Terrestrial planets Gas giant planets Asteroid Belt Kuiper Belt (Ice and Pluto) All of this is surrounded by the Oort Cloud
San Andreas Fault (California)
Weathering: Wind and water breaks down rocks Erosion: Wind, water, and glaciers wears away the Earth’s surface Wind Erosion: when wind wears away the Earth’s surface Water Erosion: when water wears away The Earth’s surface Glacial Erosion: when glaciers wear away the Earth’s surface (+ Greenland, Antarctica) Soil Building: Wind, temperature, rainfall, biology, etc. determine the type of soil that can develop Rivers moving soil downstream Worms, living and dead plants (and animals) Etc.
Evaporation: liquid water changes into vapor, or gas Condensation: Warm air cools, water vapor changes into liquid water Precipitation: when clouds gather more water than they can hold, it rains, snows, or sleets