Frequently Asked Questions! “Everything you wanted to know, but were afraid to ask”! 1 1
What constitutes a Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA)? Body Composition Assessment (BCA) Height and Weight Taping (Standard) Physical Readiness Test (PRT) Flexibility Body Strength Endurance 2 2
What constitutes a PFA failure? Below minimum score for PRT And/Or Exceeds body fat standards: Age (years): 17-39 40-40+ DOD BCA Exception Male: 22% 23% 26% Female: 33% 34% 36% 3 3
After 1st failure? Page 13 (enlisted) or LON (officers) Enrollment in Fitness Enhancement Program (FEP) No promotion or frocking until Mock PFA passed 4 4
After 2nd failure? Page 13 (enlisted) or LON (officers) Warning of Separation Enrollment in FEP No promotion or frocking until Mock PFA passed 5 5
After 3rd failure? Commanding Officer Will Start ADSEP Procedures Not Eligible For Reenlistment Not Eligible For Advancement 6 6
Other instructions that may impact a career, promotion, transfer, ADSEP, etc.? DODINST 1308.3 SECNAVINST 5214.2B OPNAVINST 6110.1H NAVADMINS MILPERS MANUAL ARTICLE 1910-170 BUPERSINST 1430.16E SECNAVINST 1420.1A COMMAND POLICY USC TITLE 10 And Many, Many, More!!! 7 7
FITREP marks or admin actions for a Sailor with 3 failures in 4-years? Special Evaluation/FITREP: 1.0 in Military Bearing “SP” Overall “Not Recommended” for Retention or Advancement Plus: Removed from any selection board consideration Loss of Warfare Pin Good Conduct Medal eligibility Gold badges, etc. Applies to Enlisted and Officers (as per MILPERSMAN) 8 8
Does denial of promotion/ advancement/frocking and advancement exam participation? 1st or 2nd PFA failure: Can participate in the March and September Exams with CO’s permission To be promoted or advanced, pass mock PFA prior to the promotion cycle limiting date (Per BUPERSINST 1430.16E (enlisted) & SECNAVINST1420.1A (officers) 3rd PFA failure in 4 years Not eligible to be promoted or compete for advancement (take exam), or go before any selection board 9 9
Promotion Cycle Limiting Dates For Enlisted Personnel Pay Grade Exam Date Limiting Date E-4/5/6 Feb/Mar 31 Dec Aug/Sep 30 Jun E-7 Jan/Feb 31 Aug E-8/9 N/A Promotion Cycle Limiting Dates For Enlisted Personnel 10 10
Information on mandatory ADSEP processing? Enlisted: Review MILPERSMAN Contact COMNAVPERSCOM (PERS-832) (901) 874-4433. Officers: COs initiate separation processing through COMNAVPERSCOM (PERS-834) – referencing SECNAVINST 1920.6C (3)(1)(a) and OPNAVINST 6110.1H, outlining the PFA failures COs issue letter of notification to Sailor for PFA failures If COMNAVPERSCOM directs separation, PERS-834 will: Notify a probationary officer, who can respond, or Direct a non-probationary officer to a board of inquiry (BOI) 11 11
Separations (cont.) 14 Days to start ADSEP process Request Readiness waiver first, if disapproved, start separation or ADSEP proceedings Ensure Personnel are aware: Involuntarily separated personnel for PFA failures must pay back unearned bonuses, fees for specialized training, and all existing indebtedness per DODFMR 12 12
Multiple PFA failures and PCS orders? OPNAVINST 6110.1H has no restrictions on transferring members with PFA failures Detailers work closely with the Physical Readiness Office when making assignment decisions Personnel, who have three or more failures in the past four years and have failed the most recent PFA, will not be transferred NAVADMIN 277/08 13 13
Policy for over 18 years of service or retirement eligible with 3 or more PFA failures? Any personnel with 18+ years of service are subject to ADSEP processing based on three or more PFA failures in the past four years However, they may request to Transfer to the Fleet Reserve, or Retire at the earliest convenience of the government 14 14
Retirement (cont.) Can submit request to retire up to 24 months prior to their 20 year point: “Requesting retirement due to multiple PFA Failures as per OPNAV N-135” More than 20 years of active duty service can request to retire immediately: “Requesting retirement at the earliest convenience to the government due to multiple PFA Failures as per OPNAV N135” If a person doesn’t submit a request for retirement, ADSEP processing will continue POC for Fleet Reserve and retirement requests is PERS-823, (901) 874-2311 15 15
DOD BCA exception rule? COs may waive the BCA Up to26% for males and 36% for females if: Score an overall “excellent" or higher on the PRT, with no single event scored below "good" Present a professional, military appearance as determined by the CO Cannot be medically waived from any PRT event Approved waivers must be forwarded to OPNAV N-135 to change BCA in PRIMS to "within standards“ 16 16
What are the requirements for a BCA Waiver? Only granted in 6 month increments for: Non-elective surgery to the area to be measured (i.e. tracheotomy, or appendectomy, or caesarian) Cosmetic surgeries (i.e. liposuction, tucks, or implants) are not grounds for a BCA Waiver unless deemed essential by BUMED Medications (i.e. cancer) or where the med (i.e. steroids) is known to cause weight gain Pregnancy or IVF treatment, and aftercare followings the delivery / termination of the pregnancy Pregnancy - NAVADMIN 256/08 17 17
BCA Waiver (cont.) May only be approved for six months Must be signed by a specialist and counter-signed by the appropriate Medical Department Head. If not available, the CO or OIC must sign Cannot be signed by a Corpsman or Civilian Doctor. A Civilian Doctor can make a recommendation for a BCA waiver; signed as above Inability to exercise is NOT a valid reason for a BCA Waiver!!! 18 18
I have a person at my command who is permanently waived from the PFA or PRT? No, you don’t! There is no such thing as a permanent medical waiver Forward all information to OPNAV 135 for review and to BUPERS for evaluation To date, none that we have received for review have proven valid 19 19
I have a person who has a Light Duty Chit for 6 months and gets one before every PFA cycle, what action should I take? A Light Duty (LD) Chit is only good for a max 30 days at a time, extendable to a max of 90 days. The person should be placed in Limited Duty (LIMDU) Status, complete with a 105/0054 Detailing code. LIMDU is only good for 6 months, extendable to 12 months, but can be extended by a Physical Examination Board (PEB) to 18 months total for the entire career (NAVMED P117, Chapter 18) 20 20
LD/LIMDU Continued A person who has failed a PFA cycle immediately prior to being placed in a LIMDU or LD status (including Pregnancy) is not eligible for promotion or frocking until they successfully complete an Official PFA (OPNAVINST 6110.1H, (Encl 8, page 12, para 19C)) Additionally, all administrative actions incurred prior to the diagnosis remain in effect 21 21
LD/LIMDU Continued A person who is medically waived from the PFA two or more times for the same reason should be referred to medical for a MEB This is at the Commanding Officers discretion based on their determination of the impact of readiness and good order and conduct The Commanding Officer has final authority over the approval of all medical waivers 22 22
LD/LIMDU Continued Personnel who are placed in a LD/LIMDU status must have the MDR complete a SF600 which is turned in, retained by the CFL and entered into PRIMS Personnel who are placed in a LIMDU status are required to be entered into the detailing system as a 105/0054 Code for tracking, detailing, and readiness purposes This is not optional and may warrant transfer to another command! 23 23
Yes, your PFA cycle is technically 6 months in duration I have a Sailor who is on Light Duty for 2 weeks as defined on a Light Duty Chit. Can I have them take the PFA once that period has passed and Medical has cleared them for PT? Yes, your PFA cycle is technically 6 months in duration Once a person has been cleared by Medical, they can be required to take the PFA for that cycle Use your monthly mock PFAs for FEP as an opportunity to catch “Stragglers”, those who were TAD, on leave, or have been cleared from a medical issue 24 24
I have a person who refuses to take the PFA or doesn’t show up for the PRT or FEP, can I count them as a Failure? No, a Sailor who fails to be at his appointed place of duty for a PFA or FEP Training is not to be counted as a PFA failure, but should be considered to be in an Unauthorized Absence (UCMJ-ART 86, UA) status and should be treated as such by their CO or OIC 25 25
Recommended actions for “No Shows” CO issues a NAVPERS 1070/613 (page 13) directing the member to be at their appointed place of duty Make them take the Mock PFA If the Sailor fails to comply with this direction, the CO or OIC should take action IAW the UCMJ Again, a Sailor missing a PFA does not constitute a PFA Failure 26 26
How long does my command have to apply for a Readiness Waiver? CO has 14 days from the date of third failure to request a readiness waiver Ensure command is in compliance with the requirement criteria for a Readiness Waiver to avoid possible embarrassment 27 27
If a person discovers an error with their PRIMS file, how can is it corrected? Within the current PFA cycle, CFL can make corrections to PRIMS Greater than 6 months, command must submit a letter of Corrections to OPNAV N-135, requesting correction. PRIMS may not be changed without approval once a PFA cycle is complete 28 28
Does a person’s PFA results follow or apply if they transfer to or from the Navy Reserve or if they are selected for a commissioning program? Yes 29 29
Regulations for when and if we should have the PFA during and/or following deployment? Refer to NAVADMIN 247/09 for guidance If you provided at least 10 weeks notice of the PFA dates and your CO feels the crew is ready, go for it If the CO feels that, due to operational commitments, a PFA would not be feasible then that is their call Participant status is "Dep/Op“ Highly recommend completing the BCA FITREP/Evaluation Mark N/XX in Block 20 ..."no PFA completed this reporting period due to operational commitments..." in the remarks section Keep a memo for the record 30 30
Command is on deployment, plans to waive PFA. Do BCA’s count? YES, the PFA is comprised of the PRT and the BCA, you can conduct one without the other, DOD BCA Exception will not apply CO can direct you to conduct a BCA to determine who may need assistance or placement in FEP, however this cannot be used for administrative actions such as FITREPS, or Selection Boards 31 31
“Bad Day Rule"? Discuss with CO while planning the PFA cycle – CO makes the call Inform all personnel of the following: Claiming a “bad day” means retesting for both the BCA and PRT Anyone may claim a “Bad Day”, whether they passed or failed The “Final Date” of testing that a person may claim a “Bad Day” If a person claims a “Bad Day” and doesn’t show or is medically waived for the retest, the first score stands as that person’s PFA final result The “Bad Day” rule is at the discretion of the CO/OIC and is not a right 32 32
Fitness Enhancement Program (FEP) Assignment? At the discretion of the CO/OIC/CMC FEP is not a punishment, it is to assist in establishing a healthy lifestyle and prevent damage to a career Three ways to enroll in FEP: Do poorly or fail a PFA Command Directed Self Referral 33 33
Command PRP Policy What about making time during working hours for FEP? What happens if someone doesn’t show up for FEP? How will you deal with watch standers, shift workers, or those recently returned from deployment? What PRT options are allowed? Is there a limit on how many times a person can claim a bad day? 34 34
Are there any other questions you desire to ask? Take the Shot!! 35 35