1 Federal Ministry of Justice Sharing Experiences of the German EU Presidency
2 18-Month-Presidency Programme - e xample „ e-justice“ German Presidency kick off: Informal JHA meeting Dresden, January 2007 Conference „Work on e-justice“ Bremen, May 2007 Portugese Presidency: First steps towards creating a prototype e-justice portal Slowenian Presidency: Follow up with high priority
4 Strengthening citizens‘ rights Increasing legal certainty for citizens and the business sector Strengthening the justice system and practical cooperation
5 Strengthening citizens‘ rights EU-wide criminal law protection against racism and xenophobia Launch of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights Strategy for better protection against violent videos and games in Europe
6 EU-wide criminal law protection against racism and xenophobia Striking a balance between freedom of expression and fight against racism and xenophobia EU-wide minimum harmonisation on criminal liability
7 EU Agency for Fundamental Rights Agency in Vienna took up its work on 1 March 2007
8 Strategy for better protection against violent videos and games in Europe Comprehensive report on state of the law and legal practices in Member States Continuous exchange of information between Member States
9 Minimum standards in criminal proceedings Proposal for a Framework Decision on national minimum standards for certain procedural rights (e.g. right to defense counsel and interpreter) Supported by a majority of 21 Member States Work on minimum standards should be continued
10 Increasing legal certainty for citizens and the business sector ROME I + II Regulation Maintenance Regulation + ROME III Small claims Regulation Consumer Credit Directive Directive on shareholders‘ rights
11 ROME I Regulation Governs which law is applicable to contractual obligations Retains principle of free choice of law Checklist to determine the applicable law where no choice has been made
12 Guidelines for closer cooperation in the field of family law ROME III Regulation: choice of the court with jurisdiction and (to a limited degree) the law applicable in case of divorce Council deliberated guidelines Maintenance Regulation: maintenance decisions are to be enforceable in all Member States without any type of additional procedure Council agreed on basic guidelines
13 Consumer Credit Directive Council agreed on Directive More transparency Major improvement of consumers´rights Council position in EP
14 Enforcement of cross-border small claims Council adopted Small Claims Regulation in June Simplifies cross-border enforcement of claims with a value of up to 2000 €
15 More rights for shareholders at general meetings held abroad Directive adopted by Council in June Member States must provide listed companies with the opportunity to open their general meetings for online participation
16 Protection of intellectual property in Europe Conference “A Europe of Innovation – Fit for the Future?” Berlin, May 2007
17 More coherence in civil law Common frame of reference for European contract law „optional instrument“ or „European contract law toolbox“ International conference on European contract law in Stuttgart, March 2007
18 Strengthening the justice system and practical cooperation Improved cooperation in the transfer of foreign offenders EU-wide obligation to record and share information on criminal convictions Simplified cross-border supervision of conditions and sentences of probation Adoption of a European concept for further action in the field of e-justice
19 Improved cooperation in the transfer of foreign offenders Agreement on Framework Decision in June Transfer of sentenced persons without their consent Transfer is primarily intended to facilitate the social rehabilitation of offenders
20 Eu-wide recording and sharing of information on criminal convictions EU-wide networking of Member States‘ criminal records Agreement on an Framework Decision in June Member States have to inform as soon as possible the home states of EU foreign nationals convicted in criminal proceedings Home state is required to retain in its criminal record the information it receives
21 Cross-border supervision in probation cases Agreement on key elements of a Framework Decision in June Currently there are no means to monitor probation measures abroad Prison sentences are imposed solely to prevent impunity in cases where a convicted person returns to another country Conditions of probation are to be subjecet to EU- wide supervision
22 European concept for further action in the field of e-justice Modern information and communication technology makes justice system more efficient German Presidency placed high priority on „e-justice“ Council succeeded in specifying key priorities for further action
23 Bundesministerium der Justiz Federal Ministry of Justice