1 County of Los Angeles Department of Human Resources September 24, 2009 Long Term Leave Management Program
2 Topics Long Term Leave Management Program Overview Long Term Leave Absence Report & Departmental Management Summary Report Interdepartmental Placement of Employees Returning to Work Following Approved Leave – PPG 621
3 Long Term Leave Management Program Partnership The Chief Executive Office/Risk Management Branch and the Department of Human Resources are responsible for the development and implementation of the Long Term Leave Program. Intent of the Program Improve the management of employees on long term leave Reduce the number of employees on long term leave
4 Components of the Program Provide updated information and guidelines to facilitate departments’ follow-up with employees on long-term leave Provide additional training for departmental Return-to-Work Coordinators on long term leave and return to work procedures Work with departments to facilitate employee’s return to safe and productive work compatible with work restrictions and essential functions Assist with job placement in another department if reasonable accommodation is not possible with the current department. Work with departments to facilitate retirement, medical release, or termination of employment when appropriate
5 Monthly LTL Absence Report Goals To monitor RTW progress and activities To monitor RTW progress and activities To provide monthly progress report to the Board of Supervisors and the Chief Executive Office To provide monthly progress report to the Board of Supervisors and the Chief Executive Office To provide county departments a working tool to develop strategies and action plans To provide county departments a working tool to develop strategies and action plans Definition of Long Term Leave 6 Months/180 Days or more of continuous leave 6 Months/180 Days or more of continuous leave
6 AUGUST 15, 2008 LTL ABSENCE REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF JULY LAST NAME FIRST NAME EMP # PAYROLL TITLE LEAVE TYPE/ CODE LEAVE START DATE JOB ACCOM./ OFFERED (Y/N) MED. CERT. "CURRENT " (Y/N) EST. RTW DATE RET. PLAN (A-D/E) REASONS FOR NOT RETURNING TO WORK ACTIVE CASES IN JULY 2008 Senior Typist Clerk 8211/08/05NYNoneELTD approved until 9/14/2014, age 65, potential medical release DATA CONTROL CLERK 7308/07/08NYNoneELTD approved through 4/30/08, pending extension. Senior Clerk7607/16/03NYNoneETemporarily disabled. Pending 2 AME exams. In 6/2008 & 1/2009 respectively. Supvr. Payroll Clerk III 761/16/08NY07/28/08EPending RTW on part-time work schedule & work restrictions; NEW CASES IN JULY 2008 Senior Typist Clerk 7602/02/08NYNoneDUnable to perform U&C duties. Payroll Clerk II7307/20/08NY07/25/08ETemporarily disabled. PROCESSED/CLEARED CASES IN JULY 2008 Admin Assistant III 7312/15/07NYNoneERTW7/18/08 LTL Absence Report (Example)
7 Codes Conversion Table CWPAY Earnings/Absence Codes CWTAPPS Leave Codes 009 Pre-86 Special Sick Sick 100% 112 Sick Personal (Sick leave used for absence for personal reason) 116 Part Pay Sick 65% 118 Continuous Sick 86% 120 Part Pay Sick 50% 122 Continuous Sick 50% 124 Authorized Sick without Pay 125 Unauthorized Sick without Pay (for an alleged illness) 73 Illness 151 Industrial Accident 100% 152 Industrial Accident 100% RDO 153 Industrial Accident 70% 154 Industrial Accident RDO 157 Industrial Accident – Absence without Pay 76 Industrial Accident/ Worker’s Compensation 013 Long Term Leave of Absence without Pay Note: This code is designated for employees receiving pay through the State. Do not use this code if it is a LT Disability or Worker’s Compensation case Note: This code is designated for employees receiving pay through the State. Do not use this code if it is a LT Disability or Worker’s Compensation case 13 Long Term Leave of Absence without Pay 019 Exempt Leave 79/19 Other
8 Pay / Earnings Code CWTAPPS Leave Codes 027 Authorized Leave without Pay (reasons other than sickness) 79/27 Other 028 Unauthorized Leave without Pay (reasons other than sickness) 79/28 Other 033 Order Absence Leave (pending investigation) 033 Order Absence Leave (pending investigation) 83 Suspension 70 Military Leave 71 Education Leave 72 Maternity Leave 74 Sabbatical 75 Unclassified Appointment 77 Labor Union 80 Family Rights (FMLA/CFRA) 81/82 Long Term Disability Codes Conversion Table
9 Medical Certificate Responses to the following conditions should be: “Yes” P & S – Permanent & Stationary C & R – Compromise & Release Pending AME Filed for Disability Retirement Medical Release Placement in Permanent or Transitional Assignment
10 Comment Section Keep in mind the following when providing comments for an employee that has not returned to work: Where is the case in the Return-to-Work process; when did you last take action? what is preventing the Return-to-Work process from moving forward?
11 Examples of Status Comments EE TTD to date EE TTD to date AME/QME scheduled for date AME/QME scheduled for date EE receiving LTD through date EE receiving LTD through date IPM scheduled for date IPM scheduled for date IPM held date/outcome IPM held date/outcome Second IPM scheduled for date Second IPM scheduled for date WAY (where are you) letter sent date WAY (where are you) letter sent date Medical release approval requested date Medical release approval requested date Skelly meeting scheduled for date Skelly meeting scheduled for date Intent to discharge/medically separate letter sent date Intent to discharge/medically separate letter sent date Discharge letter sent date Discharge letter sent date Medical release letter sent date Medical release letter sent date RTW date RTW date Out of service (retired, resigned, discharged, deceased, medical separation) date Out of service (retired, resigned, discharged, deceased, medical separation) date RTW on transitional assignment date RTW on transitional assignment date Waiting for AME/QME report of date Waiting for AME/QME report of date
12 The Active Cases Section Active cases are “carryover” cases that were active in previous month and remained active in the reporting month. Active cases that are 6 months or 180 days or more NOTES: Light Duty Assignments and Transitional Assignments, should be closely monitored and reported as “Work Hardening Assignment.” Keep in Active Cases unless they are over 30 days. The New Cases Section Cases that reach the 6 months criteria in the reporting month Cases that reach the 6 months criteria in the reporting month Cases that were not listed in prior reports Cases that were not listed in prior reports
13 The Processed/Cleared Cases Section Cases that met the 6 months/180 days criteria. Cases that met the 6 months/180 days criteria. Employees who have returned to work, retired, released, resigned, discharged, out of service prior to and during the reported month. Employees who have returned to work, retired, released, resigned, discharged, out of service prior to and during the reported month. The reasons for all Processed/Clear cases must be stated in the Comment section of the report The reasons for all Processed/Clear cases must be stated in the Comment section of the reportNOTE: Do not list Light Duty Assignments and Transitional Assignments as Processed/Cleared Cases. Report them as “Work Hardening” under Active Cases until they are over 30 days. Report them as Processed/Cleared Cases after employee has been at work for 30 days.
14 Illustration Active Cases in June O’NeilJack SiskioBen New Cases in July ScullyDana Active Cases in July O’NeilJack SiskioBen Processed/Cleared Cases in July JonesIndiana
15 Departmental Summary Report LONG-TERM LEAVE ABSENCE REPORT SUMMARY ______________, 2008 Reporting Month Department Name: ___________________Report Completion Date: ______________ Department Number: _________________ Employees reported on Long-Term Leave in prior month Employees dropped from Long-Term Absence Report this month Employees added to Long-Term Absence report this month Net Change from prior month Total employees on Long-Term Absence this month The attached Long-Term Leave Absence Report, for the month of __________________, 2008, has been verified and is an accurate report of employees in this department who have been on long-term leave for over 180 days. Prepared by: ______________________________________________________________________ Print NameTitle ______________________________________________________________________ Preparer SignatureDate Approved by:
16 Interdepartmental Placement of Employees Policy, Procedures and Guidelines - PPG 621 (Handout) Interdepartmental Placement of Employees Returning to Work Following Approved Leave Question and Answers on PPG 621
17 Who to Call? RTW Assistance RTW Assistance Worker Compensation Worker Compensation Jackie Sloniker, CEO Jackie Sloniker, CEO Humphrey Ahaiwe, CEO Humphrey Ahaiwe, CEO Cathy Stein-Ramos, CEO Cathy Stein-Ramos, CEO Long-Term Disability Long-Term Disability Tammy Usher, CEO Tammy Usher, CEO LTL Absence Report Assistance LTL Absence Report Assistance Teresa Tsang, DHR Teresa Tsang, DHR Hoa Phan, DHR Hoa Phan, DHR LTL Absence Report Comments Assistance LTL Absence Report Comments Assistance Cheryl Turkal, CEO Cheryl Turkal, CEO Interdepartmental Placement Assistance Interdepartmental Placement Assistance Eliza Carrillo, DHR Eliza Carrillo, DHR