Mike Weaver Generating Faculty Interest in New Technologies: The ITEC Showcase BUCKNELL UNIVERSITY
Bucknell is a liberal arts university with 3400 undergraduate students and 150 graduate students from 46 states and 58 countries. Bucknell features professional programs in engineering, business, education, and music, as well as pre-professional programs in law and medicine. Bucknell is located in central Pennsylvania.
ITEC Instructional Technology Enhancing the Curriculum … a part of the Library and Information Technology organization (formerly ISR) … 3½ employees
What is the ITEC Showcase? A series of Information Sessions Workshops Discovery Sessions usually spanning two days. Typically offered before the start of spring and fall semesters.
Information Sessions Hour-long presentations and question and answer sessions. Typically focused on a faculty member demonstrating how they are using a particular technology.
Information Sessions (2) Examples from our January Session: Faculty Use of Video: (Theatre and Dance, History, Civil Eng.) Video for Student Projects: (Biology/Animal Behavior, History) Podcasting: (Biology, French) Facebook: (English/Environmental Studies) Team 360: (Chemical Engineering) Digital Images/Artstor: (Education) Clickers: (Biology) Social Tagging: Bb Scholar & del.icio.us: Using PowerPoint Effectively: Google Earth: (Geography) (faculty department)
Workshops One- to two-hour hands-on workshop sessions, typically led by ITEC personnel.
Workshops (2) Examples from our January Session: Survey Software Intro to Blackboard Advanced Blackboard Intro to PowerPoint Advanced PowerPoint Strategies for Student Collaboration – Blogs, Wikis, Groups Using Sympodium & Smartboards
Discovery Computers and other hardware and software, set up for faculty to play “Try out an iPod. See clickers. Learn about the Tablet/Notebook Computer Cart. Explore Facebook. View the world through Google Earth. Talk to someone from ITEC. Share ideas with your colleagues.” Available during the entire two days of the showcase. Lunch!
Where: the “Collaborate” space on the second floor of the library.
In January, we had 40 people (mostly faculty) attending various events. Faculty are generally most engaged when attending presentations led by colleagues. The Showcase definitely leads to more work for us - helping faculty get started with various technologies. [That’s a good thing!] Summarizing
Mike Weaver Instructional Technologist – Lead Bucknell University bucknell.edu