GTA Collective Agreement 2012 – 2015 February 2013 Human Resources/SGPS
Welcome and Introductions Overview of Negotiations Review of Significant Changes to the Collective Agreement Implementation Today’s Agenda
Negotiating Team Linda Miller- SGPS Ron Wagler - SGPS Mihaela Harmos- SGPS Jennifer Schroeder- HR Jane O’Brien- HR
Negotiations Reached agreement over nine days between August and November New Agreement ratified by GTA Union in December 2012 and by Board of Governors in January 2013 New Collective Agreement effective September 1, 2012
Significant Changes to the Collective Agreement
There has been a renumbering of almost all articles of the Collective Agreement. Some minor language and title changes (for example, Grievance and Arbitration have been combined). Addition of a number of new definitions and some amendments (for example, hourly rate of pay). Some Letters of Understanding have been incorporated into the body of the Agreement (clarity notes, exempt payments). Important Notes - General
Addition of (a) (i) to address direct entry PhD graduate students – a guarantee of annual GTAships for 5 years (15 terms). New to address cancellation of appointments – will payment of one-eighth of the total salary to the GTA for a position that is offered in writing and cancelled without another position being found. Appointments – Article 13
17.01 defines full GTAship as “an average of 10 working hours per week, normally for a maximum of 140 hours per term and 280 hours per annum.” Some language changes in article (b) requires the course supervisor to meet with the GTA around the mid-point of the appointment to review the Duties Specification Agreement (DSA)(new version in Agreement) (c) provides that the course supervisor and GTA may agree to amend the DSA by redistributing hours across existing assigned duties. Concerns will be addressed with the Director of Administration for SGPS. Overtime is in now – 1.5 times the hourly rate of pay as per Employment Standards Act; will be based on total earnings. Hours of Work – Article 17
Pay Rates – Article Hours/Wk$ Term Amount Hours/Wk$ Term Amount
In , a GTA’s total salary will be $5983 (for one (1) term at 140 hours, prorated according to hours per week). The parties agree that $1433 of this salary (for one (1) term at 140 hours, prorated according to hours per week) is exempt from the calculation of student support provides that the payments made under Article are exempt from the calculation of student support (formerly a Letter of Understanding). Pay Rates – Article 18
New article redrafted in accordance with corporate policy and other Collective Agreements Non-Discrimination/ Harassment – Article 20
Rewording of Sick Leave (25.13) to provide up to five hours paid sick leave per 140 hour appointment. New leave for Gender Reassignment Surgery (25.16) – two months leave, with one month compensated by the Employer at the regular rate of pay; Rehabilitation Coordinator to be involved. Leaves of Absence Article 25
SGPS will be working in consultation with Chairs/Directors/Deans and the Union to develop a Lead GTA Pilot Program. A maximum of 8 full GTAs will be appointed in the Fall of 2013, the cost of which will be shared by the department/faculty and SGPS. A working group will be formed. New LOU – Lead GTA Pilot Program
New Collective Agreement will be finalized shortly and made available online: ts.html Appendices will be sent out electronically. Documents
Graduate Program Offer Letter template Annual Financial Support Letter template ompensation.html Letters of Offer
Jennifer Schroeder Mihaela Harmos Questions