Mrs. MacLeod’s Class Computers and Careers This a one semester course and must be passed be passed for high school graduation.


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Mrs. MacLeod’s Class

Computers and Careers This a one semester course and must be passed be passed for high school graduation.

Research and learn about future careers choices and types of higher learning (Junior colleges, Four-year Universities, Trade school, etc.). Learn basic computer skills using Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, and other programs necessary for future achievement. This a one semester course and must be passed be passed for high school graduation. Learn how to: navigate the Internet effectively

Student success will be evaluated daily through teacher observation. Projects are designed to give hands-on experience and practice with the computer applications covered in class. Graded in three areas: Class Activities, Attendance and Independent Projects Unsatisfactory assignments may be revised and resubmitted for approval.

Notebook or folder, paper, and pen for class work Flash Drive - minimum 1 GB Purchase at Target, Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Staples, Office Depot

No food, gum, or drinks. No theft or vandalism. Report any problems to Mrs. MacLeod immediately. You’re responsible for your workstation! No inappropriate use of software or the Internet as described in the Student Internet Acceptable Use Policy. FYI – Vision Software – I can see everything! The computers are to be used for school work only (no Internet games, no personal software NO DOWNLOADING ANY PROGRAMS or MOVIES!).

No MySpace, random Internet games, or blocked sites **Consequences: *Referral with lunch detention *OCD for the rest of the period *Saturday school No watching any video sites! No Ipods– keep in your backpack Cell phones must be turned off and in your backpack. Keep room CLEAN! Don’t leave a mess! Last class of the day needs to shut down all computers and monitors. Restroom passes – two semester – none used extra credit

If projects aren’t completed on time, the following grading system will be used: *One day late- minus one letter grade (from the grade earned) *Two days late or more- half of the earned grade *Late work must be submitted before the unit is completed. If absent or lack or completing the work, those points cannot be made up.

You must have a CLEARED absence before late work will be accepted. If you miss class, you must inquire about missed work. The missed work will be due on the following class day. Look at the website for the assignment, the assignment board, Mrs. Macleod, or ask a classmate. Extended absences or special circumstances may require the setting of new dates for work.