Elder Abuse Response Team Waterloo Regional Police Service
Partnership The Elder Abuse Response Team Detective Mike Payne, WRPS Elizabeth Nieson, RN Elder Abuse Resource Consultant, WW CCAC
Partner Roles: CCAC provide coordination, information about services and options providing consultation on cases working with officer to respond, advocate and provide intervention services provide intake and assessment role facilitate a forum for case review facilitating referrals to Restorative Justice community development, raising awareness
Partner Roles: Police provide a Detective/Cst conduct criminal investigations ensure confidential police information is shared appropriately liaise with crown attorney facilitate referrals to Restorative Justice, Victim Service, VWAP identify gaps in services partner with others in the community raising awareness and community development
Supporting Documents Memorandum of Understanding Sharing of information (PHIPA, Freedom of Information and Protection Act Agreement between CCAC and WRPS Elder Abuse Response Team Protocol Supports operating principles and key values (respond to elder abuse by working in partnership and providing an opportunity for change and healing, thereby enhancing the safety and well- being of older adults)
Elder Abuse - Definition “ Elder abuse is the mistreatment of an elderly person by someone that they should be able to rely on: a spouse, a child, another family member, a friend, or a paid caregiver.” Senate Committee Report on Aging, 2009 – Canada’s Aging Population: Seizing the Opportunity
Key Values working in partnership with the community safety confidentiality dignity and respect autonomy access to information to make meaningful decisions least restrictive interventions
Victim directed Intervention Capable follow direction of older adult options and referrals to supports involvement of other family/services Incapable evidence of Power of Attorney Substitute Decision Maker advocate on behalf of older adult Public Guardian and Trustee
Benefits of Partnership 1. information sharing Police – history of calls for service; knowledge of provinicial and federal statues CCAC – obtaining and understanding medical information; access to CCAC documentation for client’s at risk; partnership with community programs information shared based PHIPA and Police Service Act and other privacy legislation
Benefits of Partnership continued 2. collection and dissemination of data 3. wider range of options presented to victim in one visit 4. direct referral to EART and 5. direct referral to community support services 6. shared education and initiatives that aid in the reduction of elder abuse
EART - Call source EART is direct referral mandate to raise awareness abuse recognized by family and professionals victims need support to seek help
Family Violence Project Waterloo Region SA/DV Treatment Centre CFCC Counselling Services Community Action Program for Children EART Victim Services WRPS Domestic Violence Family and Children Services Women’s Crisis Services of Waterloo Region Credit Counselling CFCC Crown Attorney
Joint Investigation safety (emergency housing option) determine offence (facts in issue) background (investigative and intelligence, CCAC, medical) mobile obtainment of statements (audio/video) interview of caregivers, physicians, community services obtain statements (witnesses) obtain relevant documents (POA, Dr., health care professional assessments)
Possible Dispositions charges laid – traditional court process diversion to restorative justice (Community Justice Initiatives) referral to community agencies (CCAC; community geriatric program; SW; victim services; community support connections; circles of care volunteers) advocating for assessments (hospital; family physician) advocating for support from informal caregivers
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