Capacity Building and strategy for Ocean Data and Information Management held at Hyderabad, India during Dec 8-10, 2003.


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Presentation transcript:

Capacity Building and strategy for Ocean Data and Information Management held at Hyderabad, India during Dec 8-10, 2003

Three Working Groups were formed to deliberate on specific issues related to Ocean Data and Information Management in the Indian Ocean Region SWG-1 (Needs)SWG-2 (Status)SWG – 3 (Strategy)  Identification of Regional Applications  Requirement Analysis of Ocean Data and Information Management for the Regional applications envisaged. Assess the current scenario and immediate augmentation plans for Ocean Data and Information Management in the Countries of the Indian Ocean region in terms of: a.Infrastructure and Facilities. b.Manpower and Expertise. c.Institutional Arrangements. d.Types of Data and Information handled. e.Services and Target Groups. Identify the ‘Limiting Factors’ for effective archival, processing, exchange and utilization of Ocean data and information Develop a Strategy for Ocean Data and Information Management for the Region. Evolve a framework for the establishment of a regional Ocean Data and Information Network (ODIN). Identify Work Plan for the next 3-4 years, the resource requirements and possible sources of funding. Identifying a Coordination Mechanism at Regional or National Level. Developing a Plan for Capacity Building for Data and Information management.

Management of data is central to the implementation of GOOS in the Indian Ocean region and there are many capacity building activities that need to be identified and planned for. Common methods and procedures and an agreed approach Decentralized Data centers Regional interest, product and service oriented and uses a multi-stakeholder approach

CategoryApplication Marine Meteorology  Regional Climate (Global)  Monsoon (Australian-Asian-African)  Cyclone and Storm Surge  Ocean Weather Operational Oceanography  Ocean State Forecast  Early Warning System (for Cyclones and Storm Surges)  Search and Rescue  Oil Spills Monitoring  Potential Fishing Zone Advisories  Optimal Ship Routing Coastal and Marine Management  Preservation of Eco system  Marine Bio Diversity  Fish Culture  Coastal habitats  Marine Pollution  Water Quality Management Marine Resources  Living o Fisheries o Algal Bloom o Coral reefs, Mangroves, Sea grass  Non Living o Minerals o Oil and gases o Energy Regional applications

Marine Meteorology Sea Level Temperature Currents Winds Changes in Bathymetry Salinity Waves Fresh water flux pCO2 Operational Oceanography Wave Current Tides Winds Temperature Salinity Humidity Air Pressure Hydrocarbons Eddies and gyres Precipitation Radiation SSH Chlorophyll Coastal and Marine Management Waves Currents Tides Surface winds Bathymetry Sediment type Water quality (DO,N,Si,P,Chl,LA…) Salinity SSH Species diversity Effluent from industrial and urban waste Shoreline/erosion Marine resources Temperature Salinity Currents Chlorophyll Light attenuation DO Nutrients SSH Surface winds Bathymetry Fishery statistics Waves Fresh water flux Tides Suspended sediments Hydrocarbon Parameters required Spatial and temporal resolution?

SWG-2 Create an e-group for communication between the members Improve bandwith at various NODCs to a minimum 1 Mbps Identify current format and tools

Data Formats, Data Archival, Dissemination & Data Exchange Policies Evolve a Data archival policy Adopt a common strategy for data integrity and QC and flagging the metadata accordingly IOC guideline have to be followed (data exchange and sharing) Provide cost effective infrastructure

low-cost and efficient systems for acquisition, management, processing and interpretation of data networking of countries standardized operational data procedures, including QC and DM high-quality data and time-series for a better understanding and improved management of the Indian Ocean ecosystem Collaborate with other programs Coordinate GOOS data acquisition with existing regional and national data Publish meeting reports, workshops, studies and other documents Strategy for Ocean Data and Information Management in the Region

Objectives and time lines were identified for IOGOOS Data & Information Management Time lineObjectives to be met Short-term (2004)  Identify national/regional problems; required services/products; required data types; national/regional partners; users/stakeholders through surveys/studies.  D&IM training (ODIN+ cycle)  Startup limited services to all IOGOOS members for public use Medium-term ( )  Assist members to develop the necessary national capacity to participate fully in IOGOOS (ODIN+, modeling and data assimilation, satellite oceanography…)  Start data collection, management and service/product development through relevant pilot projects  Provide services to all IOGOOS members for public use Long-term ( )  Empowering ALL members to generate/share and disseminate products and services by themselves using data from national and regional sources;  User-oriented and user-friendly ocean services system accessible by all;  Ensure long-term sustainability of the national and regional IOGOOS facilities.

Need to sensitize and get commitment from Governments Need to give due attention to local/national problems Local problems often have regional/global sources. This is one of the important justification for regional approach of IOGOOS. To solve local/national problems data might be required from other countries in IOGOOS region. Need to establish balance between request/provision of data/services Need to empower the countries in the region to generate their own services Coastal / Climate require data at different scales Strategic considerations

 Identify national and regional problems by involving all national and regional institutions  Identify applications and services that will respond to problems  identify projects at national institutions that can provide observations and necessary data to deliver services and products  Identify regional partners, national partners, international partners viz. UNEP, FAO etc  Establish national network and coordinating mechanism among national institutions for data sharing.  Identify data sources also taking into consideration repatriation.  Organize data management, services, application dissemination and access modalities.  Need for regional and national data centre(s) Recommended processes to achieve the objectives

Detailed assessment of available capacity and requirements is to be done The training programmes need to be aimed/designed for 3 user groups Accelerated “ODIN+” programmes are required Capacity building programmes addressing Modeling, data assimilation, satellite oceanography and data products are to be planned as part of IOGOOS. Data and information management capacity building requirement

At National Level, a mix of decentralized as well as centralized mechanism is to be adopted. Coordination mechanism for data and information management at the Regional level. IOGOOS Secretariat was requested to take up this responsibility and Director, INCOIS agreed to identify a suitable technical person to assist Secretary, IOGOOS in this task. A data management working group is to be set up with national contact points and experts as members to identify (i) standards and methods to be used by all members, (ii) data exchange mechanisms as well as (iii) identify regional service/application providers. The need for a Regional Data Archive for the Indian Ocean was discussed and it was felt that this needs a detailed consideration during the next meeting of the Data and Information Management group. IOGOOS Secretariat/INCOIS was requested to generate a detailed proposal on the subject, addressing the scientific, technical, financial and policy issues Structure & Coordination