Once you have indicated in your flight plans that you are planning on taking a leave, you will receive a letter that asks for information about your leave and includes a leave form The next step in planning a leave is to discuss your plans with the Academic Dean. That initial discussion will be more informative if you take a moment to read this brochure, which outlines how your leave affects what you teach, your office space and assistant and your benefits, among other things. Varieties of leaves: Please see the matrix on the back of this brochure for an outline of the various leaves. More specific details about arrangements for the following types of leaves may also be found in the Faculty Handbook on line at: Sabbatical leave Junior faculty research leave Sponsored research leave Parental leave Unpaid leave Another type of leave Payroll status while on leave: In some cases you may remain on the HKS payroll, either because the School is paying your salary or you are using research funds to ‘buy out’ your time. In other cases, your salary may be paid by someone else. Benefits while on leave: Depending on the type of leave, Harvard may continue to pay for all or a portion of your benefits. Once your leave form has been processed, the Harvard Benefits Services Group will contact you to arrange details. Warning: Changing to an out of state address while on leave may affect medical coverage. Office arrangements: If you will remain at the HKS during your leave you will need to cover the cost of your office and faculty assistant. If you are retaining your faculty assistant, will you (or some other funds) be covering that person’s salary and benefits? If you are not remaining at the HKS you will need to vacate your office by July 1 (for a fall leave) or January 1 (for a spring leave). You will need to let Scott McDonald, Facilities and Services know whether or not you intend to move your books, files, and personal items out, or leave them in the office. If you will not use your office while on leave it will be reassigned (usually on a temporary basis) to another faculty member for the period of your leave. Courses while you are away: You will need to discuss with the Academic Dean and your ‘area’ chair whether or not your courses should be bracketed (temporarily not offered), dropped, or taught by someone else during your absence. If your courses are to be taught by someone else, be sure you leave them a complete set of the course materials packets from the last time you taught the course. Courses you plan to teach upon your return: Your ‘area’ chair and the Academic Dean will need some idea of the courses you intend to teach on your return. Computer: Will you be taking your computer with you? If not, will it be available for use by whoever is temporarily assigned to your office? Your HKS account will remain valid. You will need to set up the appropriate forwarding address. Telephone: If your office is used by another faculty member while you are away, he or she will take over your telephone number for the period of your absence. Date of return: The leave form will ask you for your date of return to the school. Reaching you while you are on leave: Please be sure that the Academic Dean, Associate Academic Dean, ‘division’ chair, Office of Financial Services and Office of Human Resources have your leave address, telephone, and address. If you will maintain a HKS contact person (for instance, your faculty assistant) while you are away, be sure that the offices mentioned above have that person’s name and telephone number. Processing your Leave Form. After you have met with the Academic Dean and finalized your plans, please return your leave form to Laura Medeiros. Notes
Type of Leave Duration Salary Benefits"the clock“ Office Staff Sabbatical Year HKS half salary/1 yr Full Sabbatical Semester HKS full salary/1 sem Full Jr. Faculty Research Semester HKS full salary Fullticking Sponsored research Semester or year Res. Buyout Fullticking Buyout Buyout Parental Semester Full Fullstops Unpaid Semester or year none Full, you pay depends on focus of leave Contacts and Phone numbers: (All phone numbers are in the 617 area code, all addresses are: HKS home page: David Ellwood, Dean: Mary Jo Bane, Academic Dean: Michael Blackmore, Assistant to the Academic Dean Suzanne Cooper, Associate Academic Dean: Matthew Alper, Associate Dean for Research: hcentral.htm University Benefits Office: Scott McDonald, Facilities and Services Laura Medeiros, Director of Faculty Appointments Kathleen Fox, Assistant Dean for Teaching Support: Aileen Grunder, Assistant Director, Information Technology: Connie Mugnai, Associate Director, Budget and Finance: Tim Bowman, Associate Dean, Human Resources and Facilities Management: Planning Sabbaticals And Leaves Last Updated 5/13/09