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Platform: Wall Street Survivor League: HawkTrade Competition Link: wkTradeCompetition wkTradeCompetition $15 fee to join Ability to win great prizes!!!
League Settings: Start Date: 9/15/2014 End Date: 12/ 05/2014 Portfolio Size: $100,000 Maximum Trade Position: 25% Able to trade derivatives and options If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, contact me: daniel-
Juniors and high-achieving sophomores are encouraged to apply. me.get? me.get? will be sent out tomorrow for those who provided me with their .
Actual – 214,000 Closest Prediction – Blake Tebbe 242,000
Nonfarm Payrolls – Consensus Range 200, ,00 Nonfarm Payrolls Actual 214,000 vs. 240,000 Consensus Unemployment – Actual 5.8% vs. 5.9% Consensus
Goods-producing: 28,000 Manufacturing: 15,000 Motor Vehicles: 3,000 Construction: 12,000 Mining: 1,000
Actual 59.0 vs consensus New orders, the most important component of the index, rose 5.8 points to Points to strength in domestic demand in the coming future.
Retail Sales – Actual.3% vs..2% Consensus Retail Sales less Autos – Actual.3% vs. Consensus.2% Less Autos & Gas – Actual.6% vs..5% Consensus
Expected to create roughly 42,000 jobs and put $2 billion in workers’ pockets during construction. Transport 800,000 barrels of oil per day from Canada and the U.S. Bakken region. Crude imports from Canada could reach 4 million barrels a day by 2030.
Since June, crude oil is down roughly 30%. Crude oil extracted from the sands of Alberta is expected to cost anywhere between $85- $110 to produce. Crude oil WTI is trading around $77 currently.
The House approved the Keystone XL pipeline for the 9 th time on Friday. Approved easily, Senate is poised to vote on it next week.
Berkshire Hathaway to acquire Duracell from P&G for $4.7 billion. BRK will infuse $1.8 in cash from the deal. BRK also announced it spent just $336 million for a 1.9% stake in P&G in June. Assuming 35% tax rate on capital gains, BRK could save more than $1 billion.