The Labrats Science Education Confederation An E Pluribus Unum approach to science education Shawn Carlson, Ph.D Executive Director SciTech Hands On Museum
Formal Education Resources Great teachers
Informal Education Resources Parents: 95% willing to do more to help their children learn science, but they don’t know how.
Informal Education Resources Parents Professional and “citizen” scientists: Many would love to give back to the next generation, but there is no easy for most of them to do it.
Informal Education Resources Parents Professional and “citizen” scientists Retired scientists and engineers: Would love to be mentors, but there is no easy way for enough of them to get involved. Bob Jackson, retired geologist
Informal Education Resources Parents Professional and “citizen” scientists Retired scientists and engineers Science and Technology Centers
Informal Education Resources Parents Professional and “citizen” scientists Retired scientists and engineers Science and Technology Centers Community centers
Informal Education Resources Parents Professional and “citizen” scientists Retired scientists and engineers Science and Technology centers Community centers Business leaders
Informal Education Resources Parents Professional and “citizen” scientists Retired scientists and engineers Science and Technology centers Community centers Business leaders Philanthropists
Informal Education Resources Parents Professional and “citizen” scientists Retired scientists and engineers Science and Technology centers Community centers Business leaders Philanthropists “Citizen Science” programs, like FIRST. There are scores of great science education and research programs.
Our Challenge
Core Program Schools Ongoing Research Projects (NASA, CLO etc.) Community Support Competitions and Other Programs
Core Program Must… Be national in scope Target teenagers and keep them involved Rely on parents and community volunteers for instruction Meet the needs of America’s diverse communities, especially in the urban areas and inner cities. Meet the needs of young women as well as young men Collaborate effortlessly with all worthy science and engineering programs Provide year-around instruction Prepare young people to do great things!
Model Program?
Scouting Organizations National scope Reaches teenagers by building strong communities of like- minded kids. 130 million scouts Prepares members to be great citizens
Age Range: Grades Structure: Weekly evening meetings run by parents and youth leaders Merit-based advancement Strong ethical code Leadership training Comprehensive hands-on science program supported by mentors Empowerment: Every student learns to make original discoveries. Precepts: Fun, fellowship and fantastic experiences with science
Learning Follows Interest Four-year core curriculum that covers every major field of science Elective program -- merit badges Merit badges provide the interface between Labrats and all other educational programs
Program Infrastructure National Office SciTech Museum Regional Center Nat Hist. Museum Regional Center Aquarium Regional Center Science Center Community Center Boys and Girls Club Adult leaders Community mentors Senior youth leaders Group Youth leaders Group Community service and research collaborations Local, regional, and national competitions Synergy
Labrats Mentors Inspire Excellence A Labrats Mentor introduces young people from his community to astronomy. Prima Rat: Lisa Glukhovsky received mentoring from Labrats Mentors and took First Place at the Junior Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, winning more than $75,000 in scholarships.
Labrats Motto: Do the experiment! Labrats Slogan: Data over dogma! Labrats Credo: Be fair, kind and just Respect yourself and others Never cheat or tolerate those who do Think like a scientist Always do the smart thing Always follow through Work towards a higher purpose
First Pilot Program Completed Results… 100% retention after 5 months. The kids loved it! Average rating 9.5 Eleven of 14 families volunteered to help run the program The Atom Smashers (the all-girl Group) kicked tail! Last year we completed a 5-month pilot study with 14 real kids (4 girls and 10 boys) that tested most of the main elements.
But are teenagers interested? You bet! Survey results from Boys and Girls Club kids. The vast majority liked the Labrats concept and would consider joining. Want to be able to make own discoveries n=110 37% 19% 29% 6% 9% Would consider joining n=108 20% 31% 27% 15% 7%
Labrats Online: 19,000 Members Phase 2 pilot study begins September, 2007 Over $600,000 raised to date National Launch planned for Summer, 2009
Do the experiment!
“Prime Responsibilities” Gen. Lance W. Lord Former Commander, Air Force Space Command “One of our prime responsibilities has to be educating and motivating future leaders and inspiring them to pursue careers in science and engineering.”
National Security at Risk? “Expanding students’ interest in math, science and engineering is critical to our national security. […] Hopefully, [the SMART] initiative will be followed by a major reallocation of federal resources, […]. Our security depends on it.” Senator John Warner, Va
To realize her dreams Michelle needs a community Of supporters. Adults who encourage her Friends who celebrate her achievements in math and science Opportunities to get her hands-on science A mentor who can provide mature guidance A strong moral compass