Design of steel structures under the aspect of fire protection measures TU BRAUNSCHWEIG iBMB Dr.-Ing. E. Richter Institute for Building Materials, Concrete Structures and Fire Protection Technical University of Braunschweig
iBMB Contents l Introduction l Fire exposure u Standard fire, natural fire l Properties of steel in fire l Protective materials l Steel temperature u Protected and unprotected steelwork l Simple calculation model u Critical temperature, Eurocode 3 Part 1-2 l Conclusions
iBMB Introduction l General objectives of fire design u Load-carrying capacity: members in a structural assembly should resist the applied loads in a fire u Insulation: limitation of temperature of 140 K (average) or 180 K (peak) on the unexposed side of a wall or floor u Integrity limitation of breaks or cracks to avoid passage of smoke or flame to the unexposed side of a wall or floor
iBMB Standard temperature/time curve time [min] temperature [°C]
iBMB Natural fire - Design curves l Fully developed compartment fire Fire load density Opening factor = 0.12 m 1/2
iBMB Steel temperature development Unprotected steelwork a,t = · h net,d · t A m /V c a · a A m /Vsection factor [1/m] A m exposed surface area per unit length [m 2 ] Vvolume per unit length [m 3 ] c a specific heat of steel [J/kgK] a density of steel [kg/m 3 ] h net,d design value of the heat flux per unit area [W/m 2 ] ttime intervall [ 5s ] · ·
iBMB Section factor A m /V Open section exposed to fire on all sides A m perimeter V cross-section area = Tube exposed to fire on all sides Open section exposed to fire on three sides A m /V for unprotected steel members A m 1 V t = A m surface exposed to fire V cross-section area = Flat bar exposed to fire on all sides A m 2·(b + t) V b·t =
iBMB Steel temperature time [min] temperature [°C] ISO 834 A m /V small A m /V large
iBMB Unprotected steel column l Damage after fire exposure Buckling length: l fi 0.5 LBuckling length l fi 0.7 L
iBMB Structural steel l Thermal elongation Example (beam): l = 5 m, a = 600 °C: l 1.4*10 -5 *( )*500 = 4.1 cm
iBMB Unprotected steel construction l External steel frame
iBMB Fire protective materials l Traditional materials ( heavy) u concrete (normal, lightweight) u brickwork l Modern materials ( light) u sprays: Perlite-cement, Vermiculite, glass- or mineral fibre-cement sprays u fire boards: fibro-silicate, gypsum, vermiculite u mineral fibre or other mat materials u intumescent coatings
iBMB Steel temperature development Protected steelwork a,t = · t - (e /10 -1) · g,t with = d p · A p /V p · A p /V ( g,t - a,t ) d p · c a · a ( 1+ /3) A p /Vsection factor for steel members with fire protection material [1/m] A p area of fire protection material per unit length [m 2 ] Vvolume of per unit length [m 3 ] c a specific heat of steel, from [J/kgK] c p specific heat of the protection material [J/kgK] d p thickness of the fire protection material [m] t time interval [ 30s ] a,t steel temperature at time t g,t ambient gas temperature at time t g,t increase of the ambient gas temperature during t p thermal conductivity of the fire protection material [W/mK] a density of steel [kg/m 3 ] p density of the fire protection material [kg/m 3 ] c p · p c a · a
iBMB Section factor A p /V A p /V for protected steel members Contour encase- ment of uniform thickness Hollow en- casement of uniform thickness Contour encase- ment of uniform thickness, exposed to fire on three sides steel perimeter steel cross-section area 2·(b+h) steel cross-section area steel perimeter - b steel cross-section area ApVApV = ApVApV = ApVApV =
iBMB Steel temperature time [min] temperature [°C] ISO 834
iBMB Structural steel l Stress-strain relationship
iBMB Critical steel temperature crit a = f (utilisation factor 0 ) a,cr = ln[1/( 0 3,833 ) - 1] critical temperature [°C] utilisation factor 0
iBMB Steel temperature time [min] temperature [°C] a,cr ISO 834
iBMB Protected steel construction l Box protection with fire boards
iBMB Protected steel beam l Intumescent coating Before fire exposure After fire exposure (35 min ISO-curve)
iBMB Intumescent coating l Fire resistance thickness fire resistance A/V = 200 A/V = 291 variation A/V d = thickness of intumescent coating
iBMB Protected steel construction l Composite steel and concrete structure
iBMB Composite cross-sections l Columns l Beams
iBMB Protected steelwork l Water cooled structure
iBMB Protected steelwork l Main columns with water tank