Higher Ed Update Year 12 February 2011
UCAS Offers for 2011 Use of A*s in offers: Cambridge, Oxford, Imperial … Top universities: offers 1-2 grades up on last year 5+ A*s at GCSE in most competitive subjects e.g. Medicine Imperial College – A levels in one sitting! Some universities/courses don’t accept re-sits
UCAS Offers for 2011 Extension of aptitude tests e.g. STEP papers Extra-curricular/work experience considered within entry criteria Little change in offers of some local and popular universities: Portsmouth, Brighton, etc.
“Informed Choices” (VLE) Russell Group – top 20 universities ‘Facilitating’ subjects: Maths, English, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Geography, History, Languages ‘Soft’ subjects “subjects with a vocational or practical bias” Subjects required for different degree courses – invaluable How subject choices can affect your future career options –extremely useful.
Vocational Courses & Universities Access Agreements No correlation between high achievement at degree level and traditional academic access routes Common advantages to applied learning as a pathway to Higher Education were highlighted: – Firmer acquisition of time-management skills during KS5 rather than it being something they had to adapt to in the first year at university – Greater experience of and aptitude for presentational and collaborative work Ignorance about applied learning routes continues to be an obstacle for parents, students and some HE institutions. E.g. Music student Foundation Degree programmes – have been a very successful innovation in places like Oxford Brookes. – Funding arrangements unclear
£££ Government cuts to university grants of 9.5% Government will fund extra 10% increase in places but not Tuition fees expect to raise university income by 10% by MONEY WILL BE VERY TIGHT FOR YOUR YEAR OF ENTRY!
What it all means for you WORK EXPERIENCE – now an urgent priority Extra-curricular activities Extended Project Qualification? Higher Education Research – VLE resources: is HE really for me? – Record detailed research about courses. Discuss with mentor – University visits