Welcome to Curriculum Night! Lindsay Hawkins 8A Linear Algebra, Algebra, and Geometry
About Me… Grew up in Arizona Kyrene alumni BS in Mathematics (education emphasis) Highly Qualified in Secondary Mathematics (7-12)
What to expect in Honors Geometry this year… Your child will be introduced to Geometry concepts that are aligned to Arizona State Standards –Geometric Properties –Basic Concepts and Proofs –Transformation of Shapes –Coordinate Geometry
Topics include… Patterns and Sequences Geometric Probabilities Similarities Circles and Circle Theorems Transformation Matrices 3D Geometry Surface Area and Volume Trigonometry of the Right Triangle
Honors Geometry 1-2 –May change in the upcoming month…
How Do I Get The Final Grade? 9 Week Quarter Grade Semester Grade 40% First 9 Weeks 40% Second 9 Weeks 20% Exam Assessment (90%) –Tests, Quizzes, Projects, Binder Checks Practice (10%) –Bell work, Classwork, Homework
What Will We Be Doing In Class? Cooperative Learning Groups/Partners Tests Quizzes Quick Quizzes Binders
Homework Policy Daily Basis minutes for Geometry Due Following Day Unless Specified Posted on Board Check HW – 5 Points per Assignment Time will be given at end of class to start assignment
Test Retakes Not Required; Student’s responsibility to retake Students take home the test and fixing the problems they missed. Depending on the student’s work, up to half the points they missed can be earned. 1 week to complete Students will be guaranteed half the points back if they come in before school or during lunch and complete the problems with me.
Late Work –Homework turned in late will not qualify for full credit. –Any completed late work that is turned in before the Chapter Test will be counted as half credit. –Absolutely no late work for any reason will be accepted after the Chapter Test on which the work was assigned.
Absences Student’s responsibility to obtain the information and assignments they missed. Students have 1 school day for each day absent to complete missed work (this applies to homework, notes, classwork, quizzes, and tests) Please let me know if student will be absent ahead of time
Materials 1”-1½” 3 Ring Binder Highlighter 12 Tab Dividers (one tab for each chapter) Red Pens to grade Lined Paper for notes and HW Graph Paper Pencils and eraser Calculator (Algebra and Geometry students will need a scientific calculator)
Class Wish List Lots and Lots of Printer Paper!! Colored Printer Paper Dividers Loose Leaf Paper Dry Erase Markers Band-aids Tissues Clorox Wipes AA Batteries for Calculators
Keys To Success…How Can You Help? Please encourage them to keep trying Check my website calendar and assignments regularly Check their grades online – Parent/Student Portal Have them come in for extra help when necessary Attendance is extremely important! Everyday is something new and different from anything they have ever seen before.
Contact Information Website Child Need Help? –Before/After School – Any day during Lunch – Academic Lab –Homework Club and Learning Lab Please feel free to contact me at anytime regarding any questions or concerns!
QUESTIONS? I look forward to a great year!
Welcome to Curriculum Night! Lindsay Hawkins 8A Linear Algebra, Algebra, and Geometry
About Me… Grew up in Arizona Kyrene alumni BS in Mathematics (education emphasis) Highly Qualified in Secondary Mathematics (7-12)
What to expect in Algebra this year… Your child will be introduced to Algebra concepts that are aligned to Arizona State Standards –Numbers and Operations –Data Analysis, Probability, & Discrete Mathematics –Patterns, Algebra, & Functions –Geometry & Measurement –Structure and Logic
Algebra Topics include… Integers and Matrices Solving Equations Functions Slope Probability Polynomials Factoring Vertex Edge Graphs –And many more…. Please check out the curriculum map if you want more information
Honors Algebra 1-2 –May change in the upcoming month…
How Do I Get The Final Grade? 9 Week Quarter Grade Semester Grade 40% First 9 Weeks 40% Second 9 Weeks 20% Exam Assessment (90%) –Tests, Quizzes, Projects, Binder Checks Practice (10%) –Bell work, Classwork, Homework
Class Structure Daily Bell work Homework Reviewed/Graded New Lesson Independent Practice in Class / HW Quizzes Periodically / Test End of Unit
What Will We Be Doing In Class? Cooperative Learning Groups/Partners Tests Quizzes Quick Quizzes Binders
Homework Policy Daily Basis minutes for Algebra Due Following Day Unless Specified Posted on Board Check HW – 5 Points per Assignment Time will be given at end of class to start assignment
Test Retakes Not Required; Student’s responsibility to retake Students take home the test and fixing the problems they missed. Depending on the student’s work, up to half the points they missed can be earned. 1 week to complete Students will be guaranteed half the points back if they come in before school or during lunch and complete the problems with me.
Late Work –Homework turned in late will not qualify for full credit. –Any completed late work that is turned in before the Chapter Test will be counted as half credit. –Absolutely no late work for any reason will be accepted after the Chapter Test on which the work was assigned.
Absences Student’s responsibility to obtain the information and assignments they missed. Students have 1 school day for each day absent to complete missed work (this applies to homework, notes, classwork, quizzes, and tests) Please let me know if student will be absent ahead of time
Materials 1”-1½” 3 Ring Binder Highlighter 12 Tab Dividers (one tab for each chapter) Red Pens to grade Lined Paper for notes and HW Graph Paper Pencils and eraser Calculator (Algebra and Geometry students will need a scientific calculator)
Class Wish List Lots and Lots of Printer Paper!! Colored Printer Paper Dividers Loose Leaf Paper Dry Erase Markers Band-aids Tissues Clorox Wipes AA Batteries for Calculators
Keys To Success…How Can You Help? Please encourage them to keep trying Check my website calendar and assignments regularly Check their grades online – Parent/Student Portal Have them come in for extra help when necessary Attendance is extremely important! Everyday is something new and different from anything they have ever seen before.
Contact Information Website Child Need Help? –Before/After School – Any day during Lunch – Academic Lab –Homework Club and Learning Lab Please feel free to contact me at anytime regarding any questions or concerns!
QUESTIONS? I look forward to a great year!
Welcome to Curriculum Night! Lindsay Hawkins 8A Linear Algebra, Algebra, and Geometry
About Me… Grew up in Arizona Kyrene alumni BS in Mathematics (education emphasis) Highly Qualified in Secondary Mathematics (7-12)
What to expect in Linear Algebra this year… Your child will be introduced to Algebra concepts that are aligned to Arizona State Common Core Standards –Algebraic Expressions and Equations –Graphing Linear Equations –Mathematical Operations –Mastery of Basic Skills (Percents, Fractions, Decimals) –Probability –Logical Reasoning –Data Analysis –Geometry and Measurement –Transformations
Major Focus Concentration on Conceptual and Procedural Knowledge as well as Math Communication Algebraic concepts and reasoning such as working with variables, simplifying and evaluating algebraic expressions and solving algebraic equations. Solid geometry, geometric relationships, and logical thought Linear Algebra lays the foundation for higher level Mathematics
Common Core Practices 1.Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them 2.Reason abstractly and quantitatively 3.Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others 4.Model with mathematics 5.Use appropriate tools strategically 6.Attend to precision 7.Look for and make use of structure 8.Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning
Class Structure Daily Bell work Homework Reviewed/Graded New Lesson Independent Practice in Class / HW Quizzes Periodically / Test End of Unit
How Do I Get The Final Grade? Assessment (90%) –Tests –Quizzes –Projects –Binder Checks Practice (10%) –Bell work –Classwork –Homework Please check the Kyrene Parent Portal on a daily basis. Grades will be updated as soon as possible. If you need a password, please contact
What Will We Be Doing In Class? Cooperative Learning Groups/Partners Tests Quizzes Quick Quizzes Binders
Homework Policy Daily Basis minutes for Linear Algebra Due Following Day Unless Specified Posted on Board Check HW – 5 Points per Assignment Time will be given at end of class to start assignment
Test Retakes Not Required; Student’s responsibility to retake Students take home the test and fixing the problems they missed. Depending on the student’s work, up to half the points they missed can be earned. 1 week to complete Students will be guaranteed half the points back if they come in before school or during lunch and complete the problems with me.
Late Work –Homework turned in late will not qualify for full credit. –Any completed late work that is turned in before the Chapter Test will be counted as half credit. –Absolutely no late work for any reason will be accepted after the Chapter Test on which the work was assigned.
Absences Student’s responsibility to obtain the information and assignments they missed. Students have 1 school day for each day absent to complete missed work (this applies to homework, notes, classwork, quizzes, and tests) Please let me know if student will be absent ahead of time
Materials 1”-1½” 3 Ring Binder Highlighter 12 Tab Dividers (one tab for each chapter) Red Pens to grade Lined Paper for notes and HW Graph Paper Pencils and eraser Calculator (Algebra and Geometry students will need a scientific calculator)
Class Wish List Lots and Lots of Printer Paper!! Colored Printer Paper Dividers Loose Leaf Paper Dry Erase Markers Band-aids Tissues Clorox Wipes AA Batteries for Calculators
Keys To Success…How Can You Help? Please encourage them to keep trying Check my website calendar and assignments regularly Check their grades online – Parent/Student Portal Have them come in for extra help when necessary Attendance is extremely important! Everyday is something new and different from anything they have ever seen before.
Contact Information Website Child Need Help? –Before/After School – Any day during Lunch – Academic Lab –Homework Club and Learning Lab Please feel free to contact me at anytime regarding any questions or concerns!
QUESTIONS? I look forward to a great year!