Sepsis Care at NRGH ED April 23, 2014 Presentation to the BC Sepsis Network
Sepsis Working Group Membership Includes Director Manager Physicians Lab Leadership Unit Clerks Frontline RN’s CNE’s Ad Hoc Members Pharmacy Infection Control Infectious Disease Respiratory Antibiotic Stewardship IM/IT Quality Control
Screeners and Order Sets The Screening Tool and Worksheet is brought together with the Initial Management clinical order set.
NRGH ED Sepsis Survey Monkey Results 34 Respondents May/June 2013
Are you aware of the following best practice early interventions in Sepsis care in the ED?
What barriers do you encounter in meeting targets for early sepsis interventions?
Online Learning Module
150 Lives in 150 Days
Sepsis Drug Box Chipping away at the 8% mortality increase per hour delay! Critical Care Med Vol. 34, No.6
Sepsis Drills and Working Group
Data Collection
Time to Blood Cultures Drawn
Time from Patient Arrival to Lactate Report Time
Time to Antibiotics
Future State EHR Next generation EHR will have full sepsis care integration. SIRS and risk factors Real time data mining Auto launch to advisory and COS List and status of sepsis intervention
Moving Forward We will continue to work on striving to proving excellence in Sepsis care. We thank the BC Sepsis Network for their ongoing support and for the invitation to share our work. We thank our colleagues and working groups for their dedication and hard work.
Sepsis Care at NRGH ED Questions?