Achievements Past Month Plans Next Month Project Status Milestones Risks / Issues / Change Requests RisksActionOwner MCESA Stakeholders are not aligned with requirements- discovery is still taking place in regards to new requirements nWorking with stakeholders to define requirements and business rules. nAZ_SLDS Prgm Mgr will escalate to Sponsor level for assistance in stakeholder alignment MCESA/ADE In the process of gathering requirements on Evaluation Data Capture tool for REIL Discovery with REIL team on further products that are components of the REIL Data Management System (DMS) Finalizing IGA Visualization requirements working sessions with MCESA stakeholders Draft Portal/Dashboard BI requirements documentation Finalize project schedule Finalize Project Management Plan Scope and Objectives Project ManagerDavid PlouffBusiness SponsorMark Masterson Project Start Date06/28/2011Domain / IndexIT/REIL Project Complete Date12/31/2013% Allocated100% IT: AZ-SLDS: MCESA REIL July 2011 ADE/MCESA will meet the MCESA REIL grant objective. This will be done by: A teacher Identifier system with ability to match teachers to students Sample Use Case: Student “A” is assigned to Teacher “1” and Teacher “2”. The project will map Student “A” to both Teacher “1” and Teacher “2” Student level transcript information, including courses completed and grades earned Ensure students graduate college-ready by increasing student achievement and growth in all content areas Enhance careers for effective teachers and principals by implementing a fiscally sustainable, performance-based compensation system Develop talent in teaching and leading through a sustainable, comprehensive program of performance-based evaluation and support Migration of the student/teacher/course data from district level SIS systems and HR systems for a specified job time to be pushed to ADE portal to Relational Database System potentially utilizing SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) packages as transformations solutions
AZ-SLDS: MCESA REIL MCESA REIL ADE Resource Cost** ResourcesJulAugSepOctNovTOTAL Data Analyst $ - Value-added Analyst (MCESA VAA) $ - Business Analyst $ 3,000 $ 6,000 $ 9,000 BIV Analyst $ 9,000 $ 18,000 Project Manager $ 6,000 $ 12,000 Consultant: Guru & Associates $ 3,000 $ 6,000 User Interface Programmer $ - Graphic Design Programmer $ - Programmer #1 $ - Sr. Programmer #2 $ - MCESA TOTAL COSTS TO DATE $21,000 $24,000 $ - $ 45,000 **Estimated hours based on forecasted tasks
MilestonePlanned Start Date Actual Start Date Planned Completion Date Actual Completion Date Percent Complete Status/Comments Hire BIV Analyst 6/01/20116/27/ %Steve Trezise BIV Analyst Conduct Needs/Vision Stakeholder Interviews on Portal/Dashboards for ADE 7/5/20119/30/2011In progressInterview Calendar to date: BIV Interview Calendar Gather Business Requirements for Evaluation Data Capture Tool 7/19/20119/19/11In progressTeacher Observation Tool 100%. Principal Observation Tool 90% Develop Data Dictionary 11/30/2011 Establish Data Stores03/31/2012 Design / Build IDM01/31/2012 Establish ETL Infrastructure01/31/2012 Agree on Report Standardization11/30/2011 Dashboard01/31/2012 Visualization Phase 1 completed 4/01/2011 Audit system04/30/2012 User Acceptance Test (UAT)03/31/2012 Visualization Phase 1.1 completed 9/30/2012 Maintain and Sustain AZ-SLDS12/31/2013 MCESA REIL Schedule