Chapter 4. Working with Silica-Fume Concrete Conducting a Test Placement Transporting, Placing, and Consolidating Finishing Flatwork Finishing Bridge Decks Preventing Plastic-Shrinkage Cracking Curing
Conducting a Test Placement Chapter Outline
Remember: Silica-fume concrete is more cohesive and less prone to segregation To improve workability, increase slump by about 2 in. (50 mm)
Cohesive silica- fume concrete -- OK to increase slump
Conducting a test placement
Transporting, Placing, and Consolidating Silica-Fume Concrete Chapter Outline
Silica-fume concrete requires thorough consolidation
Finishing Silica-Fume Concrete Flatwork Chapter Outline
Click on the icon above to play a video on finishing silica-fume concrete
Under Finish Silica- Fume Concrete Use the “One-Pass” Technique
One-Pass Finishing Screed Float Texture Cure Protect, Protect!
One-pass finishing
Float and brooming tool
Broomed surface -- all that is required for a parking structure
Finishing Silica-Fume Concrete Bridge Decks Chapter Outline
Tined surface
Preventing Plastic Shrinkage Cracking Chapter Outline
What is Plastic Shrinkage Cracking? Cracking that occurs in the surface of fresh concrete soon after it is placed and while it is still plastic. -- ACI 116R
Plastic shrinkage cracking
Silica fume concrete does not bleed and is more susceptible to plastic shrinkage cracking
Good fogging
Improper fogging
Evaporation retarders work well but are frequently misused
Curing Silica-Fume Concrete Chapter Outline
How Important is Curing Silica Fume Concrete?
“If silica-fume concrete mixtures are given 7 days of continuous moist curing, then there is no association between silica fume content and cracking.” -- Whiting and Detwiler NCHRP Report 410
“It is recommended that a minimum of 7 days continuous moist curing be specified.” -- Whiting and Detwiler NCHRP Report 410
Applying curing compound while concrete is still fresh
Moist curing after concrete hardens
Don’t forget winter protection
End of Chapter 4 Main Outline