2015 Task Forces – June Update 1. Operations Structure 2. Plan Accessibility 3. Public Affairs Update 4. Quick Reference Guide for Local and Tribal Officials 5. Standardizing Data Elements 6. Wildlife
(Facilitators: Scott Knutson USCG, Sonja Larson WA ECY, Craig Hyder Tesoro) 1. Operations Structure Task Force (Facilitators: Scott Knutson USCG, Sonja Larson WA ECY, Craig Hyder Tesoro) (Heather)
Task Force Objective: Develop operational guidance to be incorporated into Section 3000 of the ACP for inland and open water spill scenarios. The task force members will create examples of tactical plans for various sizes of responses and further delineate organizational structures for the offshore and inland zones. The Task Force will rely on industry participation and input in order to maintain the integrity of the process.
Phase 1: Overview of Operations: Organization, Terminology, Definitions, and Conventions. (80%) Diagram OPS Tactical Plan for large on-water spill (major coastal > 100,000 gallons) (90%) Diagram OPS Tactical Plan for medium on-water spill (medium coastal > 10,000 gallons < 100,000 gallons) (90%) Diagram OPS Tactical Plan for small on-water spill (minor coastal < 10,000 gallons)(90%) Diagram OPS Tactical Plan for large inland spill (major inland > 10,000 gallons)(90%) Diagram OPS Tactical Plan for medium inland spill (medium inland > 1,000 < 10,000 gallons)(90%) Diagram OPS Tactical Plan for small inland spill (minor inland < 1,000 gallons)(90%) Potential Obstacles: Team is on schedule to complete the project on time Task Force Progress/ Obstacles:
Future Goals Edit Phase One Document Complete the project by 15AUG deadline
Plan Accessibility Task Force 2. Plan Accessibility Task Force (Linda)
Task Force Objectives: Consistency Redundancy Modernization
Task Force Progress/ Obstacles: Task 1: Edit the plan for consistency. Create a “style sheet” to apply to future updates to retain the consistency. DONE Task 2: Edit the plan to reduce redundancies and conflicts. Goal is to stream line in order to prepare for Step 3. 25% DONE Task 3: Determine the options for converting the entire plan into an eBook or Reader format, so it can be accessed on devices. STARTED
Liaison Manual Task Force (Not)
Update Liaison Manual 9210 Ecology and the Navy are working on this update. Goal is to enhance the manual with guidance and tools on working with local emergency services/EOCs, briefing elected officials, coordinating with participating agencies and tribes, organizing community meetings, a boilerplate liaison plan to present to Unified Command for approval, etc.
(Facilitator: LT Dana Warr USCG D13) 3. Public Affairs Update Task Force (Facilitator: LT Dana Warr USCG D13) (Heather)
Task Force Objectives: Update JIC procedures including ramp up to large JIC Social Media Plan template Media Management Plan template Clarify delineations between community relations/ general outreach and PIO Review Liaison Manual for consistency with JIC Manual
(PA TF review of edited 9202 / 90% Complete) LOFR review should be reviewed at next summit Potential Obstacles (if any): Buy-in from PA Task Force Task Force Progress/ Obstacles:
Future Goals Task Force review of edited 9202 word doc and finalize a working document based on feedback of addition/deletions to 9202.
Quick Reference Guide for Local and Tribal Officials Task Force 4. Quick Reference Guide for Local and Tribal Officials Task Force (Josie)
Tribal Council Quick Reference Guide
TOSC/LOSC Quick Reference Guide
Standardizing Data Elements Task Force (Facilitators: Don Pettit and Conor Keeney) 5. Standardizing Data Elements Task Force (Facilitators: Don Pettit and Conor Keeney) (Josie)
Data Standardization TF Goals Primary: Address the issue of standardization of data (primarily booming strategy data) for inclusion within the various Common Operating Picture (COP) Viewers/Tools being used throughout the NW Area. Secondary: Determine what elements should be incorporated into COP Viewers in the NW Area, and identify the best data sources available for inclusion.
Data Standardization Progress TF held a work session to discuss standardization of attribute fields and field contents (data schema) for booming strategy information to be displayed in COPs TF Members attended, and Co-Leader presented at the Best Available Technology Conference held in Seattle, with a session dedicated to COP tools. TF has identified several guidance documents that describe in detail the creation and use of COP tools, and the data needed to populate COPs. TF has begun assembling a list of data sources to populate COPs specific to the needs and available data within the NW Area.
Data Standardization Next Steps Finalize a draft data definitions document, and spreadsheet that can be used to standardize available data for booming strategies Prepare a NW Area-specific COP data sources document Submit these documents via RRT/NW Area Steering Committee for RRT approval (on track at present)
6. Wildlife Task Force (Brian Milchak)
Task Force Objectives: Make recommendations for minimum equipment and infrastructure needs for the existing Wildlife Plan. Make recommendations for minimum numbers and necessary training of personnel for the existing Wildlife Plan. Postponed: Incorporate new National Marine Mammal Response guidelines into the NWACP.
Gap Analysis of Equipment, Facilities, and Personnel Needed to Implement the NWACP Wildlife Response Plan and a Recommendation to Meet Those Needs Will include estimated response needs for sea otters (level 3), marine mammals, and birds (level 3), as well as killer whale deterrence The recommendation will be submitted to RRT Executives for consideration and possible delegation ~40% complete Task Force Progress:
Personnel training requirements in accordance with 29 CFR and applicable state laws, are difficult to assess for various wildlife response positions Vast unknowns for bird response Potential Obstacles:
Future Goals Completed draft sections for work product by mid-July Final draft to Steering Committee by August 14, 2015 Beyond this task force cycle? Possible task force idea – Identify training levels in 29 CFR and applicable state laws that are needed for the wildlife response community and work with OSHA to review/approve those training levels. Example: Is 40-Hour HAZWOPER certification required to handle oiled birds or is 8-Hour HAZWOPER certification sufficient?
_______Task Force
Task Force Objectives: …….. ………
(Tasking and % Complete) Potential Obstacles (if any): Task Force Progress/ Obstacles:
Future Goals ……. ……..