Health and Social Care Data Integration and Intelligence Project Readiness Sessions
Making the Possible Happen HSCDIIP – Readiness Sessions Welcome and Introductions Policy Context Background to HSCDIIP Information to Support Integration State of Readiness – What we’ve been doing Helping you get there – What you need to do Timelines and Future Phases Close
Policy Context
Integrating Health and Social Care in Scotland Alison Taylor Head of Strategy and Delivery Integration of Health and Social Care
Why integrate? People should be supported to live well at home or in the community for as much time as they can People should have a positive experience of health and social care when they need it
1)A guiding principle: “... effective services must be designed with and for people and communities – not delivered ‘top down’ for administrative convenience” The Christie Commission Report Commission on the future delivery of public services, June )A single commissioner and budget for health and social care 3)Legislation: – The Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014 Building blocks for integration
Principles for integrated health and social care Nationally agreed outcomes for health and wellbeing Integrated governance arrangements for health and social care: delegation to a body corporate or lead agency Integrated budgets for health and social care Integrated oversight of delivery Strategic planning Localities Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act (2014)
Integrated Resources: approximate scale
Strategic planning and performance reporting (slide 1) Partnerships will need information to: Map existing care pathways by geography, care group etc. Link outcomes to resources Measure effectiveness of new interventions Review and report on performance
Strategic planning and performance reporting (slide 2) Partnerships will need support for: Analysis Modelling future pathways and financial impact of strategic needs assessment Financial planning
A&E Outpatients Inpatients Day cases Deaths Prescribing Age/gender CHI Linked File SPARRA Social Care SIMD Linked Health and Social care file at an individual service user level (Activity & Costs) Partnership Access Via secure platform Data for integration
Background to HSCDIIP
Information to Support Integration
A&E Outpatients Inpatients Day cases Deaths Prescribing Age/gender CHI Linked File SPARRA Social Care SIMD Linked Health and Social care file at an individual service user level (Activity & Costs) Partnership Access Via secure platform Data for integration
Resource Utilisation - mapped total spend (£) Health based activity information Disease specific groups (diabetes / dementia) Profiling service users – Delayed Discharges – High Resource Individuals Partnership Variation Basic Pathway Analysis Information to Support Integration – What we Have Now
Information: What we have now £11.7bn
All Partnerships (All Ages) per weighted capita Understand Variation in Spend
Dash Board 1 - Partnership Resource Mapping
Trends: Community prescribing costs, per weighted capita by GP practice, 2010/ /13
Variation: H&SC weighted expenditure by GP practice
Dashboard 2 - Partnership & Practice Resource and Activity
Delayed Discharge Information available by; Partnership Number of delays Delay type (standard / code 9) Bed days occupied Resource consumption (£) All ages / 75+ Rates (partnership & Scotland) per head population
What do you think the average cost of a delay (per day)? £188 per day (standard) Example of Partnership X During 2013/14 cost of delay = £4.6m Bed days lost during year = 19,200 Equivalent to 54 beds (2 wards?) How much do you think is lost to delays across Scotland? Approx £102m £205 per day (code 9s) Bed Days Standard: 421,157 Code 9: 111,342
Dashboard 3 – Delayed Discharges
Identify areas of high resource use to help first year of planning
Across Scotland 2% of the population utilise 50% of health resource Spend on HRIs £24,700/year vs average £1,200 Most extra cost is due to emergency hospital admissions o Almost 4.5m emergency bed days HRIs account for around half of all geriatric, psychiatric and GP beds High Resource Individuals (HRIs)
Dashboard 4 – HRIs
Example Developments
Breakout Session
Dementia: Prevalence
Dementia: Costs
Dementia: Further analysis
Last six months of life: Hospital utilisation
Future Analytical ‘Tools’ Impact analysis (evaluation) Cost Benefit analysis Predictive Analysis Scenario Planning Pathway Analysis Where we are heading
Predictive Analytics/ Scenario Planning Better model ? Naive model JFMAMJJASOND Em admission (gen med; 3 days; £1,323) Diagnosed CHD Em admission (resp med; procedure; 4 days; £1721) Em admission (gen med; 24 days; £8,042) Delayed Discharge (Home) A&E (£103) Invest in ACPs?
Future Planned Developments Standard Reports via HSCDIIP Dashboard High level annual mapping (£) – 2010/11 to 2013/14 IP/DC detailed annual mapping – 2013/14 HRIs (Partnership level) – 2013/14 Delayed Discharges – 2012/13 to 2013/14 Financial Information for Hospital Planning Existing acute financial/activity mapping by hospital Above, with addition of month up to Mar 2014 (activity for Apr-Dec 2014)
Future Planned Developments Standard Reports via HSCDIIP Dashboard Development IP/DC detailed mapping (time trend) /11 to 2013/14 - HRI (Time Trend & Individual Level) Locality Level information GP Practice level Information Social Care Activity & Costs Community Health Activity & Costs Detailed Annual Mapping for: o A&E o Outpatient o Prescribing
Future Planned Developments Care Group Developments Multi-morbidity Last Six Months of Life Waste Indicators Other Planned Care Group Developments Falls Drug and Alcohol Cancer Pathway Analysis Delayed Discharges High Resource Individuals Visualisation *data dependant
State of Readiness – What we’ve been doing
Understand User Needs Meeting with Key Stakeholder groups and LAs Co-Production / Development Engagement Running dataset development workshops with LAs Developing the Dataset and Definitions National Consultation Social Care Dataset Business Case, Business Requirements Functional Specification and UAT File Specification IT Information Sharing Protocol Service Level Agreement Privacy Impact Assessment Information Governance
Social Care Dataset and Data Submission
Social care dataset and definitions ratified by Project Board in December 2014 Dataset split into 10 sections; demographics must be returned with every submission Data to be submitted on a quarterly basis; except SDS Each file should be submitted as a separate.csv file (transferred through SFTP) Each file must contain client/service user Social Care ID Basic validation built into submission process Data walkthroughs
Social Care Data submissions Anticipated to be sent via Globalscape Support for Set up and use Authorised Users Security Statement
Access Levels and Authorisation
LevelData AccessedExample ScotlandThis allows the user to only see aggregated data for Scotland. The information is not broken down to Region, Partnership level, etc. Partnership - AggregateThis allows the user to see aggregated data at Scotland level, labelled data for their own Partnership and the Region within which that Partnership is located. They will also see unlabelled data for all other Partnerships in Scotland. Partnership – DetailThis allows the user to see data at Scotland level, labelled data for their own Partnership and the Region within which that Partnership is located. They will also see labelled data for every General Practice in their Partnership area. Note: GP level is the geographic location which GP surgeries cover and is not GP data
Users will apply for access using the User Access System Access can only be approved by your designated authoriser, and should mirror local practice. Following authorisation, ISD will provide the user with an individual user name and password to allow them to securely access Tableau at the agreed level Renewals are automatically sent out every 6 months.
Information Governance
Underpins the whole health and social care integration project SASPI template used Data Sharing Agreement in place to support original IRF type work Data Processing Agreement in place for CHI seeding (where required) Alignment with the Scottish Government Information Sharing Framework Privacy Impact Assessment Privacy Advisory committee (PAC) CHI Advisory Group (CHIAG)
The Information Sharing Protocol (ISP) Developed specifically for HSCDIIP Allows Councils to send their data to NSS ISD for linkage with existing health datasets Supports the details and specific purposes for sharing with NSS ISD Includes the personal information being shared as well as the required operational procedures and legal justification Will specify signatories from all parties Highlights the proposed analytical outputs Fit-For-Purpose Will be reviewed in 15/16 to take account of new / changing partnership requirements
Stakeholder Engagement Includes: Caldicott Forum CHIAG Local Authority Legal Teams Information Commissioner Society of Local Authority Solicitors and Administrators (SOLAR) LA and HB Chief Executives Senior Solicitor, Central Legal Office (NHS) Information Sharing Board (ISB) & Interoperability Working Group (IWG) Directors of Public Health Data Protection and Freedom of Information Officers Group NHS IG Forum Chief Officers Partnerships, Health Boards and Local Authorities Local Information Security Teams Local Joint Information Groups
Service Level Agreement A Service Level Agreement (SLA) accompanies the ISP and sets out the services NSS ISD will provide to Partnerships The SLA also Describes the available Access Levels Captures the names of those agreed locally as those able to authorise access within each partnership area (in accordance with local practice) Sets out the quarterly submission details and agreed dates to send data to NSS ISD
For consideration Who is responsible for signing-off your ISP? - Who should we be sending the document to i.e. Chief Exec, Chief Officer, Caldicott Guardian, all 3? - Is there someone locally who would be responsible for co-ordinating partnership sign-off? What are your local processes for agreeing who should get access to what information as part of the SLA? - Do different staff need different access levels? - Who within your area would know which staff need access to which data? - Who / How will this be co-ordinated within your partnership? Who will your named contact be for ISD discussions on the ISP and SLA?
To discuss your requirements or for further information on the ISP or SLA, please contact Margaret Parsons Or telephone
Q & A
Helping you get there – What do you need to do
What you need to do Contact us to arrange dates for face-to-face walkthroughs with your partnership Identify those responsible for signing-off a) the ISP b) the SLA SLA sign-off requires you to – Identify local authorisers who will approve which staff get access to what information – Agree the sections of the Social Care dataset to be submitted to ISD routinely – Identify who will be submitting data through the SFTP Once authorised individual staff need to apply for their Tableau logins & passwords
Helping you get there – What do you need to do Other available support?
Scottish Government funded initiative Piloted to date in 3 Local Authorities/Partnerships Complement existing teams Initial focus to provide analytical resource based within Partnerships Complements and supports the HSCDIIP project, helping to transform data into evidence for action Local Intelligence Support Team (LIST)
Where we are at… All Chief Officers of H&SC Partnerships contacted offering support. Initial meetings taking place with Partnerships: Assess needs and priorities Strategic plans Information Framework Recruitment of staff Local Intelligence Support Team (LIST) Further information will be made available via ISD website Or
Future Phases
Business as Usual Social Care data set evolution Addressing the Data Gaps Personal Outcomes Links to other areas (Third Sector) Digital Technology Evidence in to Action (WhatWorksScotland) Wider community planning Future Phases
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