Brian Clark Data Analyst Data Management and Analysis (614) 644-6859 HEI New User Training -- Ohio Board of Regents.


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Presentation transcript:

Brian Clark Data Analyst Data Management and Analysis (614) HEI New User Training -- Ohio Board of Regents

HEI Analyst Team Dr. Darrell Glenn Director, Data Management and Analysis Brian Clark Data Analyst Jimmy Wermuth Data Analyst Melissa Sponseller Part-time Analyst Other Data Management and Analysis Staff Bill Wagner – Data and Information Requests Andy Lechler – Subsidy and Resource Analysis Zach Waymer – Institutional Audits

Ohio’s Higher Education Information (HEI) System

Ohio’s state-of-the-art, web-enabled Higher Education Information System (implemented WI 1998) A comprehensive data warehouse that contains higher education information on Enrollments Student Demographics Financial Aid Faculty Facilities Finances Academic Programs Capital Planning Non-Credit The HEI System

Administer complex formulas State operating and capital subsidy Resource Analysis Facilities Utilization Responsive to frequent ad-hoc data requests from legislature, campuses, media, public Produce several web-based reports and publications Houses over 15 general purpose customizable & accessible web-based queries How is HEI Used?

Colleges & Universities HEI WWW Key Decision Makers 3. Queries and Reports Available 1. Transmit Data 2. Data edited, cleansed of errors, then loaded Web-based System

SSN’s in HEI converted to unique OBRID and stored in secure table with limited access HEI account and password required to access areas of the database which is granted by signing HEI data access and dissemination policy Unrestricted and Restricted Outputs/Queries Submission/Query authorizations granted at user level by campus liaisons Web Server uses encryption State firewalls Direct Access by OBR staff ONLY Security and Privacy Practices

Minimum Requirements for access PC and Web browser (Internet Explorer recommended) Data Reporter access requirements Account from Liaison Software to convert files to ASCII text (flat file) Web-based System


Exploration of the HEI web pages

Core Data Areas

Core Data Areas: Enrollment COURSES STUDENTS SSN, OBRID Demographics First Time Enrolled in College Academic Intention Rank Major (Academic Program) Grade Point Average Alternative Credit Hours Degrees/Certificates Earned Courses Offered Sections Offered Credit Hours Course Level Remediation CIP Code (subject code) Award of Academic Credit Attempt of Academic Credit Public Institutions

COURSES SSN, OBRID Demographics Appointment Status Work Category Tenure Status Salary Funding Unit Highest Degree Earned Sections Taught (workload) Degrees/Certificates Earned Public Institutions INSTRUCTORS STUDENTS Core Data Areas: Faculty/Staff

COURSES Space Inventory Physical Condition Functional Condition Square Footage Area Type and Function Codes Class Meeting Times Capacity and Utilization Replacement Value Ownership Status Year of Construction Year of Acquisition Public Institutions INSTRUCTORS STUDENTS BLDGS &ROOMS Core Data Areas: Facilities

Core Data Areas: Financial COURSES Public Institutions INSTRUCTORS STUDENTS BLDGS &ROOMS SPENDING Campus Budgets Financial Statements Revenues Expenditures

Public Institutions STUDENTS Inventory of Programs CIP Code (Subject Code) Degree Level and Name Concentration Expected Time and Credit Hours Program Status PROGRAM DEGREE/CERTIFICATE AWARDED Core Data Areas: Academic Programs

Outcomes Reporting Distribution of State Share of Instruction (SSI) Resource Analysis Basic Data Series Reports Student Inventory Data Distribution of Financial Aid Capacity Reports and Utilization Basic Renovations Distribution Aged-Space Calculation Uses of the Data

File Dependencies Enrollment Data Area Facility Data Area Faculty/Staff Data Area Financial Data Area


Submitting Data to HEI

Via the Data Input Site Create a text file per the Data Submissions Document Guidelines Use the Data Fields section of the Data Submissions Document to appropriately format the data file Submit file to HEI via the Data Input Site Data are submitted by file name, year and term The Data Input Site also stores all your previously submitted files Archived Data Input Site How do I submit data to HEI?

Three Data Types Alphabetic Campus Code (OHSU) Alphanumeric Section ID (CHEM10) Case and Blank sensitive Numeric Contact Hours (0010) Number of Characters Column Position Justification (when appropriate) Data Formatting Conventions

Data Submission Document Layout: Field NamesField Attributes and ProceduresData Format CampusEnter a campus code from Institution/Campus Codes. Alphabetic 4 characters Columns 1-4 Student Identifier Enter the federally assigned Social Security Number (SSN) whenever possible. If the SSN is unavailable, enter another identifier which uniquely relates to this student. Student identifiers for minors are to be assigned by the campus. Alphanumeric 9 characters Columns 5-13 Left justify Institution Assigned Identifier SwitchEnter Y if the student identifier is not a federally assigned Social Security Number. Enter N if the student identifier is the SSN assigned by the federal government. Alphabetic 1 character Column 14 CampusStudent IdentifierInstitution Assigned Identifier Switch Alphabetic, 4 characters Columns 1-4 Alphanumeric, 9 characters, Columns 5-13, Left justify Alphabetic 1 character Column 14 Text Document Layout:

Placed at the beginning of every submission to the data input site Identifies Who, What, When, and How many Submission, year, and term must match the data input site drop- down selections File Header Record

OHSUNC2008NA OHSU = Institution 2. NC = Type of File = Year 4. NA = Term = Number of records Example of File Header

File header record correct? Is the file formatted per the Data Submissions Document? Is the submission only plain text? Are all extra characters removed before the delete switch? Is edit window open? If not, Extension Request! All items completed on pre-submission checklist… File Submission Time! Pre-submission Checklist


Data Input Site

1.Your Contact Information 2.Your Institution 3.Your Data Area. If you have access to more than one data area, make the appropriate selection from the Data area drop down box. 4.Menu of resourceful links

Drop down box will only show submissions with open edit windows and files that you are allowed to submit

Click “Submit File” to submit the file to the Data Input Site

Return to the Data Input Site Select Data Area Find Submission by its HEI assigned file name Click View Click Primary Edit Results Click Summary Edit Results, if available To Look at Primary and Summary Edits

Entire File allows the data reporter to view the entire data file submission. Edit Statistics provide the time the edits began and ended, total number of records read, total number of errors or warnings, and number of repeat submissions that occurred in the data file. Tab Delimited Edit Results provide the primary edits results as tab delimited text Primary Edit Results provide detailed information about the errors and warnings that occurred in the file. Quit returns the user to the College Access Program Data Input Site homepage.

Review Primary and Summary Edits Consult Data Submissions Document Consult Edit and Load Specs using error or warning number Compare to last year’s submission Speak to your IT department or whoever prepared submission Contact HEI Analyst Make changes and resubmit. Please remember: File submissions with either Primary or Summary Edit errors cannot load into the HEI database. Suggestions for resolving Errors and Warnings

1. Reference code from the Edit and Load Specifications. 2. Sum of each type of error or warning 3. Description of why the error or warning occurred 4. Sum of all errors or warnings 5. Information directing you to the record line where the error occurred 6. Additional information detailing the cause of the error or warning 7. The data that caused the error or the warning

The file is submitted to the HEI Load Queue for approval by an Ohio Board of Regents staff member After staff reviews the file, the file is approved for load or the data reporter is contacted regarding information contained in the file After a file is successfully loaded into the HEI database, the data reporter receives load confirmation via What Happens Next?


Queries 101

Restricted Require user name and password to access. Access privileges granted by HEI Liaison. Two types: Queries generally available to institutions. Queries available to higher education programs (e.g. TRIO, Tech Prep, etc.) Unrestricted Open to the public. Types of Queries


Query Exercises

Which institution had the largest amounts of gross square feet and replacement value for owned structures that were physically and functional obsolete in 2007? Physical Structure Summary Query

In 2007, how many institutions had owned buildings constructed between 1960 and 1990 that contained the name “Rhodes” somewhere in the physical structure name? Will you get different results depending on how you capitalize ‘RHODES”? Physical Structure Detail Query

Which institution had the highest number of classrooms that were used for instruction and had a network connection in 2007? Area Inventory Query

What is the distribution by rank of students enrolled in business (52**** subject code) related courses at the baccalaureate course level at the University of Toledo for autumn term 2007? Course Enrollment (CN) Query

a.)You are making a presentation on the role of women at State supported higher education institutions. As a starting point for your research, you want to know the number of women in each work category in Autumn of Fiscal Year 2007 compared to males. b. You want a sense of the diversity (with regard to gender and race) of employees at Cleveland State by work category (Executive, Administrative and Managerial as well as Faculty and Instruction, Research and Public Service) and appointment status (full-time 11 or 12 month). All Employee (AM) Query

a.) How many students majored in Chemistry during the autumn term of 2007? What schools did they attend? b. The Director of Admissions wants to compare the number of 18 to 20 year old freshmen at your community college to all other community colleges based on race and sex. Use autumn 2007 for the term (remember they were 18 to 20 during autumn 2007). Student Enrollment (SN) Query

How many baccalaureate and associate degrees were earned in engineering for Fiscal Year 2007? Display by campus type and sex. Degree/Certificate (DC) Query

At the community college sector (by individual campus) what is the cost per FTE ( for the new taxonomy) at the STEM1 subsidy model? Resource Analysis

TRIO Statewide Total Query For the Upward Bound TRIO program at Columbus State Community College how many course enrollments were there at any Ohio institution during Fiscal Year 2008 for students that were both First Generation and Low Income?