Component 5 ANDALUSIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY - IAT Avignon, 17 – 18 th May 2010
Component 5 Pilot project for the Transfer of project results in a specific relevant subsector in each region (Component leader: Andalusian Institute of Technology). Description C5 aims to facilitate agrofood companies, particularly those SMEs from the five agrofood subsector more active in the Technoenvironmental Platform, the effective transfer, implementation and development of the environmental technologies and best practices most suitable and adapted to their processes that enable them to decrease their environmental impact. Each partner will choose at least 10 relevant SMEs from the identified subsector to foster the implementation of Best Avalaible Technology (BAT) and Best Environmental Practises (BEP) and prepare a specific action plan that will help them to improve their environmental performance.
Participating partners All Partners (10 Environmental Assessment in each region) Phase Component 5 All Partners (10 Action Plans in each region) Phase 5.1. Environmental Assessment to SMEs. Phase 5.2. Technoenvironmental Action Plan for SMEs. Pilot project for the Transfer of project results in a specific relevant subsector in each region. Leader: Andalusian Institute of Technology.
Value Deliverable Component 5 Pilot project for the Transfer of project results in a specific relevant subsector in each region (Component leader: Andalusian Institute of Technology). D14. Technoenviromental Assessment and Action Plan. 90
Timetable Component 5 Pilot project for the Transfer of project results in a specific relevant subsector in each region. Leader: Andalusian Institute of Technology. D14. Technoenviromental Assessment and Action Plan.
Phase 5.1. Technoenvironmental Assesment fo SMEs. Each partner, with the support of external experts, will develop an individual Environmental Assessment for 10 active SMEs in their regions, regarding the use of environmental technologies and best practices. Andalusian Institute of Technology will design and development of a methodology for the elaboration of this individual assessment. Component 5 Pilot project for the Transfer of project results in a specific relevant subsector in each region (Component leader: Andalusian Institute of Technology).
Phase 5.2. Technoenvironmental Action Plan for SMEs. Each partner, with the support of external experts, will define a specific Action Plan for 10 active SMEs to foster the technological adaptation of SMEs. Andalusian Institute of Technology will design and development of a methodology for the elaboration of this Action Plan. Component 5 Pilot project for the Transfer of project results in a specific relevant subsector in each region (Component leader: Andalusian Institute of Technology).
1.- SME´s identification 2.-Technoenvironmental assessment 3.-. Technoenvironmental Action Plan for SMEs How to do it? 10 SME´s each partner Visit to each SME´s Develop technoenvironmental improvement plans
1.- SME´s identification Identification: mainly SME´s of AGROENVIROMEND database. Contact to inform and describe about: - Objectives. - Benefits. - Metodology. IAT makes the template Participation agreement IAT makes the template
1.- SME´s identification Identification: mainly SME´s of AGROENVIROMEND database. Contact to inform and description of the: - Objectives. - Benefits. - Activity and metodology. IAT makes the template Participation agreement IAT makes the template Information contained: -General description of AGROENVIRONMED proyect. -Specific information about Component 5: Objectives Benefits Metodology
1.- SME´s identification Identification: mainly SME´s of AGROENVIROMEND database. Contact to inform and description of the: - Objectives. - Benefits. - Activity and metodology. IAT makes the template Participation agreement IAT makes the template
1.- SME´s identification Identification: mainly SME´s of AGROENVIROMEND database. Contact to inform and description of the: - Objectives. - Benefits. - Activity and metodology. IAT makes the template Participation agreement IAT makes the template Information contained: - Description of the activities. - Compromiso de confidencialidad.
1.- SME´s identification SUPPORT - AGROENVIRONMED database. - Expert group. - Regional coference. - Enviromental providers.
2.- Technoenvironmental Assessment Application of the guide in each SME´s to: - Identify environmental issues in each stage of the process (origin and quantitive identification): o Raw materials consumption. o Energy consumption. o Water consumption o Waste water emissions. o Air emissions. o Waste. o Noise. - Identify environmental technologies and best practises in use. General guide to technoenvironmental assessment IAT makes the template (Support: CMA) 1 visit to each SME´s
2.- Technoenvironmental Assessment Application of the guide in each SME´s to: - Identify environmental issues in each stage of the process (origin and quantitive): o Raw materials consumption. o Energy consumption. o Water consumption o Waste water emissions. o Air emissions. o Waste. o Noise. - Identify environmental technologies and good practises in use. General Guide to Technoenvironmental Asseeement IAT makes the template (Support: CMA) 1 visit to each SME´s Guide will be a tool to: -Identify and the environmental issues in each stage of the process: o Raw materials consumption. o Energy consumption. o Water consumption o Waste water emissions. o Air emissions. o Waste. o Noise. -Identify enviromental technologies and best practise in use.
2.- Technoenvironmental Assessment Application of the guide in each SME´s to: - Identify environmental issues in each stage of the process (origin and quantitative identification): o Raw materials consumption. o Energy consumption. o Water consumption o Waste water emissions. o Air emissions. o Waste. o Noise. - Identify environmental technologies and good practises in use. General guide to technoenvironmental asseeement IAT makes the template (Support: CMA) 1 visit to each SME´s
2.- Technoenvironmental Assessment SUPPORT - Information from Regional Characterization: process description, enviromental issues, enviromental technologies, best practise. - Expert group.
3.-. Technoenvironmental Action Plan for SMEs Make the Tecnoenviromental Action Plan for each SME´s Technoenviromental Action Plan: Report on enviromental improvement throught the use of BAT and BET IAT makes the template (Support: CMA) Submit the Tecnoenviromental Action Plan to each SME´s 1 visit to each SME?´s
3.-. Technoenvironmental Action Plan for SMEs Make the Tecnoenviromental Action Plan for each SME´s Technoenviromental Action Plan: Inform about enviromental improvements by use of BAT and BET IAT makes the template (Support: CMA) Present the Tecnoenviromental Action Plan to each SME´s 1 visit to each SME?´s Inform contained: - SME´s data and description. - Description of the production process. - Enviromental issues (origin and quantitative/qualitative identification) o Raw materials consumption. o Energy consumption. o Water consumption o Waste water emissions. o Air emissions. o Waste. o Noise. -Identication of enviromental technologies and best practise to implement: o Aplicability. o Enviromental improvement (quantitative, qualitative) o Cost (quantitative,qualitative) o Financial solutions.
3.-. Technoenvironmental Action Plan for SMEs Make the Tecnoenviromental Action Plan for each SME´s Technoenviromental Action Plan: Report on enviromental improvement throught the use of BAT and BET IAT makes the template (Support: CMA) Submit the Tecnoenviromental Action Plan to each SME´s 1 visit to each SME?´s
3.-. Technoenvironmental Action Plan for SMEs SUPPORT - Information from Regional Characterization: process description, enviromental issues, enviromental technologies, best practise. - Expert group. - Enviromental providers.
Tel Fax: C/ Leonardo da Vinci, 2 Isla de La Cartuja E Sevilla. Spain Lorenzo Chacón Ladrón de Guevara Thank you for your attention !