Honduras Kathryn Leccese R2
General Health Info Life expectancy: –Men:68 –Women: 73 Mortality Rate: 5/1000 IMR: 29.65/1000 live birth –respiratory infection & bacterial sepsis 19.3% –Diarrhoea & GI illness 6.3% –Congenital Malformations 4.15%
Common Diseases Prone to infectious disease: population density, swiftly varying temperatures/levels of humidity Medical attention sought: –# 1 reason Respiratory infections –# 2 Diarrhoea Parasitic infections: malaria, dengue most prevalent. Also amoebiasis, leishmaniasis Next most common morbidity is cancer –Women: uterine –Men: GI tract
Health Admnistration 9 health regions operate independently Immunisation program: diptheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B, pneumonia and meningitis, polio, BCG, measles, rubella and parotitis Eastern area much less populated –Less developed; no skilled medical workers (prefer ressource rich cities) –Unequeal distribution of health facilities –Polical sectarianism
Limon Clinic 3 exam rooms, a treatment room, pharmacy and laboratory. The Lab is run by a local woman (Gloria):can run malaria smears, CBCs, urine analysis Pharmacy run by the team One room has a pediatric scale. One room is set up for gynecological exams. File room organized by town/region of origin. Must bring your own stethescope, BP cuff, opthalmoscope (and any other tricks you have)
Limon Clinic The clinic is a walk in service and patients are usually waiting by 7 in the morning. Work from 7:45 to 12:30; then 13h to untill there are no more patients. There are 3-4 physicians working at a time and each will see per day Most patients will be speaking Spanish (doctors are provided with a local translator) There is an ambulance service but is unreliable. The closest hospital is about a 2 hour drive.
Pediatric Complaints seen in only 10 days… Well care, to diabetes, dermatological problems, respiratory infections, long standing fevers, head lice, taenia, impetigo, scabies anemia, malaria, malnutrition & sequlae, amoebiasis, dengue, sepsis, leishmaniasis and asthma. Severe dehydration secondary to GI illness Dental issues (a dentist accompanies the team) All patients are offered vitamins and mebendazole for worms. There is an orphanage with 50 kids in town that is served as well.
Honduras Kathryn Leccese R2 /