Mrs. Davis’s Class
Parent Letter Please have parent’s read the letter along with the syllabus. Once they have read the entire packet and fill out the information at the bottom of the page. Return this bottom portion for your first Language Arts grade by no later than Friday, August 9 th.
Materials you will need There are some specific items that I suggest you to have for this class. Here is a list of items you will need. A 3-Ring Binder with Dividers for the following: Reading Writing Word Study Spiral Notebook for Journaling Pen/Pencil/Highlighter Colored Pencils Post-it Notes
Guidelines for Success Preparation Responsibility Integrity Dedication Effort
Classroom Rules School Wide Classroom Rules: (in your student handbooks) Be on time (in appropriate seat doing bell work when the bell rings). Be respectful of all your peers and teachers at all times. Be prepared for class – assignments and homework completed with appropriate materials. Mrs. Davis’s Classroom Rules: Keep Hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Follow directions the first time they are given. Do not interrupt instruction time. Stay on task during all work times. Follow all school rules. Consequences Verbal warning Removal from class (I.S.S. = In School Suspension)
Classroom Procedures Entering the Classroom There will always be something for you to work on when you enter the room. First, have your agenda out and copy in the daily work and homework you might have. Then there will be a English Language Arts related question, writing prompt, or assignment for you to work on in your journal notebook. Tardy to class You are tardy if you are not in your seat when the bell rings. This is a central classroom and you have plenty of time to get from anywhere in the building to this room. I expect all homework, pencil sharpening, bathroom stops, and socializing to be finished by the bell. Paper or pencil? I prefer pencil in Language Arts.
Classroom Procedures Turning in Assignments The teacher will ask each row/group to pass their homework to the last person in each row. Once the student has everyone’s work they will place that pile of homework into the class work tray. There are trays in the filing boxes in the back of the room for each period. Should you somehow miss the collection, please place your work in the appropriate box. Other assignments will be turned in digitally through Edmodo and Finding out grade status Grades can be found on Synergy through the Student and Parent Portals. Should you have a question about any posted grades please contact me. Student responsibilities after an absence If you are absent for any reason, you will need to make up the work you missed for credit. Substantial absences might have a few exceptions. You are allowed one day for every day you are absent to turn in missed work. If there was any handout that you missed, you can find it in the appropriate folder in the Absentee Box.
Classroom Procedures Late, missing, or incomplete assignments Late work is usually not accepted. You will receive one Oops (to be explained in class) for homework assignments. Missing work, due to absences, will not receive any credit and will be a zero in the grade book until turned in. You may turn in any work that is missing as long as you turn it in by the following day. If you are unsatisfied with your assignment’s score, you may redo any writing assignment in the week it returned to you. You can redo an assignment as many times as you want as long as it is done the same week. As for tests; you may not retake test. It is important that you learn good study skills to ensure your success throughout your education. If you need assistance in learning good studying practices please see me for assistance and we can work together to figure out what works best for you. All extra work or retakes must be done on your own time. That means before or after school. Please check with me if you want to come in to class for assistance before or after school. If you have finished all other work for class that day, you may work on makeup work.
Classroom Procedures Cheating Cheating is using someone else’s answer as your own. If you are caught cheating on an assignment you will receive a zero. You may not make up test when you are found cheating. On top of that, you will call your parents and inform them that you cheated and cannot make up that assignment or test. Questions/ Comments The best way to reach me is through . My address is You may also leave me a message on my voic at I am looking forward to a wonderful year with you!
Questions/ Comments The best way to reach me is through . My address is You may also leave me a message on my voic at I am looking forward to a wonderful year with you!