Chapter 1.5 First Aid
First Aid Principles These are known as the three Ps. To promote recovery To prevent further injury To protect the patient If you have no first aid training you should not give any treatment or anything to eat or drink – you can keep them calm and comfortable until medical help arrives.
First Aid legislation There must be at least one first aid box for every 150 people There must be at least one named qualified first aider for every 150 people There must be a ‘responsible person’ in charge of first aid First aid boxes must be regularly checked for their contents Fist aid boxes must be easily accessible (easily available)
Contents of First Aid box Sterile dressings Wound dressings Adhesive (sticky) plaster Sterile cotton wool/eye pad Pressure bandages Safety pins, scissors, eye bath and tweezers Rubber/latex/plastic gloves Triangular bandages
Common accidents AccidentTreatment Burns & Scalds Cool the area with cold running water for at least 10 minutes. Do not apply cream, if area larger than 10p piece, get medical help. If the burn is caused by hot fat, seek medical help straight away CutWash, dry and apply a blue, waterproof, detectable plaster. If bleeding does not stop, hold the injured part above the level of the heart and apply pressure. FallIf the casualty is lying on the floor, do not help them up. Place them into the recovery position and allow them to sit up slowly when they feel able to. If feeling faint, loosen tight clothing and put the casualties head between their knees. Burn: Caused by dry heat e.g. hot pan Scald: Caused by moist heat e.g. steam Water boils at 100 o C, so a burn or scald from a hot pan, boiling water or steam will be very painful. However, burns caused by hot fat (which is used in fryers at 180 o C or more) can be very dangerous.
Is the area safe: DRABC (Danger, Response, Airway, Breathing & Circulation) Speak to the casualty as you approach them Do they respond to your voice, touch or pain? Look for medical alert: necklace, wrist band, card in pocket What is the history of the accident?