Organizational profiling and learning needs assessment ANSA EAP Java Conveners Group Strategic planning workshop Jakarta, March 2010
Organization Focus Issue or Area of Work Yayasan SET JakartaPublic policy change, democratisation through citizen participation, improving capacities of local partners to access public information, media democratisation Bandung-TrustPromoting responsiveness of local government through innovations, improvement of public service delivery mechanism by promoting transparency and accountability, procurement reform, information dissemination and political education IPCPromoting competency in parliament or legislative work, networking with political parties, capacity building among the youth on the work of parliament and constituency building Bandung Institute of Governance Studies Budget transparency, advocacy on public services transparency, monitoring on economic, cultural, and social rights, publishing budget modules and magazine Lakpesdam NU JatimCivil Society empowerment, pro-poor budgeting, citizen monitoring of candidates for legislative bodies, media campaigns (through Jatim TV), organizing and conducting public hearings on FOIA for local governments, building public awareness on budget and budget process PATTIRO and PATTIRO Raya Promoting good governance in Indonesia, policy and budget advocacy, advocacy work on public services in the health and education sectors, providing technical assistance to citizens groups in Indonesia, supporting local governments to implement FOIA Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) Eradicating corruption, investigation of cases of corruption, monitoring of law enforcement at the local level, advocacy-related research, public campaigns, organizing and conducting media briefing, policy advocacy, monitoring of basic services particularly education and health, political corruption in parliament, social audit in local level, procurment monitoring FITRA
OrganizationAccomplishmentsChallenges Yayasan SET Jakarta Developed UU KIP (Freedom of Information Act)- related tools for the public Minimal work or impact at the local level Many regions are still uncovered B-TrustOSS in 6 districts of West Java Procurement reform in 2 Regencies Regualtory Impact Assesment in Indramayu Regency Political education in several districts Rumah aspirasi in East Kalimantan Human resources management Knowledge and funding management IPCYouth parliament alumni Links between citizens and political parties Alumni group is not yet well coordinated Sustaining engagement between citizens and political party Changing system because of short term viewpoint of paliamentarians BIGSProvided budget training to citizen groups Published budget materials Build coalitions with government departments and citizen groups Limited human resources Unequal capacities within organization Getting additional resources for activities Lakpesdam NU Jatim Established 25 branches in East Java Developed links with Institute Republican Established networks with various institutions and groups Weak organizational management Weak capacities on research and legal drafting Lack of data information management Lack of successor to front liners PATTIRO Jakarta Budget reallocation Perda (local regulation) OMS network Establishment and links with COI Weak capacities for documentation and knowledge management within organization Need to build links with media Policy proposal formulation ICWAdopted preventive regulations on corruptionAnti-corruption is not yet people’s movement FITRA
OrganizationAccomplishmentsChallenges BIGSProvided budget training to citizen groups Published budget materials Build coalitions with government departments and citizen groups Limited human resources Unequal capacities within organization Getting additional resources for activities Lakpesdam NU Jatim Established 25 branches in East Java Developed links with Institute Republican Established networks with various institutions and groups Weak organizational management Weak capacities on research and legal drafting Lack of data information management Lack of successor to front liners PATTIRO Jakarta Budget reallocation Perda (local regulation) OMS network Establishment and links with COI Providing information on people’s needs Good partnership with 22 local government’s and the local parliament Weak capacities for documentation and knowledge management within organization Need to build links with media Policy proposal formulation ICWAdopted preventive regulations on corruptionAnti-corruption is not yet a social movement FITRA
Organization Planning and policy formulation Budget analysis and monitoring Expenditure tracking Performance monitoring Yayasan SET Jakarta Bandung-Trust IPC BIGS Lakpesdam NU Jatim PATTIRO Jakarta ICW FITRA??
OrganizationStrengthsWeaknesses Yayasan SET Jakarta Strong lobbying capacity Network with media Documentation of activities Knowledge on subsatance of FOIA Weak management of organization B-TrustKnowledge on governance issues Innovative ideas on local governance Networking with stakeholders Human resources management Knowledge and funding management IPCBroad network with stakeholders Links with Commission on Information Organization management Absence of resource center BIGSNetwork with local legislative bodies (in Kota Bandung, Kab. Bandung Barat in West Java Regency, Kota Banjar) Limited personel Unequal capacities of human resources Lakpesdam NU Jatim Broad network of operations in East Java Bargaining position with local government Weak organizational management Weak capacities on research and legal drafting PATTIRO and PATTIRO Raya Developed social accountability tools Facilitators and networks at local level Weak documentation of practices Knowledge management Weak links with the media Capacities on policy proposal formulation ICWData gathering and analysis Networking with stakeholders Links with media Popularizing anti-corruption work FITRA
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