Back to School Night Gladys Zamorano September 17, 2014
Welcome Welcome dear parents to our Fourth Grade Back to School Night. My name is Mrs. Zamorano and I will be your child’s teacher this year. Please sign in the attendance sheet.
Agenda Class rules and regulations Academics/Homework expectations Make up and late assignments Goals, objectives, and standards Grading Graded Papers
Cont…… Parent Teacher Communication School rules and procedures (hot lunch, pick up/drop off, etc.) Parent Handbook (Detention, uniform, etc.)
Classroom Management Our classroom expectations are as follow: Listen when others are talking. Be ready to learn and work. Follow directions. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Work quietly and do not disturb others. Show respect for school personal and property
Cont…. Work and play in a safe manner. Your child must follow the rules to avoid disruptions that result in the loss of learning time. Please speak to your child about the importance of maintaining these high expectations in the classroom.
Academics Expectations I expect: Assignments to be neat and on time Late assignments will loose partial credit for every day is late. Late assignments will not be accepted after Friday each week. When absent: parents can call the office to let them know they will pick homework by 3:00 p.m.
Cont…. In any case it is the student’s responsibility to see me for any missing assignments. Quizzes and tests can be made up within reasonable time (3 days). I will enter an “IC” for any missing assignments. An “IC” means an “F” on gradelink. Please talk to you child about the importance of turning homework neatly and on time.
Goal, Objectives, and Standards. My goals are: To create an environment in which students feel provoked to learn, to explore, and to succeed. To cover the curriculum by meeting the California State Standards and the Common Core Standards for Language Arts. To make learning enjoyable through meaningful learning experiences. To teach the skills necessary to succeed in school.
Meeting the Standards: By the end of the school year students should be able to: Language Arts: Use their knowledge of word origins to determine meaning of unknown words. Read and analyze stories, dramas, and poems, as they become more proficient readers. Deepen their understanding about elements of narrative (e.g. plot, setting, characters, theme).
Cont…… Be able to identify and analyze the characteristics of poetry, drama, fiction, and nonfiction. (genres) Learn the definitions of figurative language. Will use all stages of the writing process- prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing- to produce clear and coherent writing. Make narrative and expository presentations. Explore character’s thoughts and motivations to determine the reasons for that character’s actions.
In Math Students should be able to: Interpret multiplication equations. Multiply or divide to solve problems by using drawings and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem. To solve multistep problems posed with whole numbers and having whole number answers using the four operations. Find all factors pairs for a whole number in the range of 1-100
Math Cont….. Find multiple of a number between the range Place Value up to the millions. Students would be able to write numbers up to the millions in standard form, short word form, word form, and expanded form. Positive and negative numbers. Addition and subtraction of fractions.
Grading: Test and quizzes will take place after the completion of a chapter. They will include material from the book and lectures. Students will be given a study guide mostly for Science and Social Studies. Quizzes will be given once or twice a week to assess students’ understanding of concepts being taught.
Grading Test are worth 50% Quizzes/projects are worth 25 % Homework 10% Classwork 15%
Grading Scale PercentageLetter Grade %A %B %B %B %C %C %C %D 64-0 %F
Graded Work Graded work that may include classwork, homework, quizzes, and tests will be send home on a weekly basis in a blue/pink folder. Please review the work and return quizzes and tests. Also, please sign and return any quiz, test, or homework that has an “F” or “D” as a grade.
Parent/Teacher Communication It is imperative that parents and teacher communicate for the benefit of the student. If you need to contact me, please me at and I’ll try to respond as soon as possible. You may also call the office and leave me a message with Mrs. Cash.
School Rules and Procedures Please try to comply with all school rules and regulations. Try to follow the directions to drop-off and pick-up your child. If your child is ordering hot lunch, lunch must be ordered the day before. Please review your child’s account to make sure there are available funds.
Parents Handbook Please review your parent handbook to make sure that your child is meeting the uniform code. DETENTION: please be aware that your child may serve detention for being late (6), for missing assignments (6), or for not complying with the school code. P.E. It is extremely important for your child to wear his/her P.E. uniform. If he/she doesn’t wear the uniform, he/she can’t participate and it will result in a failing grade.
FIELD TRIP Our class along with 1 st, 2 nd, and 5 th graders will be going to Citrus College on September 26 to attend the Beauty and the Beast Play.
Thank you Parents For attending the Back to School Night. Please don’t forget to check Gradelink to check your child’s progress. Any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.