Wake NC State University STEM Early College High School Solving Grand Challenges Through STEM October 3, 2011 Rob Matheson, Principal Ryan Haymore, Dean of Students
Partnerships and Student Academic Goals STEM ECHS is a collaboration between the Wake County Public School System (WCPSS) and NC State University (NC State) as part of the NC Early College High School initiative STEM ECHS is a collaboration between the Wake County Public School System (WCPSS) and NC State University (NC State) as part of the NC Early College High School initiative Additional partnerships between the WCPSS and the NC JOBS Commission, and NC New Schools Project (NCNSP) Additional partnerships between the WCPSS and the NC JOBS Commission, and NC New Schools Project (NCNSP) Students attend for five years and graduate with a NC high school diploma (21 credits) and up to two years of course credit from NC State Students attend for five years and graduate with a NC high school diploma (21 credits) and up to two years of course credit from NC State
Innovative Education Initiatives Act (IEIA) Passed by the NC General Assembly in 2003 Passed by the NC General Assembly in 2003 Encourage cooperative efforts between secondary schools and institutes of higher education (IHE) to reduce dropout rates, increase graduation rates, decrease need for remediation in IHE, and raise IHE completion rates Encourage cooperative efforts between secondary schools and institutes of higher education (IHE) to reduce dropout rates, increase graduation rates, decrease need for remediation in IHE, and raise IHE completion rates Act also created Cooperative Innovative High School Programs, which led to the creation of Early College High Schools (ECHS) Act also created Cooperative Innovative High School Programs, which led to the creation of Early College High Schools (ECHS)
Funding Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Institutes of Higher Education (IHE) and NC school systems Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Institutes of Higher Education (IHE) and NC school systems IHE responsible for facility and some staffing costs IHE responsible for facility and some staffing costs School systems responsible for personnel and operating costs School systems responsible for personnel and operating costs School systems receive extra funding for IHE- related costs such as tuition, fees, and textbooks School systems receive extra funding for IHE- related costs such as tuition, fees, and textbooks
Mission StatementMission Statement The mission of the Wake NC State University STEM Early College High School is to provide a highly supportive and academically challenging learning environment for students underserved in a traditional high school setting and underrepresented in the STEM disciplines, including first generation college going students, who will graduate prepared to compete globally in careers related to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The mission of the Wake NC State University STEM Early College High School is to provide a highly supportive and academically challenging learning environment for students underserved in a traditional high school setting and underrepresented in the STEM disciplines, including first generation college going students, who will graduate prepared to compete globally in careers related to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
Targeted StudentsTargeted Students Underserved students—those who do not maximize their potential in traditional, comprehensive high schools Underserved students—those who do not maximize their potential in traditional, comprehensive high schools Under-represented students—those who are not represented in the STEM disciplines (by gender, ethnicity, etc.) Under-represented students—those who are not represented in the STEM disciplines (by gender, ethnicity, etc.) First-time college going students in a family First-time college going students in a family Willing to accept the challenges of an accelerated high school and college education Willing to accept the challenges of an accelerated high school and college education
Application, Selection, and Demographics 312 students applied. 302 “screened” in through paper application due in January 2011—EOG scores, course grades, two essays, three recommendations 312 students applied. 302 “screened” in through paper application due in January 2011—EOG scores, course grades, two essays, three recommendations Online application in February 2011 Online application in February 2011 Pool of 302 students forwarded to the WCPSS Magnet School Office. Standard magnet selection process in March 2011 Pool of 302 students forwarded to the WCPSS Magnet School Office. Standard magnet selection process in March students selected 55 students selected 43% first-time college goers, 50:50 male/female ratio, over 70% non-white 43% first-time college goers, 50:50 male/female ratio, over 70% non-white
Relationships, Relevance, and RigorRelationships, Relevance, and Rigor
Relationships Empowering/supporting teaching staff to create pedagogy, curriculum and personal development plans Empowering/supporting teaching staff to create pedagogy, curriculum and personal development plans Focus on the new NC Teacher Evaluation Process instrument with an emphasis on 21 st Century skills development and assessment Focus on the new NC Teacher Evaluation Process instrument with an emphasis on 21 st Century skills development and assessment STEM summer camp—Students Expanding Minds Together STEM summer camp—Students Expanding Minds Together Student—Parent/Guardian—Teacher dynamic Student—Parent/Guardian—Teacher dynamic
Relationships—Student Values RESPECT Respect people, property, and the environment Respect people, property, and the environment Ethical decision-making Ethical decision-making Scholastic integrity Scholastic integrity Pride in yourself and school Pride in yourself and school Express yourself with confidence Express yourself with confidence Come to school ready to learn Come to school ready to learn Treat others the way you want to be treated Treat others the way you want to be treated
Relationships--SeminarRelationships--Seminar Seminar with two major foci Seminar with two major foci ”Whole child” to explore issues related to adolescent development, college environment, university resources, career exploration, etc. ”Whole child” to explore issues related to adolescent development, college environment, university resources, career exploration, etc. Learning how to participate in thoughtful and democratic discussion through Socratic seminar—economic, ethical, legal, political, social, and sustainability issues related to the Grand Challenges Learning how to participate in thoughtful and democratic discussion through Socratic seminar—economic, ethical, legal, political, social, and sustainability issues related to the Grand Challenges
Relationships—Advisory Council and Business Advisory Board Advisory CouncilAdvisory Council Members Members Overall governance of the school Overall governance of the school Business Advisory BoardBusiness Advisory Board members, mostly from the business community members, mostly from the business community Provide support and assistance for career exploration, internships, Provide support and assistance for career exploration, internships,
Relevance—PedagogyRelevance—Pedagogy Learning is the constant, time is the variable Learning is the constant, time is the variable Every student reads, writes, thinks and talks in every classroom every day. Every student reads, writes, thinks and talks in every classroom every day. Project-based Learning Project-based Learning Technology—appropriate and meaningful use Technology—appropriate and meaningful use Socratic seminar and Paideia Principles (“upbringing of the child”) Socratic seminar and Paideia Principles (“upbringing of the child”)
Relevance—21 st Century Learning Outcomes Mastery of 21 st Century interdisciplinary core content and themes Mastery of 21 st Century interdisciplinary core content and themes Mastery of learning and innovation skills related to creativity and innovation; critical thinking and problem-solving; and communication and collaboration Mastery of learning and innovation skills related to creativity and innovation; critical thinking and problem-solving; and communication and collaboration
21 st Century Learning Outcomes—cont. Development of life and career skills such as flexibility and adaptability; initiative and self- direction; social and cross-cultural skills; productivity and accountability; and leadership and responsibility Development of life and career skills such as flexibility and adaptability; initiative and self- direction; social and cross-cultural skills; productivity and accountability; and leadership and responsibility Mastery of information, media, and technology skills Mastery of information, media, and technology skills
Rigor—Academic and Vocational Goals Completion of NC Future Ready Core curriculum that leads to a high school diploma Completion of NC Future Ready Core curriculum that leads to a high school diploma All courses (if currently available) taught at the Honors level All courses (if currently available) taught at the Honors level Up to two years of NC State course credit Up to two years of NC State course credit Prepared to be productive and effective citizens, and ready for the world of work Prepared to be productive and effective citizens, and ready for the world of work Grand Challenges for Engineering Grand Challenges for Engineering
Grand Challenges Sustainability Sustainability make solar energy economicalmake solar energy economical provide energy from fusionprovide energy from fusion develop carbon sequestration methods Energy Economy and Environmentdevelop carbon sequestration methods Energy Economy and Environment provide access to clean waterprovide access to clean water manage nitrogen cyclemanage nitrogen cycle Health Health advance health informaticsadvance health informatics engineer better medicines Engineering and Life Sciencesengineer better medicines Engineering and Life Sciences reverse-engineer the brainreverse-engineer the brain Security Security restore and improve urban infrastructurerestore and improve urban infrastructure prevent nuclear terror Physical Infrastructure and ITprevent nuclear terror Physical Infrastructure and IT secure cyberspacesecure cyberspace Joy of Living Joy of Living enhance virtual realityenhance virtual reality advance personalized learning Personal Technologies and Educationadvance personalized learning Personal Technologies and Education engineer the tools of scientific discoveryengineer the tools of scientific discovery
Rigor—Curriculum 9 th Grade Course of Study Use of the five “Sustainability” challenges related to Global Issues of Earth Science course as the framework or “backbone” for the first year. Access to clean water Carbon dioxide sequestration Nitrogen cycle Making solar energy economical Fusion energy
10 th Grade Course of Study10 th Grade Course of Study Grade 10 1st Semester English II / World History on A/B Schedule Discrete Math Chemistry/ Engineering Design on A/B Schedule Lunch 35 min./day) 9th Grade Health, Virtual Public Schools (online) 2nd Semester Integrated Math III (*Geo. and Alg. II) or IV USC 101 (First Year College) (1)
11 th Grade Course of Study11 th Grade Course of Study Grade 11 1st Semester English III/ **US History Biology/ Engineering Design Integrated IV (Precalculus- or AFM- based) ***Civics & Economics USC 102 (1) 2nd Semester General Education Course (3) GC 120 Graphics Communicati on (3) PE 100
12 th Grade Course of Study12 th Grade Course of Study Grade 12 1st SemesterEnglish IV Physics/ Engineering Design Calculus or Statistics Foreign Language 101 (3) ****Internshi p/ Apply to College 2nd Semester General Education (3) General Ed. Course (Global Knowledge) (3) Foreign Language 102 (3) Project Presentations
5 th Year Course of Study5 th Year Course of Study Grade 13 1st Semester English 101 (4) MA 231/241 (Calculus) (3/4) High School credit course-- TBD General Ed. Requ. (Humanities or Social Science) (3) Seminar 2nd Semester Computer Science (3) Biology 181 (4) Science--TBD Free Elective (3) Seminar
Contact Information Rob MathesonRob Matheson Principal, Wake NC State University STEMPrincipal, Wake NC State University STEM Early College High School Early College High School 1220 Varsity Drive1220 Varsity Drive Raleigh, NC 27606Raleigh, NC (office) (office) (cell) (cell)