adjective: teal Word Poster Color Scheme noun: blue verb: red adverb: pink
Open Court Level 3 - Unit 2 Lesson 6
shallow The smaller kids stayed in the shallow end of the pool. The water is dark and shallow in its concrete bed.
adjective: (p. 182) shallow not deep
adjective: shallow Lacking depth of intellect, emotion, or knowledge Did you see those protesters on TV? That one girl’s hair was a mess. And what about those shoes? If they knew they were going to be on TV, you think they’d put on makeup. The Shallow People Show
concrete The concrete sidewalk in front of our home has cracks in it where dandelions grow in the spring. The water is dark and shallow in its concrete bed.
noun: (p. 182) concrete a hard building material concrete adjective: meaning: solid
noun: concrete other words from creare increase decrease create crescent to grow Latin creare together grow com- + creare + The crescent moon grows in size during a lunar eclipse.
slopes The maple trees grew on two steep slopes that lead down to a clear stream. Bushes and tangled weeds cling to the slopes of the concrete walls.
upward or downward slant slopes noun: (p. 182) sloping adjective:
DRY SKI SLOPE “If this doesn’t work, we’ll have to find another use for them.” noun slopes
plumes The peacock spread out its beautiful plumes and showed off their deep colors. I watch the bird float down, its legs thin and reaching, its head plumes fanned.
noun: (p. 184) feathers plumes
a structure or form that is like a long feather plume
shadowed The sun was shining so brightly, he moved to a more shadowed area to stay cool. A coyote came to lap the shadowed water.
covered in shadow; partially hidden noun: shadow adjective: shadowed (p. 189)
shadow shadow boxer shade tree
wilderness My mother says spending a lot of time in nature and the wilderness makes her happy. “Before the city grew, there was wilderness.”
(p. 190) area undisturbed by human activity noun: wilderness
adjective: wild Occurring, growing, or living in a natural state; not tamed; unruly