Ocean Energy Alla Weinstein, President
Ocean Energy Resources Stage of Technology Development Socio Economic & Environmental Impacts Barriers to Overcome Cooperation Recommendations Agenda
Ocean Energy Resources
Wave Energy – 45,000 TWh/year Ocean Currents – 400 TWh/year Tidal – 1,800 TWh/year Ocean Thermal – 33,000 TWh/year Osmotic – 20,000 TWh/year Ocean Energy Potential Ocean Energy has the theoretical potential to satisfy the present global electricity demand Source: Ocean Energy: Prospects & Potential, Isaacs & Schmitt, with 15% utilization factor & 50% capacity factor
Ocean Energy state of the art – –Has matured significantly over the last 5 years – –Entered Early Commercialization Large scale test installations are either developed or under development Stage of Technology Development
Wave ~ 1.7 MW Pico, Azores – 0.4 MW Limpet, Islay – 0.5 MW Pelamis, Portugal – 0.7 MW Tidal ~ 266 MW Barrage – 240MW La Rance; 20MW CA; 5MW China Current – 1MW, MCT, IE; 0.5MW, Verdant, USA OTEC ~ 0.2 MW Hawaii, USA Installed Capacity
Wave Energy Generation
Annual average wave energy flux per unit width of wave crest (kilowatts/m) Global Wave Power Distribution
Wave Energy Conversion Principles
PICO Plant, Portugal 1999, 400kW LIMPET, Wavegen, UK 2000, 500kW Onshore Wave – Grid Connected OWC
Offshore Wave - OWC OceanLynx, Australia 2005, 450 kW OE Buoy, Ireland 2006, 20 KW
AWS, Portugal 2005, 2MW Offshore Wave - Subsurface Wave Roller, Finland 2006, 13 kW
Offshore Wave - Surface WaveDragon, Denmark 2003, 20kW Pelamis, UK 2005, 750kW
Offshore Wave – Point Absorbers Wavebob, Ireland 2006, 200kW Power Buoy, USA 2005, 40kW AquaBuOY, USA 2007, ~ 20kW
Tidal Energy Generation Tidal changes in sea level occur as Earth rotates beneath bulges in ocean envelope, which are produced by solar and lunar gravitational forces. MOON’S ORBIT North Pole Earth rotates counter-clockwise
Tidal Resources 1. Siberia 2. Inchon, Korea 3. Hangchow, China 4. Hall's Point, Australia 5. New Zealand 6. Anchorage, Alaska 7. Panama 8. Chile 9. Punta Loyola, Argentina 10. Brazil 11. Bay of Fundy 12. Frobisher Bay, Canada 13. Wales, UK 14. Antwerp, Belgium 15. LeHavre, France 16. Guinea 17. Gujarat, India 18. Burma 19. Semzha River, Russia 20. Colorado River, Mexico 21. Madagascar
Tidal Range – La Rance, France
Tidal Current Devices Gorlov Helical Turbine, 2005, USA Hammerfest Strom, 2006, Norway
Tidal Current Devices MTC, 2006, UK Verdant Power, 2006, USA
Ocean Currents Winds move 60 % of “excess heat” from equator to poles (primarily via extratropical and tropical storms), while ocean currents move 40% (thermohaline “conveyor belt”). Global redistribution of heat by ocean currents. As global warming accelerates evaporative transfer of fresh water to poles, conveyor belt slows.
Ocean Current Devices Open Hydro, 2007, UK (EMEC)
Ocean Thermal Resources
Ocean Thermal Energy Sun-Sea, USA OTEC-Mini, 1998, Hawaii, USA
Osmotic Energy
StatKarft, Norway (randition)
Socio Economic Coastal job creations ~ jobs/MW Utilization of existing infrastructure Emissions aversion Environmental – –Three environmental assessments – FONSI – –Main areas of concern – solved via design Withdrawal of energy Spill or leakage from hydraulic-based devices Noise for OWC Socio Economic & Environmental
Economic Incentives Long-term feed-in tariffs have proven to work Access and availability of the electrical grid A major expansion factor Regulatory Framework Standardization is required Availability of Resource Data Public Awareness Non-Technical Barriers
Cooperation should be encouraged and promoted Private investors are looking for: Government support to offset initial risks Feed-in tariffs Long-term power purchase obligations Investor incentives Funding needs to concentrate on demonstration projects EU Cooperation & Investments
Large number of device concepts – –Future funding programs should concentrate bridging the “valley of death” and the “death peak” Grid availability will be a major hindering factor to growth Conclusion
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