Infusing Rigor in the Secondary School Culture Presenter Judith Marty Principal Mater Academy Charter Middle/High
Video Discussion Collaborative Personalization Curriculum, Instruction, Leadership and Assessment What collaborative strategies in the video were utilized and/or what collaborative partnerships were established to implement school improvement actions and initiatives? Which of these strategies support our school improvement plan; provide opportunities to develop increased teacher, student, and community leadership roles; and improve student learning at our school? What best practice strategies revealed in the video increased student access to rigorous curriculum, quality instruction, and authentic assessments? Which of these best practices and strategies could we implement at our school to ensure every student has access to quality instruction and a rigorous, relevant curriculum that prepares each student to be college and career ready? What personalization strategies to improve school culture and student engagement for both staff and students are evident in the video? Which of these initiatives could we put in place at our school to more fully focus the staff on the learning of each individual student? What additional strategies might we implement that will ensure greater engagement and academic improvement for each of our students?
Mater Academy Profile Middle School High School Enrollment : 1944 Grade Levels: 6-8 Enrollment by Race / Ethnicity Asian/Pacific Islander <1% African American 4% Hispanic 93% White 2% Free an Reduced Lunch 81% 8th Graders graduating middle school with at least 1 high school credit 319 97% passing rate for the 309 8th graders taking the Algebra 1 End of Course Exam 96% passing rate for the 195 8th graders taking the Biology End of Course Exam Enrollment : 1944 Grade Levels: 9-12 Enrollment by Race / Ethnicity Asian/Pacific Islander <1% African American 3% Hispanic 95% White 2% Free an Reduced Lunch 80% Graduation Rate (2013) 98% Graduates with GPA above 4.0 172 Receiving Associates in Arts degree Out of 423 seniors, 165 are graduating with at least one semester of college
Eighth Grade Career Research and Critical Thinking Class *Big Future *College Ed Workbook *College Projects *Readi-Step data review for coursework Planning *Counselor Chats BigFuture™ Schools at the middle and high school levels and both traditional and career-technical schools are using proven best practices to increase the number of students who not only begin college or other postsecondary schooling, but successfully complete their postsecondary work. Those best practices include increasing the amount of rigorous, college-oriented course work, helping students and parents plan early for what happens after high school, and providing appropriate support for students who need it. To increase the levels of college readiness for all students, schools must make college “real” by preparing students for the complexity of applying to college and making the transition successfully. The College Board provides a useful tool that supports this goal. BigFuture is a place where students can begin career explorations, get information about tests, find colleges, learn about financial aid, and get application help. Elementary, middle level, and high school students and their parents can create a customized action plan for college based on their grade level, interests, and situation—a plan that can be reviewed and revised as needed.
BIG FUTURE *Completing Self Inventory *Exploring Testimonials of Students like themselves *Make a Plan *Build a college List *Parent Section (Step by Step information)
College and Workforce Readiness Teachers/counselors can use the site to: • Increase student understanding of the value of taking AP® and other rigorous course content. • Increase the number and success of minority students taking AP courses. • Provide support for students taking more rigorous course work for the first time.
Program Highlights SpringBoard – ELA 6-12 Math 6-9 BIG Future 21 Advanced Placement Courses starting in 9th grade. Dual Enrollment programs - 3 local colleges provided course on our campus. (2014 will have 50 students graduating with their Associates in Arts and High School diploma simultaneously) SAT and ACT prep classes throughout the school year and summer.
Springboard As the foundation of the College Board’s College Readiness System™, SpringBoard infuses rigor, sets high expectations, and expands access and opportunity for ALL students. SpringBoard provides culturally and personally relevant activities designed to engage students in problem solving, academic discourse and critical analysis. This unique approach to individualized learning provides teachers with a road map for opening the doors to a bright future for all students. Given the results in hundreds of schools across the country, SpringBoard is proof that high expectations, supported by a genuine commitment to preparing ALL students for college-level work, yield success. Learn more about the SpringBoard difference — and see why SpringBoard’s rapidly growing community of educators and students continues to grow year after year.
Counselors are gatekeepers of the student’s college process Through presentations , counselors use grade-level specific activities, data chats and grades review paving the way to college readiness. • They help students explore majors and careers. • They assists students in identifying and investigating potential colleges, universities, and training programs. • Guide students to make advanced coursework decisions. Counselors are gatekeepers of the student’s college process
Parent Academy for building college going culture Parents • Use intelligent search-and-match tools and informative videos to find colleges that are a good fit for each student. • Use as an information source for learning about and accessing financial aid resources. • Find out how families like yours have paid for college. • Create and follow annual Parent Action Plans step by step, starting in the middle grades. Samples at Type Parent Action Plan in search bar and explore. Parent Academy for building college going culture
Parents Monthly meetings for parents to discuss: AP Coursework - AP Fair Exams – FCAT (Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test), Readi-Step, EOC (End of Course, Exams), PSAT, PERT, ACT and SAT. College Readiness – FAFSA, College Applications, Dual Enrollment opportunities and requirements.
Advanced Placement Courses AP Art History AP Biology AP Calculus AB AP Calculus BC AP Chemistry AP Comparative Government and Politics AP Computer Science (starting 2014/2015) AP English Literature and Composition AP English Language and Composition AP Environmental Science AP European History AP Human Geography AP Macroeconomics AP Physics 1 and 2 AP Physics C: Mechanics & Electricity(starting 2014/2015) AP Portfolio AP Psychology AP Spanish Language AP Spanish Literature and Culture AP Statistics AP Studio Art: 2-D Design AP Studio Art: 3-D Design AP United States Government and Politics AP United States History AP World History AP Potential AP Fair Teacher Recommendation
NSLB (No Senior Left Behind) Name:_______________ Class _____________ ID #: ___________ Weighted GPA:______________ Unweighted GPA: _______ Test Scores Permanent email Address: ____________________________________________ Colleges/Universities you are applying to: _______________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Colleges/Universities that already accepted you: __________________________ Colleges/Universities/Vocational you plan to attend:_______________________ Did you apply for Florida Financial Aid? YES NO If not, please list the reasons:_________________________________________ Did you apply for FAFSA ? YES NO If not, please list the reasons:__________________________________________ Questions: _________________________________________________________ Reading Math Writing FCAT N/A ACT SAT
Dual Enrollment Partnership with Miami Dade College, Florida National College and Florida International University. Students attend courses on and off campus. 2014 will have 50 students graduating with their Associates in Arts and High School diploma simultaneously.
Leading Success Creating a College-Going Culture: Creating a College-Going Culture: Reading II—Academic Rigor ■Are all stakeholders included (e.g., students, parents, etc.)? ■Are the concepts and words in the definition understandable to a person without ties to the school? ■Are there major concepts or phrases that you wish had been included?
Creating a College-Going Culture: Reading II—Academic Rigor ■What are the concepts, phrases, or words common to all the definitions? ■What are the major differences in the definitions presented? ■Are there concepts or phrases in one definition that you wish had been in your group’s definition?
List five or more appropriate teacher behaviors that you would see in an academically rigorous middle level or high school classroom in your department . List five or more student behaviors that you would see in an academically rigorous classroom in your department. Classroom Questioning
It’s not if you’re going to college but where are you going to college Expectancies Rigor in every lesson Parent Communication Log Professional Development Knowledge of each student through data College Promotion since 6th grade It’s not if you’re going to college but where are you going to college
ADMINISTRATIVE WALKTHROUGHS Principal = 30 classrooms a day Asst. Principals = 15 classrooms a day Department Chairs = all classrooms in their department during their off period(s).