Scholars Portal Looking back before 2000:.... Google [1998].... Y2K [1999] On our minds in :.... The dotcom meltdown Seeing into the future:.... Web 2.0 [2004]
In the beginning establish order to enhance value create linkages to build coherence
Ontario Information Infrastructure 2001
OII Project Goals ensure rapid and reliable response time for information services and resources provide for the long term, secure archiving of resources to ensure continued availability create a network of intellectual resources by linking ideas, materials, documents and resources provide a malleable environment that fosters additional innovation in response to the needs of the users
OII Strategic Programs Strategic Program # 1: Access to Scholarly Information Resources Strategic Program # 2: Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery Strategic Program # 3: The Scholar's Portal Strategic Program # 4: Site Licensing
Strategic Program # 1: Access to Scholarly Information Resources Centrally mount and deliver information resources acquired through OCUL consortia purchases (e.g. CNSLP, OCUL IR) to ensure rapid and reliable access, and secure archiving Infrastructure to be acquired: access server and database storage search software (e.g. ScienceServer, Endeavor) discovery software (e.g. ENCompass) upgrade to host computing facilities
Strategic Program # 2: Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery Implement and sustain an OCUL interlibrary loan system and service to facilitate patron initiated loans and document deliveries and to maximize use of the existing print collections Infrastructure to be acquired: VDX software (Fretwell-Downing) VDX server and database storage web server and database storage
Strategic Program # 3: The Scholar's Portal Implement an OII Scholar's Portal to provide integrated access to digital services and resources Infrastructure to be acquired: portal software systems integration design
Strategic Program # 4: Site Licensing Purchase and/or license electronic scholarly information resources in support of the research needs and requirements of the academic community through the Canadian National Site Licensing Project (CNSLP) Infrastructure to be acquired: electronic scholarly resources (e.g. electronic journals and databases)
RACER rolled out to 6 schools Science Server extended to OCUL schools UOIT joins OCUL VDX Team SIRs Team
RACER rolled out to 4 more schools Refworks server installed Programmer hired to accelerate journal loading VDX support librarian added to help with RACER rollout, training and troubleshooting VDX Team SIRs Team
RACER rolled out to 4 more schools Refworks rolled out to 19 schools SFX acquired and rolled out to 19 schools Data analyst added to RACER team to develop reports Systems support specialist, metadata analyst and client services librarian added to support increased scope of SIRs project OZone Repository kicks off with project to house provincial government documents in cooperation with the Legislative Library VDX Team SIRs Team and books
RACER continues roll out Additional support position hired to handle messaging related problems Illumina acquired and implemented for federated searching VDX Team SIRs Team $7.6 M and books
MultiSearch pilot sites test broadcast federated search model and deem it inadequate Secondment position for VDX project leader endsRACER staff reduced by one client service position as systemrollout nears end and stability issues addressed Transition planning from OIT project to OCUL funded service Cost allocation formula applied to develop first post-project budget which includes an Opportunities Reserve fund to support new projects and innovation VDX Team SIRs Team $2.45 M $7.6 M From Project to Sustainability Core services Early adopter strategy OCUL as a service provider and books
OCUL as a service provider: Principles That the service: be cost-neutral to OCUL members not diminish the daily activities of staff enhance the profile of generate revenue for enhance the skills of staff leverage opportunities for OCUL and advance the concepts promoted by the Rae Commission Review
Project-based governance replaced with new OCUL- based governance structure with single management team -- SPOD Amalgamation of VDX and SIRs staff into single support team -- SPOT -- VDX and SIRs Project Leads combined into one position Additional programmer hired to address backlog of data loading and additional systems support position hired to provide better after hours support First round of Ontario Buys project proposals submitted Early-adopter model used to incorporate Verde as a new but non-core service MarkLogic acquired to replace EJOS/Science Server after EJOS Project discontinued by Ex Libris Client Services Programming Systems $2.45 M$2.75 M $7.6 M$1.5 M $86 K and books synergies
Migration from ScienceServer to MarkLogic continues Additional programmer hired to support the MarkLogic conversion project EBook RFP process concludes and ebrary/ISIS initial implementation starts in August Project Manager selected for EBooks Project and programmer hired toward the end of 2008 ODESI project begins with acquisition of Nesstar servers, hiring of project manager and programmer Client Services Programming Systems $2.45 M$2.75 M$2.62 M $7.6 M ---- $1.5 M ---- $86 K$62 K and books synergies
New Journals system released July Initial work done on securing certification as a TDR Transition of ODESI to a Scholars Portal service complete by September, adding a programmer and a Data Librarian to SPOT team MINES (II) planning begins Algoma joins OCUL EBook project development continues with beta release in fall Geospatial Portal proposal awarded funding in second round of Ontario Buys Client Services Programming Systems $2.45 M$2.75 M$2.62 M$2.67 M $7.6 M$0.53 M $86 K$62 K$155 K ---- $1.5 M ---- and books synergies
Evaluation Librarian hired Illumina Replacement project begins TDR Audit Accessibility Audit MINES Survey commences Refworks Evaluation EBook service launched in January - project extended for one year Geospatial Project RFP issued and awarded Two new technical positions added for Geospatial Project with Project Management assigned to SPOT Data Librarian Client Services Programming Systems $2.45 M$2.75 M$2.62 M$2.67 M $7.6 M$0.53 M $0.44 M $86 K$62 K$155 K $159 K ---- $1.5 M ---- and books synergies
$2.45 M$2.75 M$2.62 M$2.67 M $2.77 M $7.6 M$0.53 M$0.44 M $86 K$62 K$155 K $159 K $83 K ---- $1.5 M ---- and books synergies
$2.45 M$2.75 M$2.62 M$2.67 M $2.77 M$2.89 M $7.6 M$0.53 M$0.44 M $86 K$62 K$155 K $159 K $83 K ---- $1.5 M ---- and books synergies
$2.45 M$2.75 M$2.62 M$2.67 M $2.77 M$2.89 M $7.6 M$0.53 M$0.44 M $86 K$62 K$155 K $159 K $83 K ---- $1.5 M ---- and books synergies
Scholars Portal Costs:
Scholars Portal Service Costs & Use Theme: The costs of managing electronic resources are so high that a cooperative approach to delivering and managing electronic resources is the most cost effective solution for OCUL. Scholars Portal represents that solution SFX exemplifies cost savings through collaboration. If we consider the cost involved in replicating this service at 20 institutions, our total cost is estimated at nearly 7 times the cost of our existing central SFX service
SFX Service Costs
EJournals Costs
SFX Click-throughs to SP
SFX Full-Text Targets
Search Scholars Portal Search Illumina demonstrates increased use over time Scholars Portal search boxes have been added to library websites and/or course management systems at 50% of the OCUL institutions polled
Search Costs