1 National Geographic Information Policies in Europe Alessandro Annoni Space Applications Institute Joint Research Centre


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Presentation transcript:

1 National Geographic Information Policies in Europe Alessandro Annoni Space Applications Institute Joint Research Centre

2 6 th EC-GIS workshop, June Lyon 2 Outline GI&GIS project Key Issues for GI Infrastructures European Policy Developments National and Regional Policy Developments Where next?

3 6 th EC-GIS workshop, June Lyon GI & GIS: Towards an Integrated Spatial Framework for European Policies Pan-European data sets(CORINE, NATURA2000, IMAGE2000) IT Support Methodological Issuefor data analysis &integration Dissemination Strategy & Data policies The GI&GIS project GI reference center. To support the European GI policy (EGIP) development as a part of new communication on eGovernment Information Strategies.  Formalisation of the user requirements for the EGII (European GI Infrastructure). GI core data and market. Creation of new thematic networks.  Standardisation (Reference systems, Metadata, projections,..) Contribute to the set-up of an interoperable European GeoStatistical system.  Technology watch and Dissemination ( for EC. Pan-European dbs development. To support and monitor the spatial component of EU policies (Natura2000, Image2000/CorineLC2000, Agro-Meteorology, Catchments, etc.).  Conception, creation and harmonisation of spatial layers  Set-up of spatial information services. Applied Research. To investigate methods for integrated assessment and study the applicability of technology.  Geomatics, Spatial analysis, Interoperability.

4 6 th EC-GIS workshop, June Lyon Key Issues for GI Infrastructures Institutional issues  governance, public-private relationships, citizenship Organisational issues  impacts of digital information on structures, roles, power Economic issues  value of information, pricing, cost-benefits, business cases Legal issues  IPR, copyright, privacy Social issues  digital divide, participation Education  ethics, curricula, methods

5 6 th EC-GIS workshop, June Lyon European Policy Developments GI2000 discussions  No COM but series of initiatives and projects related to GI. Increasing awareness in the EC of the role of GI e.g  EEA advisory group on spatial analysis,  cluster on AE,..and COM on the integration of spatial indicators for policy monitoring. European Spatial Development Perspective  get member states and Regions to think more “European”  get the EC to evaluate the cumulative Spatial Impacts of its policies (Structural Funds, CAP, Environmental policies, etc.) COGI (Interservice Committee on GI) Green Paper on Public Sector Information (Jan 1999) Follow up EC Communication to the Green Paper (2000) "eEurope - An Information Society for All" Hence, a broader policy framework is emerging within which Europe-wide GI issues can move forward Hence, a broader policy framework is emerging within which Europe-wide GI issues can move forward

6 6 th EC-GIS workshop, June Lyon National Developments Workshop "Geographic Information Policies in Europe: National and Regional Perspectives"  organised by EUROGI, DG INFSO and JRC  12 countries represented Main objectives:  to identify similarities and differences in data policy initiatives taking place across Europe,  to identify key issues that need addressing at the supra-national level Main focus of the workshop  is on the policy frameworks relating to the dissemination and conditions of access to digital data, Report available  from

7 6 th EC-GIS workshop, June Lyon Topics Basic facts about the country Who are the main providers of GI  e.g. role played by cadastre, national mapping agency, national statistical institute etc. The institutional context of national GI policy  e.g. policies relating to access and dissemination, legal protection etc. Elements of national spatial data infrastructure  e.g. mechanisms for coordinating national policy, provision of core data sets, development of national metadata services etc. Current burning issues under discussion  e.g. future of national mapping agency, freedom of information legislation.

8 6 th EC-GIS workshop, June Lyon Summary of Findings (1/3) Many initiatives across Europe concerned with the development of data policies in general, and GI policy in particular:  in some cases, the GI dimension is very strong (i.e. NSDIs in Portugal, Netherlands, Finland)  in others, such as France, GI is recognised as an important element of public sector information  regional/local dimension is particularly important in some countries (e.g. Germany, Italy, Belgium)  today, users demand much higher data quality and documentation  development of Internet forcing governments to address data policy issues.

9 6 th EC-GIS workshop, June Lyon Summary of Findings (2/3) Access vs. Dissemination  First step: policies for access e.g. Data Protection and Freedom of Information  Second step: proactive policies for dissemination  Dissemination has major implications in respect to the organisation of work in the public administration, intellectual property, metadata (i.e. the first step in active dissemination is to declare what is available), relationships with the private sector, and pricing.

10 6 th EC-GIS workshop, June Lyon Access vs. Dissemination: the example of France Legislation on access to public sector information since 1978 Cross sectoral review in 1999 ("Mandelkern" report):  "essential data", defined as those necessary to all citizens and residents to exercise their rights, should be accessible free of charge. Such data may include legislative, statistical, and geographic data such as administrative boundaries,  That all agencies working for the public sector, i.e. including the utilities and private companies if working on a contract paid by the public sector, have the obligation of disseminating "essential data",  That each organisation must submit to the government and to an independent panel a list of the "essential data" it holds already in digital format, and a digitization plan for that held in analogue format. The French policy maybe will change next sunday

11 6 th EC-GIS workshop, June Lyon Good practice at National level  The Gateway to GeoCid, Services to Citizens on-line in Portugal snig.cnig.pt

12 6 th EC-GIS workshop, June Lyon Key features of the SNIG Wide range of data available Good documentation, and clear visibility Focus on both professionals and citizens HOW?  Long term vision and political support  Link to wider Information Society policies  Continuity of operational leadership  Funding, skills, and enthusiasm

13 6 th EC-GIS workshop, June Lyon Data discovery at Regional level Regional Data Infrastructure: the search engine of the Emilia-Romagna Region emilia-romagna.it

14 6 th EC-GIS workshop, June Lyon Summary of Findings (3/3) Pricing  significant variations: in some cases “essential” data free of charge (i.e. paid through general taxation), and value added data charged for, but distinction often blurred.  In other countries, a policy has yet to emerge, and individual organisations act independently.  Where a policy exists, a general principle that seems to emerge is that price should not deter use of data but on the contrary should encourage it.

15 6 th EC-GIS workshop, June Lyon Local authorities and eCommerce Torinofacile for professionals access to municipal maps and land* information via web *technical papers, regulatory papers and technical standards, area maps, cadastral documents, reports regarding variations...

16 6 th EC-GIS workshop, June Lyon GI and Private Services City guides from the private sector in Germany, providing a range of services such as routing.

17 6 th EC-GIS workshop, June Lyon GI and Private Services: free of charge Example of free-of- charge private sector service. By indicating a postcode, the service brings together available data on property markets, education, service, and crime statistics. Revenues for this site are generated through advertising. - reet.com

18 6 th EC-GIS workshop, June Lyon National Mapping Agencies The Home Page of the Ordnance Survey, highly geared to e- commerce - gov.uk/

19 6 th EC-GIS workshop, June Lyon Follow-up: Role of the EC EC still the largest single user of pan-European GI Important that it defines:  “Core data” to support its policies (In progress)  Regulation to ensure long-term supply of core data (?)  Metadata for data sets created internally and by EC-funded projects (in progress)  Co-ordination: HLWP and COGI (partly there)  Dissemination: Single portal for GI related activities ( in place) and coherent policy for dissemination to third parties of key layers being created (IMAGE+CLC, NATURA, SOILS) Help convergence of national data policies

20 6 th EC-GIS workshop, June Lyon Follow-up: EC +Others Continue monitoring, documenting, and disseminating data policy developments occurring at national/regional level in Europe, and in the international arena (e.g. GSDI). Link GI policy initiatives to the wider debates on data policy (e.g. Green Paper) and other major policy initiatives at the EU level such as enlargement, agricultural policy, spatial development perspective, eEurope so that a stronger case for European action can be developed. Keep the pressure (but be patient).

21 6 th EC-GIS workshop, June Lyon Follow-up: CEEC Already excellent examples in place (e.g. Hungary) that have much to teach to some EU countries i.e. no need for inferiority complex Data and technology are important issues, but there is the possibility to make very rapid advances Some of the most important long-term issues are not technological To precisely analyse the current status of GI policies in CEEC a new workshop with EUROGI; DG INFSO and JRC is planned in November

22 6 th EC-GIS workshop, June Lyon Conclusions Major technological and social changes taking place GI part of the broader information policy Intellectual and political challenges and ethical responsibility The key answers are within ourselves and do not come from the outside (although dialogue and partnerships help) If we do not participate, somebody else will shape our future.