{ R. Diaz-Garcia MD, J. Bernardo MD Stem Cell Therapy for Patients with Critical Limb Ischemia: A Meta-analysis with Critical Limb Ischemia: A Meta-analysis
Critical Limb ischemia (CLI) the most severe manifestation of peripheral arterial disease (PAD) Background Description of the Condition
CHRONIC CRITICAL LIMB ISCHEMIA - due to multiple sites of arterial obstruction -Manifestations: (>2 weeks) - ischemic rest pain -Ulceration/gangrene Fontaine & Rutherford classification
Background Description of the Condition CHRONIC CRITICAL LIMB ISCHEMIA -Hemodynamic assessment
ankle systolic pressure of < 50 mm Hg toe systolic pressure of 30 mm Hg ABI <0.4
RISK FACTORS THAT REDUCE BLOOD FLOW Diabetes Mellitus Renal Failure Severely decreased Cardiac Output Smoking Vasospastic disease RISK FACTORS THAT INCREASE BLOOD FLOW Infection Skin Breakdown Trauamatic Injury
Background Description of the Condition ~500 to 1000 million people suffer per year -10% to 40% need to have a limb amputated.
Background Description of the Condition Surgical revascularization Distal crural or pedal bypass Endovascular therapy Maximum podiatric wound care Hyperbaric oxygen Antibiotics Vasodilators
Treatment Goal Increase neovascularization Improve perfusion index Decrease rest pain
Background Description of the Intervention
direct incorporation and proliferation into the endothelial layer of existing blood vessels by paracrine effects on mature endothelial cells. Background Description of the Intervention
{{ Background Why it is important do this review
Among patients with critical limb ischemia, will stem cell therapy improve peripheral blood flow? Research Question
To assess the effects of stem cell therapy on critical limb ischemia Objective
SYSTEMATIC SEARCH PUBMED MEDLINE YAHOO 6 STUDIES Key words: Randomized control trials Stem cell therapy Critical limb ischemia 3 STUDIES Huang et al Perin et al Prochazka et al 4 STUDIES INCLUSION /EXCLUSION CRITERIA
STUDY CHARACTERISTICS STUDYPOPULATI ON INTERVEN TION OUTCOMEMETHO DOLOGY COCHRANE CATEGORY Perin et al May 2011 CLI patients ( n=10) Autologous BM progenitor cells ABI at baseline & after 12 weeks RCTB Prochazka et al June 2010 CLI patients (n = 42) Autologous BM Progenitor cells ABI at baseline & after 12 weeks RCTB Huang et al Sept 2005 CLI patients (n=18) Autologouc Peripheral blood Progenitor cells ABI at baseline & after 12 weeks RCTB
Discussion Summary of Main Results
Stem cell therapy is a promising novel treatment option in CLI patients Conclusion Implications for Practice
The use of stem cell therapy on a larger population Future studies on adverse side effects, quality of life and cost effectiveness of treatment The long term effects of the use of stem cell therapy Conclusion Implications for Research