Welcome to Team… S pirit P erseverence E xcellence C ompassion T olerance R espect U nity M ulticulturalism
Spectrum Team Teachers Bonnie Crisco………………Language Arts Literacy Cybele Posner Spanish Michael Cappo Science Kristie Zimmermann…..Mathematics Dawn Graziano…..…………Social Studies Mary Howroyd Special Education Denise Hahne………….……Special Education Nancy Markwell……………Algebra Maria Steffero…………….Geometry Frank Ruopoli…………..……Geometry (Leave Rep)
Strategies for Success Integration of College Readiness Strategies –Note Taking (Cornell Notes) –Marking the Text –Costa’s Levels of Questioning & Thinking –Study Skills Organization –Why does 1 binder make sense?
Creating Independent Students Parent Access Monthly Calendar of Events on Team webpage –Individual teacher webpages Binder maintenance Agenda Pad
Creating Independent Students Homework and independent practice –Time management –Handed-in vs. Working homework Lunch or availability for responding to student questions
Team Availability Team Meeting Daily - 10:15-10:45 addresses –Preferred method of contact for all teachers. Lunchtime help always available –6 th period After School Programs (Basic Skills)
Team Events and Activities Community Service Projects Team building days Cross-Curricula Culminating Activity Team Field Day MP Awards Recognition
8 th Grade Events 8 th Grade Dance 8 th Grade Trip (Frogbridge) Holocaust Survivor Presentation 8 th Grade Awards Ceremony 8 th Grade Graduation
Spectrum T-Shirts Contact: Ms. Posner Cost: $10.00 short sleeve $15.00 long sleeve Get the order forms TONIGHT!!!
Special Education Connection – Mrs. Mary Howroyd (ICR) Bridge between the classroom teacher, resource teacher, and parents Bringing special education services and strategies to the regular classroom. Blending expertise as regular and special education teachers work as partners. Teachers and students benefiting from peer models Teachers coordinating communication with parents and each other Enhancing or adapting instruction to meet the needs of all learners Students and teachers learning from each other Lots of problem solving Students receiving timely assistance
Subject Specific Information
Language Arts Literacy Mrs. Crisco Curriculum –Aligned with the Common Core Content Standards (CCCS ) –Pre-assessments of reading comprehension skills (literature & informational texts) and open-ended constructed responses –Academic vocabulary –Quarterly benchmarks –PARCC assessment March- Performance Based Assessment May-Summative Assessment Themes/Units of Study –Literature study 2-3 main reading selections –Review of literary elements –Analysis of literature –College readiness skills to guide comprehension and aid in vocabulary acquisition –Open ended constructed responses –Narrative and argumentative writing –Informational reading/writing
Curriculum Measurements and Transformations o Geometry and Number System Functions, Patterns and Analysis o Expressions and Equations Connected Math Collaboration Investigative approach Expectations 70% - Assessments 20% - Homework 10% – Habits of Mind Grading Homework (3, 2, 1, 0) Quarterly Benchmarks Supplies Scientific calculator Pencils and erasers Graph paper MAC – student responsibility
Social Studies – Mrs. Graziano CURRICULUM –Native Americans, Explorers, 13 colonies, French and Indian War, American Revolution, the U.S. Constitution, and the Bill of Rights INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS -History Alive text - Primary source documents GRADING 20% Independent Practice 20% Habits of Mind 20% Formative Assessment 40% Summative Assessment STRATEGIES Cornell Notes, Marking the Text, Margin Notes, emphasis on study skills and organization PROJECTS: Writing, posters, songs, dramatics, technology based projects, etc.
Science – Mr. Cappo & Denise Hahne (ICR) Astronomy -Universe -Solar system -Earth, sun and moon Earth Science -Structure of the Earth -Geologic processes Activities -World Wind Explorers -Planet Habitability presentation -Earthquake proof structure -Astronomy Night -Atmospheric Vehicles -3D Model of Earth
Student Work Examples