IEP Training Module Two Data
Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D. Purpose of Training The purpose of these training modules is to refine and expand your current skills in developing data-based and student- focused goals and objectives that align with state standards and the general education curriculum. The purpose of these training modules is to refine and expand your current skills in developing data-based and student- focused goals and objectives that align with state standards and the general education curriculum. The purpose is also to share new forms and processes to be implemented in Cy Fair ISD. The purpose is also to share new forms and processes to be implemented in Cy Fair ISD.
Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D. Training Outline Module One: Overview & Introduction to Data Collection Module One: Overview & Introduction to Data Collection Module Two: Data Collection Module Two: Data Collection Module Three: PLAAFP Module Three: PLAAFP Module Four: PLAAFP Module Four: PLAAFP Module Five: Goals Module Five: Goals Module Six: Objectives / Benchmarks Module Six: Objectives / Benchmarks
Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D. Training Guidelines Take responsibility for your own learning and honor your personal expectations Take responsibility for your own learning and honor your personal expectations Honor the time limits (e.g., return from breaks promptly) Honor the time limits (e.g., return from breaks promptly) Participate by sharing your ideas and experiences Participate by sharing your ideas and experiences Listen and consider the opinions of others Listen and consider the opinions of others Participate in the activities and the scenarios presented Participate in the activities and the scenarios presented Maintain confidentiality Maintain confidentiality
Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D. Data The purpose of this module is to review the types of data that can be used in the IEP process review the types of data that can be used in the IEP process Identify sources of data available in CFISD Identify sources of data available in CFISD Distinguish between relevant and non relevant information Distinguish between relevant and non relevant information
Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D. Review - Module One In the first training module, we discussed the difference between formal and informal data sources. In the first training module, we discussed the difference between formal and informal data sources. Turn to a partner and share one example of informal data and one example of formal data. Turn to a partner and share one example of informal data and one example of formal data.
Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D. Data Sources Activity Create a team of 3 to 4 people. Create a team of 3 to 4 people. Review Handout 2.1, Sources of Data Definitions Review Handout 2.1, Sources of Data Definitions Each group will be assigned a question from the next slide Each group will be assigned a question from the next slide
Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D. Data Sources Debrief What useful information do we get from screenings? What useful information do we get from screenings? How can we use diagnostic information in writing goals? How can we use diagnostic information in writing goals? Which sources provide baseline of academic achievement and functional performance? Which sources provide baseline of academic achievement and functional performance? How can informal data sources be used? How can informal data sources be used? What is the difference between formative and summative assessments (give one example of each)? What is the difference between formative and summative assessments (give one example of each)?
Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D. Data Sources Activity Continued Use Handout 2.2, CFISD Sources of Data to identify the assessment tools used routinely at your school. Use Handout 2.2, CFISD Sources of Data to identify the assessment tools used routinely at your school.
Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D. Formative Data Assessing progress toward goals, objectives or benchmarks from a student’s current IEP, as well as progress in the general education classroom is how progress is documented. Assessing progress toward goals, objectives or benchmarks from a student’s current IEP, as well as progress in the general education classroom is how progress is documented. There are many types of data collection for progress monitoring. However, there are common components to be considered. There are many types of data collection for progress monitoring. However, there are common components to be considered.
Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D. Formative Data Before setting up a data collection system: Determine the purpose of the collection 1.Increase behavior/skill 2.Decrease behavior/skill 3.Maintain behavior/skill Determine how often data will be collected; this may be based on the severity of the behavior/skill Decide the type of data you need to collect 1.Number of times 2.Percent of accuracy 3.Averages Consider the most efficient way to collect data. Determine who will be collecting the data
Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D. Methods for Formative Data Collection Tally sheets which can be completed by either the student or a staff member (frequency count of how many times the behavior/skill occurred). Tally sheets which can be completed by either the student or a staff member (frequency count of how many times the behavior/skill occurred). Assignment Notebook Assignment Notebook Teacher-created checklists for behavior or functional skills (task analysis) Teacher-created checklists for behavior or functional skills (task analysis) Work samples, workbooks Work samples, workbooks Anecdotal notes from staff Anecdotal notes from staff Other? Other?
Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D. Data Analysis Once all the data has been collected, how do you determine what is educationally and instructionally relevant? Once all the data has been collected, how do you determine what is educationally and instructionally relevant? Relevant Data are descriptive and clear, conveying sufficient information for any team member to better understand the student. This will include: Relevant Data are descriptive and clear, conveying sufficient information for any team member to better understand the student. This will include: –Factual information vs. opinion –Observable information –Specific enough that anyone would understand –Measurable
Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D. Relevant Information Activity Work as a team to complete this activity. Work as a team to complete this activity. The purpose of the activity is to examine information and determine if it is relevant and assists the team in making further decisions about a student’s program. The purpose of the activity is to examine information and determine if it is relevant and assists the team in making further decisions about a student’s program. Complete Handout 2.3, Is It Relevant? Complete Handout 2.3, Is It Relevant?
Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D. Assessing ALL Areas of Need IDEIA requires IEP teams to state and address “the student’s present levels of academic achievement and functional performance.” IDEIA requires IEP teams to state and address “the student’s present levels of academic achievement and functional performance.” Using educational domains will help team members consider all areas of need impacted by the disability. Using educational domains will help team members consider all areas of need impacted by the disability. An acronym that can guide teams to cover all areas is VCAMSS. An acronym that can guide teams to cover all areas is VCAMSS.
Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D. VCAMSS V ocational C ommunication/Language A cademic M otor/Sensory S ocial/Emotional S elf-help
Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D. VCAMSS The team should focus on the domain area, rather than the subject area. For example, the team writes PLAAFP, goals, objectives/benchmarks in the area of communication or language, rather than in speech therapy. The team should focus on the domain area, rather than the subject area. For example, the team writes PLAAFP, goals, objectives/benchmarks in the area of communication or language, rather than in speech therapy.
Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D. VCAMSS The VCAMSS process and form will be further explored in Module 4. The VCAMSS process and form will be further explored in Module 4.