VETERINARY ASSISTING the Seminole Vocational Education Center Program Syllabus
VA Program Instructor - L. William Shrum Ph Viet Nam Era Veteran, USAF B.S. – Agriculture and Animal Science – University of Florida M.S. Ed – Educational Leadership – University of South Florida Instructor at SVEC since 1985
VA Program - Syllabus Program Mission – The veterinary science curriculum strives to provide integration between the rigors of academics and the relevance of career skills. By participating in decision-making, problem solving and career related activities. Students leave the program with the employability and technical skills needed to succeed in the workplace and/or further education
VA Program - Syllabus There needs to be a strong, direct connection between content knowledge and real-world applications This program is designed around the Rigor/Relevance/Relationship Framework based on the 3 dimensions of higher standards, student achievement and civility
VA Program - Syllabus The program consist of 5 semester courses To ensure quality, certificates are awarded for the successful completion at each exit point beginning with level 3.
VA Program - Syllabus At level 3, w/ GPA 3.0+ = Assistant Animal Caretaker At level 4, w/GPA 3.0+ = Animal Caretaker At level 5, w/GPA 3.0+ = Veterinary Assistant These certificates make an excellent addition to the students portfolio and will come in handy when looking for a job
VA Program - Certificate
VA Program – Grading Policy Pinellas County School Board Policy
VA Program – Required Materials Pencil or pen (must be blue or black ink only) Notebook paper and dividers NEW 1” loose leaf 3 ringed notebook 2” – 3 ring binder, ( provided by program) Closed toed and closed heel shoes for lab Scrubs for lab 3.5 HD Floppy, CD or Thumb Drive
VA Program – Classroom Performance 30 % of Grade Class assignments, homework Unit test and quizzes (weighted) Assignments in correct format Grammar and Spelling are important and will be a part of grade All work in on time Late work not accepted
VA Program – Clinic Performance 40% of grade Each student will receive 20 pts/day for every day present and appropriately dressed for clinic Each lab station is designed to function in a clinical situation emulating real world application Participation, cooperation, teamwork, safety and acceptable animal care Lab groups will consist of a supervisor (upper level peer) and team members Clinics will rotate between small and large animal clinics
VA Program - Recordkeeping 20% of grade Class Notebook – based on neatness, organization and content (course outline, class assignments, lecture notes and textbook outlines) Portfolio – based on Resume’, Accomplishments and Program Reflections
VA Program – Vocational Development 10% of Grade Because you are enrolled in a career development program, you will receive a grade as if I was your employer Communication skills, appropriate dress; quantity and timeliness of work; quality of work; job knowledge; dependability; initiative; attitude; cooperation; attendance Behavior Matrix
VA Program – Make-up Work After an absence, you the student is responsible to make arrangements with the teacher to make up work Students have the same number of days absent for make up. i.e. 2 days out 2 days make up Clinic grades – you will lose your 20 pt/day for each day out. See instructor for make-up work Unexcused absence will be dropped 1 letter grade Excused absence will be grade earned
VA Program Do you have any questions? If your parents have any questions, please have them contact me. I will be contacting them Please take your notes home and have them signed by your parents. Put your signed syllabus in your portfolio
VA Program “Failure is not an option” Gene Krantz, Apollo 13