NATO / ISAF UNCLASSIFIED LOGO عملیاتهای نظامی در بخش ملکی List of key tasks of CIMIC Key tasks of CIMIC
NATO / ISAF UNCLASSIFIED LOGO Interact with civil actors Set conditions for success of the military mission Conduct planning between the various military and civil actors CIMIC is to interact with the appropriate civil actors on behalf of the Afghan commander to accomplish the mission. The long-term result of CIMIC is to create and sustain conditions that will contribute to the achievement of objectives within the overall mission, and to the implementation of a successful end state. Key tasks of CIMIC
NATO / ISAF UNCLASSIFIED LOGO عملیاتهای نظامی در بخش ملکی Key tasks of CIMIC فعالیتهای یک فرماندهی که بمنظور ایجاد،حفظ ، نفوس ویا بهره برداری روابط میان قوتهای نظامی ، سازمانهای دولتی و غیر دولتی عامه ، مقامات و مردم ملکی بی طرف و یا مردم ساحه عملیات دشمن بمنظور تسهیل نمودن عملیاتهای نظامی ، تحکیم و نائیل امدن به هداف دولت میباشد.
NATO / ISAF UNCLASSIFIED LOGO CIMIC is to interact with the appropriate civil actors on behalf of the Afghan commander to accomplish the mission. The long-term result of CIMIC is to create and sustain conditions that will contribute to the achievement of objectives within the overall mission, and to the implementation of a successful end state. Key tasks of CIMIC
NATO / ISAF UNCLASSIFIED LOGO In accomplishing those tasks CIMIC staff will: Establish and maintain liaison with civil actors at the appropriate levels, facilitating cooperation, harmonization, information sharing, integrated planning and conduct of operations. Identify and explain military goals, objectives, and concepts of operation with civil actors. Facilitate concurrent, parallel, and integrated planning between the joint force and friendly civil actors. When and where possible participate in civilian planning and assessment groups, teams, or cells. Key tasks of CIMIC
NATO / ISAF UNCLASSIFIED LOGO Integrate with other staff branches on all aspects of operations. Continuously evaluate the operational environment, including local needs and capability gaps to resolve issues. Work towards a timely and smooth transition of responsibilities to the proper civil authorities. Advise the commander on all of the above. Share information with all staff branches. Key tasks of CIMIC
NATO / ISAF UNCLASSIFIED LOGO Typical tasks during the phases of Clear, Build, Hold operations Role of CIMIC in COIN Operations