Level 6, and Locating Information-Level 5. Earn the following minimum score(s) on Accuplacer: Writing 80, Reading 90, Math 75. Earn the following minimum score(s) on Compass; Algebra 66, Writing 70, Reading 80. Effective beginning with students who enter high school in school year (class of 2016).
Confused?? Let’s Break It Down… Core 40 Diploma 40 Total Credits Required REQUIRED by Indiana state colleges and universities for regular admission Considered College & Career Prep Curriculum
Core 40 English/Language Arts 8 Credits * Including literature, composition, and speech Mathematics 8 Credits *2 Credits: Algebra I *2 Credits: Geometry *2 Credits Algebra II *2 Credits in Quantitative Reasoning Course OR advanced math course Students MUST take a math or quantitative reasoning course each year in high school Science6 Credits *2 Credits: Biology I *2 Credits: Chemistry I or Physics I or ICP *2 Credits: Any Core 40 science course* * Some colleges/universities only recognize chemistry, not ICP
Core 40 Social Studies6 Credits *2 Credits: U.S. History *1 Credit U.S. Government *1 Credit: Economics *2 Credits: World History/Civilization Directed Electives5 Credits (from any of the categories below, or a combination) * World Languages *Fine Arts *Career/Technical Physical Education2 Credits
Core 40 Health1 Credit Electives 6 Credits
Core 40 with Academic Honors 47 Semester Credits Complete all requirements for Core 40 Recognized as “Honors Track” by colleges and universities MUST earn a “C-” or better in each course MUST have a GPA of 3.0 (B) or above
Core 40 with Academic Honors English/Language Arts8 Credits *Including literature, composition, and speech Mathematics8 Credits *2 Credits: Algebra I *2 Credits: Geometry *2 Credits: Algebra II *2 Credits in additional math classes (i.e. pre-calculus) Science6 Credits *2 Credits: Biology *2 Credits: Chemistry, Physics, or ICP *2 Credits: any Core 40 science course * 2 Credits of Chemistry and 2 Credits of Physical recommended Electives 6 Credits
Core 40 with Academic Honors Social Studies6 Credits *2 Credits: U.S. History *1 Credit: U.S. Government *1 Credit Economics *2 Credits: World History/Civilization Health1 Credit P.E.2 Credits World Language 6-8 Credits Must include: 6 credits in one language OR 4 credits in one language and 4 credits in another Fine Arts2 Credits *Examples of classes: band, choir, and are classes
Core 40 with Academic Honors Complete ONE of the following: Earn 4 credits in 2 or more AP courses and take corresponding AP exams Earn 6 verifiable transcripted college credits in dual credit courses from priority course list Earn: A minimum of 3 verifiable transcripted college credits 2 credits in AP courses and corresponding exam Earn a combined score of 1750 or higher on the SAT critical reading, mathematics and writing sections and a minimum score of 530 on each Earn an ACT composite score of 26 or higher and complete written section
Core 40 with Technical Honors 47 Semester Credits Must complete requirements for Core 40 Must earn a “C-” or better in courses Must have a GPA of 3.0 or better NOT all vocational programs qualify – check with guidance first!
Core 40 with Technical Honors English/Language Arts 8 Credits *Including literature, composition, and speech Mathematics 8 Credits *2 Credits: Algebra I *2 Credits: Geometry *2 Credits Algebra II *2 credits in Quantative Reasoning course OR advanced math course Science 6 Credits *2 Credits: Biology I *2 Credits: Chemistry I or Physics I or ICP *2 Credits: Any Core 40 science course Electives 6 Credits
Core 40 with Technical Honors Social Studies6 Credits *2 Credits: U.S. History *1 Credit U.S. Government *1 Credit: Economics *2 Credits: World History/Civilization or Geography Directed Electives 5 Credits (from any of the categories below, or a combination) *World Languages *Fine Arts *Career/Technical Physical Education 2 Credits Health1 Credit
Core 40 with Technical Honors Earn 6 credits in the college and career preparation courses in a state- approved College & Career Pathway and one of the following: 1.Pathway designated industry-based certification or credential, or 2.Pathway dual credits from the lists of priority courses resulting in 6 transcripted college credits 6+ Credits Complete one of the following: Any one of the options (A - F) of the Core 40 with Academic Honors Earn the following scores or higher on WorkKeys; Reading for Information – Level 6, Applied Mathematics – Level 6, and Locating Information-Level 5. Earn the following minimum score(s) on Accuplacer: Writing 80, Reading 90, Math 75. Earn the following minimum score(s) on Compass; Algebra 66, Writing 70, Reading 80. Pursuing a THD is NOT required to participate in a vocational program.
Still Confused Which Diploma is Right for You? Things to consider: What is your plan for after high school? What career would you like the pursue? What training is required for that career? What are the requirements for the colleges or universities you are considering? What will best prepare you to complete your future goals for after high school? What are your interests?
So What’s Next??? Once you have an idea of which diploma you would like to receive, how do you get there? First, you create a plan of classes you will take for the rest of your high school career to help guide you in completing the requirements to meet your diploma goal. This is called the “freshmen planner.”
Four Year Plans Keep in mind, the courses you take now matter when it comes to careers and especially college! Graduation Requirements Diploma types Class requirements Recommended Electives Unrestricted Electives Ms. Carter will begin meeting with all 8 th graders individually to work on his/her 4 year plan and schedule request forms for next school year next week.
Important Information to Remember Some classes have prerequisite classes or grade requirements Some classes are year- long Some colleges may require at least two years of a world language and extra math credits for admission, regardless of diploma type Know the diploma you are working towards and keep track of your progress Come to the Guidance Office with any questions or concerns
Typical Freshmen Courses English 9 or Honors English 9 Biology Algebra I or Algebra I + Enrichment World History or Geography PE Spanish I or American Sign Language I Band, Choir, or Art – or Elective Elective
AP & Dual Credit Opportunities AP AP Biology AP Chemistry AP US History AP Calculus Dual Credit Introduction to Engineering (3 hrs) Principles of Engineering (3 hrs) Computer Applications (3 hrs) Advanced Animal Science 3 hrs Accounting - 3 hrs (junior/senior) Government – 3 hrs (senior) Economics – 3 hrs (senior) English 12 – 6 hrs (W131/L202) Early College Program (Senior) Sociology/Psychology (6 total hrs) English/Communication (6 total hrs) Vocational (Junior/Senior) Various dual credit opportunities are available through the different vocational programs Some dual credit courses require certain test scores in order to enroll. In order for the dual credit course to be counted towards an AHD or THD, the student must be enrolled through the affiliated college. For the AP course to count towards AHD or THD, the student must take the AP exam.
A Glance at College Requirements IU Bloomington: 8 English Semesters 7 Math Semesters (including a college prep math course) 6 Social Studies Semesters 6 Science Semesters (at least 4 in either biology, physics, or chemistry) 4 Semesters of Foreign Language 3+ Semesters in College Prep Classes Also considers factors that emphasize academic performance and preparation, the strength and quality of the high school curriculum, recent grade trends, class rank, and results of the SAT or ACT
A Glance at College Requirements Ball State University 4 years of English 3 years of Math 3 years of Science (2 with lab) 3 years of Social Studies Foreign Language is STRONGLY suggested, but not required Also considers strength of high school curriculum (including senior year), GPA, curricular patterns/grade trends, SAT/ACT scores, and participation in extracurricular activities
A Glance at College Requirements Purdue University Math- 8 Semesters Lab Sciences: biology, chemistry, physics, earth/space science, physiology/anatomy, etc English - grammar, composition, literature, speech, and vocabulary, but not journalism, newspaper, yearbook, or theatre arts Strongly encourages Academic Honors Diploma Also considers strength of high school curriculum (including senior year), GPA, curricular patterns/grade trends, SAT/ACT scores, and participation in extracurricular activities
A Glance at College Requirements IU East Core 40 diploma, Academic Honors diploma, or Technical Honors diploma Should rank in the upper half of their graduating class SAT/ACT requirements: SAT ACT SAT or ACT scores should meet or exceed the Indiana median scores The Writing portion of the ACT test is required
A Glance at College Requirements Taylor University English: 4 years Math: 3-4 years Lab Sciences: 3-4 years Social Studies: 2 years Foreign Language: 2 years strongly encouraged Music, Art, Keyboarding, Basic Computing: strongly encouraged Also considers strength of high school curriculum (including senior year), GPA, curricular patterns/grade trends, SAT/ACT scores, and participation in extracurricular activities
Whew, that was a lot of information!!! Are you… Lost? Overwhelmed? Unsure? Anxious? Would you like one-on-one help with scheduling questions, graduation requirements? If YES, visit the guidance office!