Rising 9 th Grade Program Scheduling Overview/Orientation Auditorium 6:45 – 7:20 pm Presenters: Doug Anderson, Principal, Rob Yarborough, Director of School Counseling Curriculum Fair Cafeteria 7:20 – 8:20 pm Presenters: All Subject Department Chairs
Mr. Doug Anderson – Principal Mr. Rob Yarborough – Director of School Counseling Mr. Matt Oblas – Athletic Director Ms. Charlene Mosesso - Bookkeeper
Lynn Davies – Social Sciences Nick Worek- Health & PE Dawn Blubaugh- Math AJ Talboo- ScienceBram Smith- Music Carole Belkin- Learning Resources Cheryl Daley- Career & Technical Ed Kira Kristan– English James Fetterman- World Language
“ Begin with the end in mind.” The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey
In Virginia, diploma options available to all students student’s in the class of 2019: Advanced Studies Diploma 26 Credits/9 Verified Credits Standard Diploma 22 credits/6 Verified Credits Standard Diploma w/Credit Accommodations 22 Credits/6 Verified Credits Only students receiving learning services and have IEP’s can qualify for this diploma
Credits Students earn units of credit in high school by successfully completing all of the course requirements with a passing mark. Semester courses earn ½ unit of credit – 70 seat hours. Year-long classes earn 1 unit of credit – 140 seat hours. Verified Credits A verified credit is earned by successfully earning a credit, and passing the associated Standard of Learning (SOL) test for a subject. Students must earn a specified number of verified credits to earn a diploma in Virginia, depending on the diploma type. High School Courses with an SOL World Hist/Geog 1; World Hist/Geog 2; US History Algebra 1; Geometry; Algebra 2 Earth Science; Biology; Chemistry English Reading; English Writing (during Eng. 11)
Academic AreasCreditsSOL Verified Credits English42 Social Science (World Studies (2), US/VA Government, and US/VA History) 42 Mathematics (Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II or above level of Algebra II) 42 Science (From 3 of the 4 disciplines: Biological, Chemical, Physical, Earth) 42 World Language (3 years of one language or 2 years each of two different languages) 3 or 40 Health/Physical Education20 Fine Arts or Career & Technical Education10 Economics & Personal Finance10 Electives30 Student Selected Verified Credit01 Total (depends on foreign language option)269
Academic AreasCreditsSOL Verified Credits English42 Social Science (World Studies, US/VA Government, and US/VA History) 31 Mathematics (Algebra I, Geometry, Functions, Algebra II or above level of Algebra II) 31 Science (From 2 of the 4 disciplines: Biological, Chemical, Physical, Earth) 31 Health/Family Life/Physical Education20 World Language, Fine Arts, or CTE20 Economics and Personal Finance10 Electives (Must include 2 sequential electives) 40 Student Selected Verified Credit01 Total226
Choose the most challenging courses in which you can get mostly A’s and B’s. (This gives you a strong high school transcript and a solid grade point average) Aim for the highest diploma you think you can achieve. (You can always “back off” later, but it’s difficult to catch up once you are behind in course work) Take “core classes” every year. (English, social studies, math, science; and for competitive college admissions, foreign language) Consider your previous academic and SOL test performance. (If you are having trouble passing the required number of courses or SOL tests, you may need to choose a different diploma. Your counselor can help you make that decision.)
Students initial course registration will happen at each receiving high school. Course registration info. will be forwarded to Riverside HS to process. Feel free to consult with your students current counselor or call Rob Yarborough with questions. Course change deadline is June 16! The last day of school.
Deadline is June 16 to make course changes for next year. Due to staffing projections it is imperative that we have student schedules in place. Please plan accordingly with this deadline. Requests to change courses after this date will be only be made if there was error in course level/placement or a students does not meet a course prerequisite Once school starts we will expect students to remain in their selected course unless there are extenuating circumstances. There will be a process established to work through the concerns.
English 9 World History/Geography I Earth Science (a few may elect Biology Honors) Math Health/PE 9 World Language or Elective Elective Study Hall (Not for Credit)
“A” Day“B” Day 1 – English 9/H5 – World History I/A Flex Period – 20 Minutes 2 – Health/PE 96 – Study Hall 3 – Theater Arts 17 – German I 4 – Earth Science/H8 – Algebra 1
Consider their academic strengths and challenges. Consider previous grades and test scores. What is THEIR academic motivation?? Goals??
favorite What is your students favorite subject? your student dowell in In what subject(s) does your student do well in? not do well in In what subject(s) does your student not do well in? hobbies What are your students hobbies? career(s) What career(s) is your student considering?
Most 9 th grade courses are offered at two levels: Academic Honors or Pre-AP Reading level and work ethic are a key factors in deciding which level of courses a student should take in grade 9. Strongly consider teacher and counselor recommendations.
A small number of 9 th grade students elect to take Research Biology Honors instead of Earth Science Honors. It is still recommended to take Earth Science as the normal 9 th grade science sequence. Both Earth Science and Biology are taught at the Academic and Honors Level. However, Biology can only be taken at the Honors level for 9 th grade students.
Most four-year colleges prefer that you have a minimum of three (3) years of a World Language. Very competitive colleges will want 4 or 5 years. Spanish, French, German, and Latin are offered through the Advanced Placement (AP) level in Loudoun County. American Sign Language is offered for 3 years
9 th Grade Elective Course Options
Monroe Technology Center and the Loudoun Governor’s Career & Technical Academy Advanced Placement (AP) Classes
Students seeking highly technical and industry-level certification and/or licensure will want to explore the programs offered at Monroe Technology Center Administration of Justice Auto Collision Repair Technology Building Construction Computer Integrated Engineering & Design (CIED) Computer Network Administration (CNA) Advanced Computer Networking Computer Systems Technology (CST) Cosmetology Culinary Arts EMT Firefighter Graphic Communications Heating, Ventilation, & Air Conditioning (HVAC) Masonry Nail Design Technology Television Production Welding
Advanced Placement (AP) courses are college-level courses that students complete while in high school. These courses allow students to develop the reading, writing, critical thinking, organizational, and analytical skills needed for college. They also require a substantial investment of student effort and time. In May of each year, students take AP exams for these courses. Colleges may award college credit for completion of these AP courses if students earn a qualifying score on the exam. The first AP course students are eligible to take is AP World History in grade 10. We highly recommend that students hoping to pursue this course take Pre-AP World History/Geography 1 in grade 9 so that they will have the skills necessary to be successful in a college-level course in their sophomore year.
Gain invaluable academic skills Experience a college-level course and test Be more competitive in college admissions Study topics at greater depth Earn college credit or placement Save $$$ on college tuition Earn an additional 1.0 in your quality points for your grade point average
Expunging high school credits and grades taken in middle school
Students entering the ninth grade for the first time have a one-time chance to remove high school classes/credits that are earned in middle school. Students/parents will be given a form later this year to complete if they want to take advantage of this opportunity. Forms must be completed and returned no later than mid August Once high school begins, this opportunity ends.
Rising freshmen apply Focus on students historically underrepresented in higher education and first-generation students Provide enrichment opportunities throughout high school for students to learn about post- secondary educational and scholarship opportunities---such as college campus visits, special presentations on careers, colleges, and scholarships, etc. Students begin building a portfolio in ninth grade to prepare them for life after high school
Choral Groups Environmental Club Knitting Club Model UN French Club DECA Art & Literary Magazine Club Spanish Club Debate Team Chess Club Muslim Student Association Newspaper FCCLA Student Council Association (SCA) German Club Technology Student Association Walking Club Drama Club Japanese Manga &Anime Club PEER Future Educators of America (FEA) Art Club Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Step Team Latin Club Marching Band Academic Team Color Guard Jazz Ensemble Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) Dance Team Fishing Club Battle of the Books Field Hockey Club
FallWinterSpring FootballBasketballBaseball GolfWrestlingSoftball Cross-CountrySwimmingSoccer VolleyballGymnasticsLacrosse Cheerleading Tennis Track & Field
Important Dates for Rising 9 th Graders
Everything will be okay. We are here to help you. The Program of Studies has all of this information and more! See the Index of Courses in the back of the POS You will have four years to become an “expert” on all of this information.