Welcome to Postgraduate Research Induction 2013
Induction Pack PhD Skills Statement In at The Deep End Research Ethics Booklet Code of Practice (distributed separately) Learning Plan Progress Reviews Policy Postgraduate Training Modules All slides of today’s presentations will be made available this evening online – a link will be sent out to UCC addresses also!
Day One - Aula Maxima Day Two – Aula Maxima (am) Non-Irish Students – Time Management 2 pm College specific sessions in different locations. Please check at the desk for your specific timetable and location Schedule
Getting through the Red Tape Has everyone completed registration? Applications are signed off by supervisor(s), Head of Department/School and are then sent to Faculty/College for final approval Once this happens the letter of approval is sent out by the GSO. Check carefully and keep the letter for future reference - subject (e.g. Chemistry, English/History) - no. of years and start date (Oct, Jan, Apr, July) - supervisor(s) - advisor - full-time/part-time - thesis topic
PhD Students -Approved for a minimum of three/four years full-time, depending on the programme -Students must re-register each year and pay fees each year until submission Masters Students - Approved for a minimum of 1-2 years full-time. Students must re-register each year and pay fees each year until submission Registration Requirements
All changes to registration require approval by your Supervisor, Head of Dept/School and College Such changes include Changing from a Masters or PhD track to PhD Changing the length of approval Extensions Leave of absence Changing Supervisor or addition of supervisor Changing thesis topic Changing from part-time to full-time or vice-versa Changes in registration forms are available on the Graduate Studies website Sometimes things can change ……
Dr. Liam Marnane - Dean of Graduate Studies Michelle Nelson - Graduate Studies Office College Graduate Schools Dr. Maire Leane (CACSSS) Professor Fred Adam (Business and Law) Dr. Ruth Ramsay (SEFS) Currently Vacant (Medicine and Health) PhD Support Group Research Student Support
Events and Initiatives for Research Students Doctoral Showcase – June 2014 The Boolean Research Journal – call to be launched on October 16 th Seven Secrets of Highly Successful Research Students – 30 th and 31 st January Generic and Transferable Skills Modules (more about this later!) Presentation Skills Sessions Almost PhinisheD Workshops
Accommodation Office Careers Service Chaplaincy Student Counselling and Development Disability Support Service Student Health Service International Education Office Ionad na Gaeilge Labhartha IT Services Library and Information Services Students’ Union Student Services
Get Help! ‘ - use any and all formal assistance available -Get help from other PhD students, post-docs, academic staff, peers, your supervisor(s). Get set up with a Linked- in account and use it to network -Identify areas you might need help with (IT, Stats etc) and see what support is available to you (Research Student Learning Plan and Training Needs Analysis)
Keeping in Touch Student address – access this through the student portal You can arrange to forward all mail to another address so you will only need to check one account Information about annual on-line registration, event notification, and generic skills modules will all be sent to this account Also like us on Facebook!
Personal Worries Counselling and Development Student Health Service Chaplaincy Student Union Generic Skills training Networking Events Graduate Studies Office I am feeling incredibly lonely and isolated
Supervisor (or advisor) Graduate Studies Office (to discuss leave of absence or withdrawals) College Graduate School Academic Worries Aaargh – this research lark isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. I don’t feel I am getting anywhere!