WP1: Detector Assembly Liverpool Tasks: Detector specification measurement Assembly of components in progress Detector assembly for scanning Work in progress Triple-cryostat assembly Preparation in progress
Detector specification measurement Dedicated testing system – Canberra equipment delivered New single test cryostat – procure component parts Updated firmware for 40 Gretina digitiser channels.
Detector assembly for scanning The AGATA asymmetric detector C001 has been re- assembled and tested, prior to scanning (WP2) in the laboratory.
Detector assembly for scanning H. Boston, C. Unsworth trained in Cologne Subsequently trained M. Norman and S. Moon Preamplifier test box shipped to Liverpool Delays in reassembly due to internal wiring troubleshooting and slow pumping system Flaky internal wiring (test cryostat) – possible Kapton cabling Cross talk data collected and analysed with Gretina cards Energy resolution verified with analogue electronics
Triple-cryostat assembly New pumping system due for delivery System will then be commissioned
WP1 : Next 6 months C001 repaired and commissioned, being scanned Detector acceptance system will be commissioned Liverpool to be agreed as a detector acceptance site Procure cryostat component parts Appoint Liverpool technician Next detector for scanning to be commissioned.
WP1: Milestones Table 1: Milestones achieved in the last six months Milestone No. Work Package MilestoneTarget DateStatus M1.1WP1Train Staff in Cologne02 Apr 09Complete Table 2: Milestones due in the next six months Milestone no.Work Package MilestoneTarget Date M1.2WP1Successful measurements on a detector capsule and Liverpool to be an accredited detector acceptance centre 05 Oct 09
WP2: Interaction position determination using pulse shape analysis Manchester, Liverpool, Surrey Tasks: Detector Characterisation C001 detector scan MGS 3D Simulation code comparison with expt. Work in progress Pulse Shape Analysis (PSA) development Work has started
WP 2 report General Comments: S. Moon and A. Robinson started as PDRAs PSA team meetings AGATA week in Cologne (30 March) Legnaro (21-22 May 09) Bi-weekly telephone meetings
Detector Characterisation Offset of the horizontal segmentation line in rings 2 and 3, due to the electron and hole drift profile being influenced by the fast/slow axis orientations. The scan of detector C001 revealed a 12° offset toward segment B from that specified by the AGATA collaboration. Implication need to characterise to determine true axis orientation
Detector Characterisation Singles scan C001 Output: 2 IEEE TNS papers, 1 NIM paper, 2 APS conference proceedings.
Detector Characterisation Development of improved performance scanning methodology. Full scan presently 2 months The Pulse Shape Comparison (PSC) Scan method [F.C.L. Crespi, NIM A, April 08] Chi-squared minimisation of pulses shapes recorded from two collimated beams injected at 90 degrees to each other in sequential measurements. This process requires only a singles scan and therefore would in principle allow a detector to be characterised in a fraction of the time.
Detector Characterisation Coincidence scan C001 delayed due to cooling problem requiring FET replacements. Detector now being scanned (WP1)
MGS 3D Simulation code comparison Basis data set optimised for symmetric detectors.
MGS 3D Simulation code comparison Majority of difference can be accounted for by differential cross-talk correction.
MGS 3D Simulation code comparison
Theoretical E-field calculations for three asymmetric AGATA detector shapes have been performed using MGS.
MGS 3D Simulation code comparison Reasonable good agreement (symmetric crystals) Axis orientation issue MGS grid issue (missing points) First triple basis data set (asymmetric crystals) delivered to LNL for in-beam tests Performance is promising
PSA development Storage devices purchased for basis data sets. Relevant meetings attended Personnel up to speed Infrastructure for algorithm optimisation Basis data set distribution
WP2 : Next 6 months Detector Characterisation – Complete C001 detector scan – Validate PSC method – Root conversion program available – Compton reconstruction – Mount next detector MGS 3D Simulation code comparison with expt. – Implement differential cross talk correction – Compare MGS/JASS performance PSA development – Complete analysis platform commissioning – Optimise PSA codes
WP2: Milestones Table 1: Milestones achieved in the last six months Milestone No. Work Package MilestoneTarget DateStatus M2.1WP2Theoretical asymmetric Triple Cluster Basis set (MGS) delivered to Legnaro and used 01 April 09Complete M2.2WP2PDRA commenced work in Manchester/Liverpool 01 May 09Complete
Table 2: Milestones due in the next six months Milestone no. Work Package MilestoneTarget Date M2.3WP2Detector 1 available for scanning 24 June 09 M2.4WP2Detector 1: Basis data set available 22 Sept 09 M2.5WP2Comparison of MGS electric field simulations with experimental pulse shapes complete and first interaction position algorithms ready 23 Dec 09 M2.10WP2Preliminary analysis of AGATA Stage 0 data complete 2 Dec 09
WP3 : Simulation and tracking York, UWS, Manchester, STFC Daresbury Tasks Implementation of the experimental facilities into GEANT Ongoing, first stage complete Simulation of key experiments Ongoing, some source simulations done Verification of tracking algorithms Started
Geant4 code has been successfully installed with the existing experimental facilities. Some more need to be implemented during the next few months. Implementation of the experimental facilities into GEANT
Packages GEANT4 AGATA code (E. Farnea) A tracking code: – 2 availables: mgt code (D. Bazzacco) oft code (A. Lopez-Martens) – An analysis package: xtrackn, ROOT based programs (GammaWare) GammaWare (O. Stezowki) – Convert files.ags from the Radware/ENSDF level scheme directory to simulation input file Production cross section codes – Ex: Fusion evaporation (CASCADE, COMPA )
Status & near future plans A UK AGATA WG is being formed (mailing list, regular meetings) Obtain, install and learn how to use the AGATA simulation – Get the packages running GEANT4 AGATA code( ) tracking codes( ) GammaWare( ) Cross section codes(to get) – Reproduce the simulation results previously reported (on going) Simulate source runs and compare with data – 137 Cs or 60 Co Simulate first in-beam test and compare with data
Basic tests of codes and validation 11 22 33 44 The Geant4 code has been tested to generate various geometries of AGATA array.
Orsay Tracking code Padova Tracking code Geant4 simulation 60 Co source P/T = 62% Efficiency=33% P/T = 63% Efficiency=37% The P/T are almost same for both the codes. Efficiencies are different. (Clustering mechanism are different in ORSAY code) Basic tests of codes and validation
WP3: Milestones Table 1: Milestones achieved in the last six months Milestone No. Work Package MilestoneTarget Date Status M3.1WP3Preparatory work complete02 April 09 Complete M3.2WP3Simulation codes set up in the UK 05 July 09 Complete Table 2: Milestones due in the next six months Milestone no. Work Package MilestoneTarget Date M3.3WP3Simulation for UK led experiments for the January LNL PAC 31 Dec 09
WP4 Support for setup and running of initial experiments UWS, Liverpool, Manchester, Surrey, York, STFC Daresbury Tasks Installation of AGATA detectors at Legnaro National Laboratory Ongoing, first detector installed Running of the test experiments with sources and in- beam Ongoing, source and some in-beam test done Use the output of WP2 to optimise the analysis Future task
Stages in set up and commissioning Stage 0Test of a triple cluster with a radioactive source Stage 1In-beam test of a triple cluster Stage 2In-beam test of a triple cluster with a simple ancillary detector Stage 3In-beam test of three triple clusters Stage 4In-beam test of triple clusters with the PRISMA spectrometer
Stage 0: Radioactive sources test To test data-acquisition system, front-end electronics, mechanical support etc. Week 8 (16 th – 20 th February 2009)
Stage 1: First in-beam test To test system in real experimental conditions, measure overall position resolution etc. Week 12 (16 th – 20 th March 2009) 30 Si at 70 MeV on thin 12 C target (with and without stopper downstream of target) One asymmetric cluster at θ=90 ○ Inverse kinematics – high recoil velocity Different target to detector distances to determine position resolution
AGATA detector at Legnaro Mechanical Support Frame PRISMA spectrometer
WP4: Next 6 months Further commissioning experiments Stage 2July 2009 –AGATA module with an ancillary detector Stage 3Later in 2009 –Increase number of AGATA modules to three
WP4: Milestones Table 2: Milestones due in the next six months Milestone no. Work Package MilestoneTarget Date M4.3WP4In-beam test of a triple cluster with ancillary detector 6 July 09 M4.4WP4UWS PDRA started work1 July 09 M4.5WP4In-beam test of first 3 triple clusters 31 Dec 09 Table 1: Milestones achieved in the last six months Milestone No. Work Package MilestoneTarget DateStatus M4.1WP4Source test of a triple cluster 18 Feb 09Complete M4.2WP4In beam test of a triple cluster 19 Mar 09Complete
WP5 Electronics and software STFC Daresbury, Liverpool Tasks Support installation at Legnaro Ongoing Digitiser electronics for the next period (inc upgrade) Preparation work started
Support installation at Legnaro Digitiser work for demonstrator Firmware upgrade done to shut down automatically if temperature reaches 40C (previously relied on software) Delivery status: TaskDoneShippedTo do Assemble Digitisers (UK)180 Functional Test of digitisers (UK)18130 Performance test of digitisers (France)7711* Delivery to AGATA (from France)7711 * Out of these 11 digitisers, 3 are in Turkey, 3 are in France, 5 in UK
Support installation at Legnaro Pre-processing work for demonstrator Management of team only; no hardware or firmware work except advice/consultancy as required. Video conference every 2 weeks + AGATA week team meeting face to face.
Support installation at Legnaro Slow control and GUI work for demonstrator Recent decision by the team to adopt Vic Pucknell’s (UK) software philosophy for Digitser control as the standard for all AGATA front end electronics control Commands sent to hardware known as “Vic Orders” Vic Pucknell has written example code against which to test application code written by others.
Digitiser electronics for the next period Digitiser work Collaboration has decided to build 6 digitisers of the current design for the end Four will be from the UK grant. Agreed with AGATA collaboration. Discussions have started to determine what upgrades are needed for the next batch of digitisers (replacement of obsolete parts for example). Expected to take several months.
WP5 : next 6 months Continue to support installation at Legnaro as required Start to build and test 6 more digitisers to existing design Continue discussion on digitiser proposal with rest of collaboration Start work on specification of new digitiser electronics
WP5: Milestones Table 2: Milestones due in the next six months Milestone no. Work Package MilestoneTarget Date M5.1WP5Agree detailed design specs for upgraded digitisers 4 Dec 09 M5.2WP5Funding agreed for first batch of digitisers 30 Jun 09
WP6: Mechanical Design STFC Daresbury, Liverpool Tasks: Support for AGATA at Legnaro Investigation of mechanical problems Installation of detectors Several visit to Legnaro needed Design of new support structures Awaiting collaboration decision
Detector still doesn’t come down square in jig, but the situation is much improved Setting the Detector Installation of detectors at Legnaro
Support jig measured with tracker. Results to be compiled Measuring the Setting Fixture Installation of detectors at Legnaro
Detectors within specification when installed. Report to be written Installation of detectors at Legnaro
Determine the source of the deflections using Finite Element Analysis. Modify necessary components. Start design of new support frame once the decision on the location of the next host laboratory has been taken. WP6: Next 6 months
WP6: Milestones Table 2: Milestones due in the next six months Milestone no. Work Package MilestoneTarget Date M6.1WP6Agree design spec for next host lab 22 Oct 09
WP7: Project Management Liverpool and STFC Daresbury Tasks: Establish UK management structure In place and working Contribute to AGATA international mangement ongoing
WP7: Milestones Table 1: Milestones achieved in the last six months Milestone No. Work Package MilestoneTarget DateStatus M7.1WP7Agree UK Membership of AGATA collaboration meeting 1 Sept 08Complete M7.2WP7Establish UK management structure 30 Sept 08Complete M7.3WP71 st Meeting of UK Management group Nov 08Complete M7.4WP72 nd Meeting of UK Management group Jan 09Complete M7.5WP73 rd Meeting of UK Management group March 09Complete M7.6WP74 th Meeting of UK Management group June09Complete
Table 2: Milestones due in the next six months Milestone no. Work Package MilestoneTarget Date M7.7WP75 th Meeting of UK Management group Sep 09 M7.8WP76 th Meeting of UK Management group Jan10
WP8: Equipment procurement and running costs Liverpool and STFC Daresbury Tasks: Purchase of detectors and cryostat Initial order placed Purchase of electronics Specification being agreed Payment of Running costs First payment made
Detectors / Cryostat Three capsules ordered –Delivery from August 2010 Triple Cryostat specification being formally agreed Electronics Plan for the next phase being agreed with the collaboration
Running costs AGATA Steering Committee has agreed the running costs for 2009 Costs will be reviewed each year depending on actual use and number of detectors Costs for 2010 will be agreed in late 2009 First payment made
WP8: Milestones Table 1: Milestones achieved in the last six months Milestone No. Work Package MilestoneTarget DateStatus M8.1WP8Order AGATA detector capsules 3 March 09Complete M8.2WP8Agree running costs with collaboration 3 March 09Complete M8.3WP8Payment of first running cost instalment 3 March 09Complete M8.4WP8First payment (20%) for detector capsules 4 May 09Complete Table 2: Milestones due in the next six months Milestone no. Work Package MilestoneTarget Date M8.5WP8Order triple cryostat and electronics modules 3 July 09
Contingency / Working Allowance Grant bid was made at 2007 prices Equipment prices have increased by ~5% Significant change in exchange rate –Bid1.43 euro = £1$2 = £1 –Now1.11 euro = £1$1.6 = £1 Smaller number of electronics modules funded (re bid) will lead to higher unit costs Known or estimated changes summarised in the table
ItemAward (£k) Increase (£k) Main Reason Detector capsules Exchange rate Cryostat6820Exchange rate Electronics Smaller numbers Running costs Exchange rate Research student 601Student left Increase (actual) 160 Increase (estimate) 84.8 Working allowance 265 Calls on the contingency / working allowance