ONLINE VIDEO Justin Creally High Road Communications April 28, 2009
3,100,000,000 online videos watched by Canadians in a month
15 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute
15 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute
Expanding Markets
Amplifying Trade Shows
MarCom Activities
Crisis Communications
The Big Time
- “Making Of” video - Audience Reaction video - Dance videos from other cities - Learn the T-Mobile Dance video - Create your own Dance game - Fully branded YouTube Channel - Site on - T-Mobile advert about an “impromptu” mass dance during rush hour at train station posted to YouTube million views after video goes viral
KILLER CONTENT Plan ahead... but leave room for serendipity Keep it short... maybe 1 min is all you need Choose an angle... funny, sexy, informative Be realistic... there is freedom within self- imposed limitations Be flexible... make the most of the unforeseen & collaborate with others Source: “Creating Short Films for the Web,” Hillman Curtis
THANK YOU Justin Creally