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KODĖL ir KAIP KODĖL? Kas pasakė „miau“ (kodėl iš viso reikia atsakinėti į šį klausimą)? Duomenys – > Informacija > Žinios Sprendimų Priėmimas {greitis, kokybė} priklauso nuo duomenų {kiekio, kokybės} KAIP? Su teisinga nuostata (valstybiniu požiūriu)* Pagal (valstybėje ir įmonėje) nustatytą tvarką Atitinkančius šiuolaikinius (pasaulinius) reikalavimus (dabar 5 ★, kažka bus kitaip, bet rytoj – dar ne) *Vokietijos transporto m-jos pavyzdis - kaip nereikia daryti ( 2/from-opengovdata-to-govdata-why- germany-needs-the-ogp-and-the-ogp-needs- germany/)

KODĖL Kas pasakė „miau“ (kodėl iš viso reikia atsakinėti į šį klausimą)? Duomenys > Informacija > Žinios F::SprendimųPriėmimas {greitis, kokybė} priklauso nuo duomenų {kiekio, kokybės}

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Jūsų žinios Norint sukurti kažką naujo, reikia : žinoti, kas sukurta iki šiol ir mokėti tuo kūrybingai pasinaudoti. Dažniausia kuriama atsitiktinai sulaukus “įkvėpimo”. Reguliariai kūrybai paprastai trukdo žinių stoka arba psichologinė inercija.

Inovacinio (modelio) kalba Pirkėjo balsas Rinkos galimybės Naujovė: prekė / paslauga Pelnas $ Inovacinė kalba Funkcinė kalba Profesinė kalba Problemos formulavimas Sprendimo koncepcija Pradinė specifikacija Planavimo procesas Valstybinės politkos lygmuo Žinybinės politkos lygmuo

Patentuose - geriausi žmonijos sprendimai Pastebėjimų įšvados: Kūrybiški sprendimai pašalina prieštaravimą 5 kūrybiškumo (išradingumo) lygiai 76 tipinės konfliktų schemos, 40 išradybos principų 9 evoliucijos dėsniai

Išlaidos negalios pensijoms gali būti išpūstos 200 mln litų

Kas trukdo?

KAIP Su teisinga nuostata (valstybiniu požiūriu)* Pagal nustatytą tvarką

The road so far: German government screws up open data Last year(2012), the German government commissioned a study on Open Government Data. In the summer, the Interior Ministry announced it would take up one of the study’s core recommendations, and started preparing an open government data portalopen government data portal In the beginning of March 2013, weeks before Germany’s Interior Minister Friedrich plans to officially unveil the portal at the CeBit (German ICT trade show), it became clear that the portal lacks two of the most important things for an open data portal: A coherent and compatible licensing policy and interesting, politically relevant data sets. In other words: is not going to be an open portal, according to the 10 principles for opening government information. Consequently, the government removed the word “open” from its title. In the words of politicians: 10 principles for opening government information In order to make the portal’s priorities regarding its content even more explicit, the ‘Open Government Portal Germany’ will from now on be operated under the name ‘GovData – the data portal for Germany’. (Source: Sebastian Haselbeck’s opinion piece German government screws up open data and the comments under the blogpost give a good overview of the portal’s development and Germany’s open gov track record so far.German government screws up open data The reaction of the open data community: Dropping the word ‘open’ from the national portal’s name and concept cannot be the solution The community’s representatives issued a joint declaration on outlining why the german GovData platform is not acceptable in its currently planned form (even if the government is at least not open-washing, a lovely apt term derived from greenwashing). The reasons for community criticism are as greenwashing a. the chosen license models are not conform to internationally recognized standards b. the portal, as seen so far, is lacking provisions for usability and security c. there are no visible efforts to motivate users to reuse the data provided d. the data provided is boring One week later, more than 300 people from various backgrounds have signed the statement ( – come co-sign!). Considering that the open data community is still small, the signature rate is quite impressive. Instead of convincing other departments and political levels to follow an open policy, the Interior Ministry is setting a fata precedent and is making it easy for institutions to be “lazy” by not undertaking legal efforts to clear their data properly out of convenience.

Tvarka yra „procedūra“ (procedure, workflow) Administracinis įgyvendinimas – Patvirtina vidaus tvarkoje ir pareiginiuose nuostatuose – Konkreti pareigybė (kaip raštvedyba) – Dokumentuojama /protokoluojama procedūra su konkrečia asmenine atsakomybe Teisinis įgyvendinimas – Atitikimas licencijoms – Suderinimo viza (teisininkas, raštvedė, viešieji ryšiai) – Anonsuojama (minimum: RSS) Techninis įgyvendinimas – 5 ★ Open Data Open Semantic FrameworkOpen Semantic Framework (OSF)

data value: Linked Data Linked Data is about using the Web to connect related data that wasn't previously linked, or using the Web to lower the barriers to linking data currently linked using other methods. More specifically, Wikipedia defines Linked Data as "a term used to describe a recommended best practice for exposing, sharing, and connecting pieces of data, information, and knowledge on the Semantic Web using URIs and RDF."datainformation knowledge URIsRDF

5 ★ Open Data Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the Web and Linked Data initiator, suggested a 5 star deployment scheme for Open Data. Here, we give examples for each step of the stars and explain costs and benefits that come along with it. ★ make your stuff available on the Web (whatever format) under an open ★★ make it available as structured data (e.g., Excel instead of image scan of a table) ★★★ use non-proprietary formats (e.g., CSV instead of Excel) ★★★★ use URIs to denote things, so that people can point at your stuff ★★★★★ link your data to other data to provide context